E-learning Strategy for the development of Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning by taking advantage of Job Placements Programmes.
One primary role of education and training systems, especially at university level, is to impart the skills and competencies that their graduates need for entry into the labour market. In order to do this, such systems must continually adapt to the changing demands of our society, and more particularly to the requirements of the business environment.
The main goal of COMPETT project is to contribute to improve the quality of professional job placements developed by university students and recent graduates in European companies. To do so, COMPETT will set up a comprehensive learning, tutoring, follow-up and online assessment system that enables university students and recent graduates to acquire transversal competences while participating in mobility projects in European enterprises. The project is a clear solution to improve and support the services offered by Europass-Mobility, giving full transparency to the qualification process and including non-academic components based on the development of professional and personal skills.
From the adaptation of teaching material for vocational competencies developed within the framework of the EFWE and the FORTIUS projects (funded by Leonardo da Vinci Programme) and the e-Iearning platform introduced by the PLATO project (funded by the e-Learning Programme), a set of 10 transversal competences were defined. Those competencies will form the basis of the training activities to be developed under the aegis of the project:
- Personal development,
- Problem solving and creative thinking,
- Customer awareness,
- Change management,
- Leadership,
- Teamwork,
- Influencing and Negotiating,
- Networking,
- Verbal and written communication,
- Time management.
- Validation of the general framework of transversal competencies most valued by the business environment.
- Adaptation of training materials for the development of key competencies to online environments for dynamic distance learning.
- Pilot training tests with beneficiaries of mobility programmes in participating countries.
- Web page www.compett.net and COMPETT Virtual Classroom: deis.ie/cplatform. A comprehensive online system that comprises the learning, tutoring, follow-up and monitoring of key competence acquisition by individuals participating in mobility programmes.
Partnership composition consists essentially 01 organizations with a high importance in the management 01 mobility programmes.
Spain - Valladolid Uiversity General Foundation
Plaza de Santa Cruz, 5 - 47002 - Valladolid - Spain
Tel.: +34 983184619 - Fax.: +34 983 423548 - compett@funge.uva.es
Tel.: +34 983184619 - Fax.: +34 983 423548 - compett@funge.uva.es
Ireland - Deis - Cork Institute of Technology
Rossa Avenue, Bishopstown - Co. Cork -Ireland
Tel.: +353 214326705 - Fax.: +353 214326700 - deis@cit.ie
Tel.: +353 214326705 - Fax.: +353 214326700 - deis@cit.ie
The Netherlands - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/E)
P.O. box 513 /Traverse 0.05 - NL-5600 MB Eindhoven
Tel.: 31 4024743 36 - Fax.: 31 402464509 - compett@tue.nl
Tel.: 31 4024743 36 - Fax.: 31 402464509 - compett@tue.nl
Germany - University of Applled Sciences of Karlsruhe
Moltkestr. 30 - 76133 Karlsruhe - Germany
Tel.: +49-721-925-2832 - Fax.: +49-721-925-2830 - Nora.Leisebein@hs-karlsruhe.de
Tel.: +49-721-925-2832 - Fax.: +49-721-925-2830 - Nora.Leisebein@hs-karlsruhe.de
Hungary - University of Miskolc
Miskolc-Egyetemváros, H-3515 - Miskolc - Hungary
Tel.: +3646565380 - Fax.: +3646563423- bikfalvi@ait.iit.uni-miskolc.hu
Tel.: +3646565380 - Fax.: +3646563423- bikfalvi@ait.iit.uni-miskolc.hu

This project is being carried out with the financial support of the Commission of the European Communities under the Life Long Learning Programme.