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Courses Offered at the University of Miskolc (Hungary)
last updated: 29 July, 2024

  faculty name    language    course    code    lecturer    level    credits    semester    description  
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENAcademic Text Edition with Latex GEIAL010B-aDr. Erika Baksáné Varga Bachelor5autumnLaTeX is a free document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents but it can also be used for almost any form of publishing.Hence the course aims to support students in editing and styling their academic proposals.This is a project-based course therefore it is recommended as a supplementary course to thesis preparation or to other courses where longer proposals need to be created.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENAcoustics and Noise ProtectionGEGET009B-aDr. Károly JálicsBachelor4springMain chapters: Linear acoustic model, and speed of sound. Homogeneous wave equation, general solution. Harmonic analysis, sound spectra. Energetical relations of acoustic waves, levels and calculation with levels. Far field approximation of point and line sources in free field, sound propagation in the atmosphere. The energetic model of closed sound space. Direct and reverberant sound fields, room constant. The subject of noise control. Subjective measurement units. The general methodology of noise control. Noise control in free and in bounded space. Personal noise protection. Acoustic measurements, microphones, analyzers, calibrators, anechoic and reverberating chambers
Language Teaching CentreENAdvanced EnglishMIAN01ERHolló-Vaskó Csaba2bothSpecial English course tailor-made for the demands of Erasmus students to improve their language proficiency at a higher level
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAmerican FictionBTANN602ERLévai RuthBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAmerican FilmBTANN503ERLévai RuthBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAmerican IndiansBTANN501ERLévai RuthBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAmerican literature   1.BTANN409ERLévai RuthBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAmerican Literature 2BTANN510ERLévai RuthBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENAnalysis of Engineering StructuresGEVGT602B-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiBachelor4bothResidual welding stresses and distorsions. Stability calculations: local, overall stability, lateral-torsional buckling. The effect of steel grade on the stability. Fatigue design of welded steel and aluminium structures. Vibration control calculation and measurements. Sandwich structures. Stiffened plates, planar and space trusses, silos, frames.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENAnalysis of petroleum systems, prospect evaluationMFFAT730003Dr. Kiss KárolyMaster3springThis topic presents a modern approach to the analysis of sedimentary basins, emphasizing the fundamental controls on basin development. The mechanisms controlling large-scale basin evolution are integrated with structural evolution and sedimentary processes. Analysis techniques include quantitative geophysical modelling, seismic interpretation and detailed sedimentary and stratigraphic analysis of basin infill. Fundamentals of play-based exploration aimed at demonstrating the integration of all aspects of petroleum exploration and petroleum systems analysis. The course includes seismic interpretation, well correlation and common risk segment mapping and the integration of reservoir, source, seal and trap analysis. Prospect and play risk analysis is also outlined as a basis for generating a consistent approach to estimating risked volumetric estimations. This course is deliberately practical and is used as a precursor to the annual European Heath of the Imperial Barrel Award competition (AAPG).
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENAnalytical Technics in Mineralogy and PetrologyMFFAT720025Dr. Zajzon NorbertMaster2springLectures cover the theoretical fundamentals for different methods of analysis of minerals, which is essential basics for geological exploration tasks. Description of the work, formulating analytical pairs, work and lab safety teaching Physical properties (hardness, magnetic, solubility, density), density measurements X-ray diffraction lecture I. X-ray diffraction lecture II. X-ray diffraction practice DTA lecture DTA quantitative calculations Scanning electron microscopy lecture I. Scanning electron microscopy lecture II. Scanning electron microscopy practice Formula calculations There are two written tests about the theoretical part (50% of the final grade). Both must be written to minimum 50%. Two laboratory report must be written about the individual work (50% of the final grade). Missing, or not passed tests can be completed at the end of the semester in oral exam. To have accepted grade, the student must be present at least 80% of the classes. Following the introduction of different analytical methods, this is a learning by doing course where students go through the preparation, analysis and interpretation steps for various analytical techniques (XRPD, EPMA, SEM)
Faculty of LawENAnimal Protection in the EU and HungaryAJALKERASMUS01Prof. Dr. Paulovics Anita PhD, dr.habilMA5autumnThe subject presents and analyzes the importance of legal regulation of animal protection in Hungary and in the European Union. It deals with the protection of different species of animals and their habitat, the importance of the conservation of the biodiversity. In the frame of the subject students will be acquainted with the European Unions directives and regulations covering the various areas of animal protection, such as the directive about the protection of species, or animal tests. This course is also a quasi-tutorial for students to select a topic for their end-term exam.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAnthropological Perspectives on Identity and MobilityBTKVANA103Miklós NyírőMaster4autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAnthropology of ReligionBTKVANA301Csaba FazekasMaster4springhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENApplication of Video Technics in Anthropological InquiryBTKVANA105Róbert GyökérMaster4autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENApplied and engineering hydrologyMFKHT720022Dr. Márton TóthMaster2springOverview of hydrometeorology basics. Importance of precipitation in the hydrological cycle. Determination of precipitation data characteristics, precipitation forecast systems. Flowing and stagnant waters. The place of surface and subsurface flowing waters in the hydrological cycle. Measurement of water level, water depth and water velocity in flowing waters, calculation methods of water yield. Sediment measurements and calculating methods on flowing and stagnant waters. Effects of ice phenomena on water levels and on objects on shore. Place of evaporation in the hydrological cycle. Evaporation determination methods. Hydrology of storage. Surface drainage, river training, flood control, excess surface waters. Procession of hydrological data, hydrological calculations. Publication of processed data.
Faculty of EconomicsENApplied Geographic Information SystemGTERG228MDr. Kuttor, DánielMaster3springThis subject presents the fundamental concepts and the development of geographic information systems (GIS), the principles and techniques of spatial analysis and location based data visualisation. Lab exercises and project works provide opportunities for students to develop skills in designing, implementing and managing databases. The course will enable students to use individually ESRI ?ArcMAP?? software in the laboratory of the Faculty, by separated workstations.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENApplied geologyMFFTT10003Dr. Velledits FelicitászMaster3autumnThe inner structure of Earth. Plate tectonics and hydrocarbon generation. Hydrocarbon-geological aspects of magmatic sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Generation of hydrocarbons. Primary and secondary migration. Characteristics of reservoirs. Porosity permeability the effects of grain size and sorting. Trapping mechanisms trap types. Carbon-dioxide storage in geological reservoirs.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENApplied LinguisticsBTANN311ERMagnuczné Godó ÁgnesBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENApplied petrologyMFFAT710008Dr. Mádai FerencMaster3autumnStudy goals: Indepth introduction to texture analysis of different rock types with special emphasis on reservoir properties of porous and fractured rocks, using different analytical techniques. Course content:Analytical techniques used in petrographic research - optical microscopy, XRPD, cathod luminescece microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, digital image analysis. Main rock forming minerals and their identification with different analytical techniques. Definition of rock texture, texture elements in different rock types. Magmatic and metamorphic rocks ? compositional and texture types, classification systems. Deformation of crystalline rocks, main deformation mechanisms. Deformational texture elements. Fractured reservoirs - types (fracture or reservoir), fracture appearance in different scales (micro, macro, mega), matrix block (fracture density) and idealized modelling, importance of orientation. Alteration of rocks, alteration textures. Clastic sedimentary rocks - compositional and texture types, texture elements, system of classification. Carbonate rocks - compositional and texture types, texture elements, system of classification. Pore and pore geometry ? origin of pores, scale of pore geometry. Pore types (siliciklastic, carbonate), (macro-micro) descriptions, porosity, permeability properties. Capillary pressure - seal capacity, saturations (Sw, So, Sg) with depth, transitional zone thickness, recovery efficiency. Main differences between matrix porosity and fractured reservoir properties.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENApplied Social Research MethodsBTKETN104Szabó-Tóth Kinga DóraMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/4.htm
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENArchaeometallurgy I.MAKMET336MDr. Béla TörökMaster3autumn/springDefinition of archaeometallurgy as an interdisciplinary study. Connections with metallurgy archaeology archaeometry and materials science. Introducing some of the scientific techniques commonly used in archaeometallurgy. Archaeometallurgy of copper and its alloys. Archaeometallurgy of other non-ferrous metals (tin, lead, silver and gold). Description of ancient metalworking processes and technologies from the Bronze Age to the 18th century (smelting refining alloying casting coating and working of metals). Technological capabilities of several nations and their technical-cultural affinities. Definition and description of finds of non-ferrous metalworking such as metal tools scrap metal slags residues hearth lining crucibles and moulds.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENArchaeometallurgy II.MAKMET337MDr. Béla TörökMaster3spring/autumnArchaeometallurgy of iron. Types structures and sites of period raw materials (bog ores meadow ores lake ores etc.). Description of ancient ironworking processes and technologies from the beginnings times to the 18th century (ore preroasting charcoal burning smelting bloom purification forging). Similarities and differences between the bloomery process and blast furnace process. Technological capabilities of several nations and their technical-cultural affinities. Definition and description of finds of ironworking such as iron tools bloom fragment slags charcoal furnace fragment breast-wall twyer. General principles function and typological system of ancient and medieval bloomery furnaces and early blast furnaces. Physico-chemical and metallurgical processes in the bloomery furnace. Iron production iron yield and the minimal iron content of bog iron ores regarding early medieval bloomery iron smelting.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENArt of Doing ScienceMAKDHN1EN-NDr. Kaptay GyörgyMaster3autumnResearch, development, innovation. Types of researchers and research managers. Graduation and scientific degrees. Researchers and professors of different levels. Research institutions and financing of research, research projects. The process of doing research: literature search, identification of knowledge gap, setting the goal, creating hypothesis and research plan, performing and documentation of experiments, from primary results to generalizing models, the forms and criteria of scientific statements (claims). The forms of scientific communication: dissemination of new knowledge. Personal scientific works (BSc. MSc and PhD thesis). Journals and journal papers: how to write them, their submission, review and processing. Conferences and presentations: invited, plenary, oral and poster, conference proceedings. Books: monographs, encyclopedia, handbooks, technical books, textbooks. Intellectual property, patenting: its goal, the inventor, the owner, the lawyer, the patent office, the claims. The afterlife of scientific results: the life-time of papers. Evaluation of journals (impact factor). Evaluation of individuals (cumulative impact factors, citation, independent citations, h-index, k-index, the best 100,000 researchers of the world and correlations between them). Evaluation of research groups and institutions. The ethics of doing science. The TRL (Technology Readiness Level) scale and its use. International ranking of universities.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENArtificial lifting I.MFKOT720017Dr. Takács GaborMaster3autumnIntroduction to artificial lifting: history main features comparison. Components of the sucker-rod pumping system: downhole pumps sucker-rod string. Mechanical design of the sucker-rod string failure modes. Surface equipment pumping units unit geometries kinematics of pumping units. Gearboxes prime movers. Calculation of operational parameters of rod pumping: approximate models. Dynamics of rod strings. The API RP 11L model: calculation accuracy application ranges. Simulation of the sucker-rod strings behavior. Forms of the one-dimensional wave equation solution methods calculation of downhole cards. Torsional analysis of pumping units optimum counterbalancing. Design of the pumping system selection of the optimum pumping mode. Intermittent pumping. Analysis of the pumping systems operation: well testing the use of dynamometers evaluation of dynamometer cards.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENArtificial lifting II.MFKOT730031Dr. Takács GáborMaster6springIntroduction to ESP operations: history main features. Hydraulic electrical backgrounds. Components and their operation: centrifugal pump performance curves. Construction of the electric motor operational features starting. Temperature conditions of ESP motors. Functions and main parts of protectors. Construction and operation of gas separators. The downhole cable: construction materials operational features. Ancillary downhole equipment. Application of ESP units in special conditions. Producing high viscosity fluids. Production of gassy fluids: pump performance deterioration. Possible solutions: use of natural gas separation gas separators others. Abrasive high-temperature fluid pumping. Variable speed drives: construction and operation of VSD drives. Design of ESP installations for low and high gas contents. Analysis of ESP system operation: NODAL Analysis. Energy conditions of ESP operation. Monitoring of system operation typical failures their elimination. Main features of PCP systems. System components: PCP pump rod string surface drives. Basics of PCP installation design.
Faculty of Health SciencesENAssisted clinical practices in physiotherapy -Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation: rheumatology, orthopedics, traumatology. Physiotherapeutical Practice I.: neurology, internal medicine (cardiology, pulmonology). Physiotherapeutical Practice II.: rehabiliETFTT6240EDora Kiss-KondásBachelor18springDuring the assisted clinical practice the physiotherapy student engages in clinical practice participating in given professional tasks. The tasks are in relation with the knowledge and skills acquired during the theoretical formation. The student performs functional examination, establishes physiotherapeutical diagnoses, designs short and long-term treatment plans, treats and documents patients participating in neurological, internal medical and rehabilitation departmental therapies, all this within the hospital environment. The aim of this practical is to develop the physiotherapy-related competences, skills and knowledge, indispensable for the practical work of the physiotherapist.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEAusgewählte literarische Texte aus dem 18. und 19. JahrhundertBTGEN207AMPaksy TündeBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENAutobiographical Narratives in the 20th century American LiteratureBTANN403ERLévai RuthBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENAutomated material handlingGEALT026B-aDr. Ákos Cservenák3bothBasic of automatization, and its connection to logistics. Automated material handling devices (AGVs, automated cranes, conveyors, etc.). Robotization. Robot programming. Robot simulation in Visual Components.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENBasic data processing methods for oilfield geophysics and petrophysicsMFGFT730013Dr. Turai EndreMaster2autumnStudy goals:The course gives mathematical fundamentals ofdata processing methods and its usage in fields of oilfield geophysics and petrophysics. Course content:Basis of information theory. Signal theory. Basis of the inverse data- and information processing. Modelling, type of the model. Theoretical and measuring characteristics. Error parameters in data domain and in the model space. Main part of the local and global inverse methods. Spectral transformation (Fourier-transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, Z-transform). Convolution, discrete convolution, Correlation functions, discrete correlation functions. Deterministic and Stochastic filtering, Image processing filtering.
Faculty of EconomicsENBasic Geographic Information SystemGTERG128BDr. Kuttor, DánielBachelor3springThe seminars offer knowledge about the fundamentals of Geographic Information System (GIS), the simple background of spatial analysis and location based data visualisation. Lab exercises and project works provide opportunities for students to develop skills in designing, implementing and managing databases. The course will enable students to use individually Google, and ESRI ArcMAP software in the laboratory of the Faculty, by separated workstations.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENBasics of environmental processingMFEET710005Dr. József FaitliMaster2autumnPhysical characterization of coarse disperse systems. Rheological properties of one- and multiphase media. Steady-state and unsteady-state particle motion in Newtonian and nonNewtonian media. Motion of particles bulks. Flow through a particles bulk. Permeability tests. Particle motion in electrostatic field. Particle motion in centrifugal field. Forming of bubbles in liquids and their motion. Forming of droplets in gases and their motion. Phase separation of solid ? liquid coarse disperse systems. Liquid bonds in particulate materials. Solid ? liquid phase separation by mechanical processes. Settling in gravitational and centrifugal fields. Filtration in gravitational and centrifugal fields and by pressure difference supplied by pumps. Solid ? liquid phase separation by pressing. Phase separation of solid ? gas coarse disperse systems in gravitational, centrifugal and electrostatic fields. Phase separation of solid ? gas coarse disperse systems by the application of filtering media and the wet dust separation.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENBasics of Programming (ANSI C) GEIAL005B-aGyörgy WágnerBachelor5autumnProgram structure. Program control. Assignment logical compare. Functions variables prototyping. Defines macros. String and arrays. Pointers. Standard Input,Output. File Input,Output. Structures. Dynamic memory allocation. Character and bit manipulation. Standard functions. Developing large programs. Unix and C.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENBasics of the foundy technologyMAKÖNT303BDr. Molnár DánielBachelor3spring/autumnBasics of the foundry techniques. Definiton of technical terms, methods and basic process development methods.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENBasics of waste managementMFETT710010Dr. Gábor MucsiMaster3autumnThe aim of the subject for students is to learn knowledge about the waste management. History and development of waste management. Generation and types of industrial and municipal wastes. Introduction, position and aim of the subject in the course. Generation, types, composition, environmental effect of wastes. Definition and basics of sustainable development and sustainable raw material management. Determination of material characteristics (chemical and physical properties) and evaluation of the results. Material flow of production and consumption wastes. Relationship of waste management and environmental protection. Product and production integrated environmental protection. Treatment and preparation of wastes based on various utilization needs. Processes of mechanical waste preparation. General waste preparation technologies.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENBasin modelingMFFAT720011Dr. Mádai Viktor, Dr. Milota KatalinMaster4springBasic principles of sedimentology (grain size, bedding, transport capacity, sedimentation rate and preservation potential). The main types of basins, and their most important features. The geodynamical characterization and geothermic properties of the main basin types. The tectonic and paleoenvironmental recontstruction. Facies models in siliciclastic marine and fluvial systems. Facies analysis in outcrops, cores and wireline logs. Concept and way of high resolution facies correlation on wireline logs in marine successions: ?parasequences?, sets of ?parasequences?, correlative surfaces like flooding surface (FS), maximum flooding surface (MFS). The sequence stratigraphic approach: the accommodation concept, systems tracts (Lowstand, Transgressive, Highstand and Falling Stage Systems Tract), the problems of the sequence boundary (SB). Sequences on wireline logs and seismic profiles (migrated time sections). Problems and possibilities of terrestrial (fluvial) sequences. Carbonate depositional environments, analogies and differences. Variations in sequence evolution in response to the relative sea level changes (eustatic, tectonic and climatic controls) and to the basin structure development. 2-D, 3-D and 4-D problems and solutions in basin analysis.Practical course: Method of facies description/documentation on outcrops. Handling and facies interpretation of log data. Appearance of sedimentary features on cores and wireline logs . Log facies analysis and log correlations in datum- and sea-level-projected circumstances. Relation of wireline logs and seismic data in sequence stratigraphic context, joint interpretation of log facies and seismic horizons. Sequence stratigraphic interpretations of seismic sections and log correlations. Identifications of structural elements on seismic sections from the aspect of sequence development.
Language Teaching CentreFRBeginner French MIFR01ERHolló-Vaskó Csaba, Kovács Boglárka2springStudies of French language from beginner level. Acquisition of basic, then more sophisticated grammar, vocabulary, communications skills, oral comprehension skills, writing skills and topisc connected to French culture.
Language Teaching CentreDEBeginner GermanMINE01ERDorkó Dóra2bothStudies of German langauge from beginner level. Acquisition of basic, them more sophisticated grammar, vocabulary, communications skills, oral comprehension
Language Teaching CentreSPBeginner SpanishMISP01ERHavasiné Schultz Mária, Pásztor Krisztina2bothStudies of Spanish langauge from beginner level. Acquisition of basic, them more sophisticated grammar, vocabulary, communications skills, oral comprehension skills, writing skills and topisc connected to Spanish culture.
Faculty of LawDEBekämpfung der Geldwäscherei in EuropaAJBKRERASMUS3Prof. Dr. Jacsó Judit PhD, dr.habilMA5bothim Rahmen des Kurses werden die allgemeinen Fragen über die Geldwäscherei behandelt, so ihre wichtige Rolle in der Bekämpfung der organisierten Kriminalität und die kriminologischen Aspekten (Phasen und Methoden der Geldwäscherei). Die wichtigsten Ausdrücke der deutschen juristischen Fachsprache werden ebenso am Anfang der Lehrveranstaltung geklärt. Im Mittelpunkt des Kurses stehen auch die internationalen Vorgaben zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäscherei ? mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vorgaben innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Die nationalen strafrechtlichen und außerstrafrechtlichen Regelungen werden ebenso behandelt.
Faculty of LawDEBekämpfung der Steuerhinterziehung in EuropaAJBKRERASMUS2Prof. Dr. Jacsó Judit PhD, dr.habilMA5bothDie effiziente Bekämpfung der Steuerumgehung und Steuerhinterziehung ist ein zentrales Anliegen sowohl in der Europäischen Union als auch in ihren Mitgliedstaaten geworden. Die Lehrveranstaltung gibt einen Überblick über die strafrechtlichen Mittel der Bekämpfung der Steuerhinterziehung (Steuerbetrug). Neben den unionsrechtlichen Vorgaben wird auch auf ausgewählte nationale Regelungen (Deutschland, Österreich und Ungarn) eingegangen, wobei praktische Fragen ebenso behandelt werden.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsDEBeschaffung- und Distributionslogistik GEALT046B-nProf. Dr. Béla IllésBachelor3bothFunktionen der Beschaffung. Rolle der Beschaffung in der Unternehmenslogistik. Systeme und Strategien der Beschaffung. Beschaffung und Distribution aus dem Aspekt von Produktion.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENBritish Culture and Society  2BTANN404ERVraukó TamásBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENBritish Culture and Society 1BTANN302ERVraukó TamásBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of EconomicsENBusiness StatisticsGTÜSE1022ABDr. Varga, BeatrixBachelor5autumnThe aim is to develop the analitical and decision-making abilities of our students the ability to recognize the dependence of an effect upon a cause and the essential permanent trends
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENCAD design and Simulation of Machine Tools GESGT001B-aDr. György Hegedűs, Kiss DánielBachelor4bothIntroduction to elements of machine tools (bearings spindles slides etc.). CAD modelling techniques of above mentioned elements. FEM modelling of complex assemblies (drives spindles lathes). FEM analysis of assembly modells including vibrational structural and thermal influences.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENCentral Europe: Approaches from Social Theory and Social PsychologyBTKETN103Prof. Dr. Csepeli GyörgyMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/3.htm
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARASeeman László (English, German)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARASeeman László (English, German)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARASeeman László (English, German)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARASeeman László (English, German)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADávida Tamás (English, German, Spanish)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADávida Tamás (English, German, Spanish)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicESChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADávida Tamás (English, German, Spanish)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADávida Tamás (English, German, Spanish)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADávida Tamás (English, German, Spanish)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicESChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADávida Tamás (English, German, Spanish)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapBachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapBachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicRUChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapBachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicSKChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapBachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicITChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapBachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapMaster2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapMaster2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicRUChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapMaster2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicSKChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapMaster2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicITChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Réti Balázs (English), Gáspárné Tóth Marica (English, Italian, Slovak), Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English), Dr. PapMaster2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Papp Sándor (English, Slovak), Ritter József (Slovak)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicSKChamber MusicZTINTKAMARADr. Papp Sándor (English, Slovak), Ritter József (Slovak)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARAFodor Csaba, Dr. Széplaki Zoltán (English, German)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARAFodor Csaba, Dr. Széplaki Zoltán (English, German)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChamber MusicZTINTKAMARAFodor Csaba, Dr. Széplaki Zoltán (English, German)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicDEChamber MusicZTINTKAMARAFodor Csaba, Dr. Széplaki Zoltán (English, German)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on already acquired knowledge and experience and includes the basic rules of chamber music in diverse formations. By familiarizing acquiring and performing the music literature students improve their musical thoughtway knowledge of style and technique. The aim of the course is unification of the members of ensembles as well as developing musical tastes and levels of performance to reach the ideal sounding and production. The special requirements of chamber music are the acceptance of partners cooperation and common responsibility. Course content: By acquiring and interpreting pieces of chamber music literature students improve their stylistic and theoretical knowledge. The establishment of chamber music ensembles depends on the number of students at the diverse departments.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENChemical technologies in environmental protectionMFEET730016Dr. Ljudmilla BokányiMaster2autumnStudy goals: To introduce the chemical techniques on environmental pollution treatment, waste recycling and treatment, as well as on pollution control. Course content: Theory of mass transfer, laws, relationships, diffusion equations. Principles and fundamentals of design of chemical techniques and reactors. Solid-liquid extraction as a technique for the treatment of solid wastes, methods and equipment. Treatment of contaminated fluids: adsorption, precipitation (cementation), ion exchange, liquid-liquid separation. Thermal techniques like rectification, thermal oxidation, pyrolisys and gasification.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicGEChoirZTBANÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicITChoirZTBANÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicGEChoirZTELTOÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian)Master3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicITChoirZTELTOÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian)Master3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChoirZTBANÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian, English)Bachelor3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicGEChoirZTBANÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian, English)Bachelor3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicITChoirZTBANÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian, English)Bachelor3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENChoirZTELTOÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian, English)Master3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicITChoirZTELTOÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian, English)Master3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicGEChoirZTELTOÉKARDr. Sándor Zoltán (German, Italian, English)Master3bothGeneral and specific course objectives: The course based on a cappella and oratorical choral literature gives experience in singing in a quire as well as includes practice in style. It develops cooperative and communicative skills moreover a responsibility to the production as part of a community. This course includes preparation and participation of national and international festivals competitions tours CD and radio recordings and premiering contemporary pieces. The work and production of the chorus (and the orchestra) serve and represent the unity of the musical institution the integration of activities of institute additionally the image of the institute. The students attest their identity to the institute by taking part of these works. Course contents: The concert performance of representative pieces from diverse periods of choral literature aims to develop the knowledge acquired in foundation subjects (stylistic knowledge intonation skills precise rhythms consistent articulation and phrasing cooperation skills etc.). Students deal with various genres and their special characteristics demands and technique as well as the steps of rehearsing. They can gain experience in adapting different acoustic environments.
Faculty of LawENCivil Law I.AJPJTERASMUS5 Dr. Pusztahelyi Réka PhDMA/BA5bothThis course aims to introduce the Hungarian legal system, as a type of Continental legal system, to give general insights into the Hungarian legal regulation and judicial practice of the Private law institutions in the following fields of Civil Law: Law of Persons, Law of Property and Law of Succession. The lectures focus on special and debatable questions such as substitute decision-making and alternatives concerning limited legal capacity, personality rights in the digital era, the classification of things and other assets of the property, the ownership of the real estate, the formal and substitutional requirements of testamentary dispositions and wills, the compulsory share and the intestate succession.
Faculty of LawENCivil Law II.AJPJTERASMUS6 Dr. Juhász Ágnes PhD, dr. habil.MA/BA5bothAs the basic subject of the civilian discipline, civil law aims at imparting classical private law knowledge. It is taught in two subjects (Civil Law I and Civil Law II) that can be taken in parallel. In Civil Law II, students can be familiarised with the general rules of obligations and contracts, from their conclusion, through the topics of interpretation, invalidity, and breach of contract, to the amendment and termination of the contract. In addition to the general rules of contracts, the detailed rules of certain types of contracts and the legislation on non-contractual liability for damages will also be presented.
Faculty of LawENCivil Procedure LawAJPOEERASMUS01Dr. Nagy Adrienn PhDMA5bothCivil procedure focuses on the litigation process through which parties enforce legal rights by going to court. The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the possible ways of enforcing civil claims, the alternative dispute resolution options in Hungary, and the most important legal institutions of Hungarian Code of Civil Procedure. EU rules governing civil disputes with a significant foreign element will also be presented.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENCommunication TheoryGEVAU212M-ADr. Ahmed BouzidMaster5springFourier Series. Fourier Transforms. Sampling and Bandlimited Signals. Discret Fourier Transforms. Amplitude Modulation. Frequency Modulation. Serial Communication.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENComplex functionsGEMAN003B-aDr. Krisztián HriczóBachelor3springComplex algebra. Complex function. Elementary complex functions Riemann surfaces. Limits and continuity of complex integration and Cauchys theorem. Cauchys integral formula. Laurents series. The residue theorem. The unilateral Laplace-transforms and its properties. Evaluations of inverse transforms. Applications.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENCompositesMAKFKT305MDr. Valéria Mertinger*Master6autumnComposites is a one semester course which is designed to provide students the general knowledge about composite materials. Lectures give the theoretical background, while practical work realize the knowledge utilization. The course covers the following topics: type and classification of composites (general), role of composites (general), classification of composites (general), classification of reinforcements, fabrication and properties of different type of reinforcements, main types of matrix materials and their properties, types and fabrication processes of PMC and CMC composites, types and production methods of MMCs, application field of different types of composites. Preparation and investigation of own MMC composite sample. Calculation practice. Project work (literature summary).
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENComputer applications I.MFKOT710019Dr. Turzó ZoltánMaster3springHardware components of personal computers. Operating systems: General introduction of operating systems, Windows operating system: Usage of graphical user interface (GUI). Important system components. Hard disk maintenance. Installing new software and hardware components. Maintenance of software system. Computer networks: Local Area Networks Wide Area Networks. Networking with Windows. Internet and intranets. Protocols: TCP,IP FTP HTTP. Electronic mail mailing programs WWW Searching on the Web. General description of word-processing. Microsoft Word: creating and formatting simple documents. Writing and managing of longer documents (i.e. thesis). Useful tools of Word: spelling thesaurus etc. Creation of presentations slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. General descriptions of spreadsheet programs. Microsoft Excel: creating and formatting tables and diagrams. Using equations: operators and built-in engineering functions. Writing user functions in Visual Basic programming language of Excel. Database management inside Excel: sorting filtering and maintenance.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENComputer applications II.MFKOT720021Dr. Turzó ZoltánMaster3autumnDatabase management using Microsoft Access: user interface elements of databases relational databases. Creation of queries and reports. Database maintenance. General descriptions of CAD programs. Creation of simple engineering drawings using AutoCAD: user interface drawing elements. Three-dimensional drawings. General descriptions of mathematical programs Usage of MathCAD program: simple calculations graphics matrix operations processing and analyzing measured data programming integral and differential calculations.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENComputer Design of Material Handling EquipmentGEALT003B-aDr. Péter Telek Bachelor3bothOperation characteristics and problems of material handling machines. Design of material handling systems. Dynamic phenomenon simulation and computer aided solutions in the design process.
Faculty of LawENConstitutional Law 1AJALKERASMUS04Prof. Dr. Paulovics Anita PhD, dr.habilMA5autumnThe purpose of the subject is to make students acquainted with the basic notions of constitutional theory fundamentals of the history of Hungarian constitutional law and elements of comparative constitutional law. The course discusses the concept of the constitution the notion of constitutional law criteria of constitutionalism constituion-making separation of powers forms of government. Further topics include the formation of the idea of a constituion constitutional history after 1945 in Hungary the basic notions of socialist constitutional law and the constitutional kaw of transition to constitutional democracy. The newly adopted constitution the Basic Law (2011) is examined from a constitutional-theoretical point of view.
Faculty of LawENConstitutional Law 2AJALKERASMUS05Prof. Dr. Paulovics Anita PhD, dr.habilMA5springThe main subject matter of this semesters course is the constitutional foundation of representative democracy and the structure and organs of the Hungarian State, the institutional foundations of the protection of the constitution, and role of the judiciary in a comparative perspective. Thus, it includes a detailed analysis of the electoral system and electoral law, the constitutional position of Parliament, that of the President of the Republic, the central and local government, the judicial system, the public prosecution, the Constitutional Court. The course examines the changes since 2010, in particular the Basic Law adopted in 2011 and its implementation.
Faculty of LawENConstitutional Law 3.AJALKERASMUS06Prof. Dr. Paulovics Anita PhD, dr.habilMA5autumnThis course is devoted to the theory, doctrine and case law of fundamental rights, in particular that of the Hungarian Constitutional Court. The focal topics are: the history of the idea of human rights, the general doctrine of fundamental constitutional rights as well as the various fundamental rights guaranteed by the Hungarian Basic Law, such as human dignity and the right to life, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of speech and rights of communication, political rights, data protection and social-cultural rights. The question of the continuity in the case-law of the constitutional court is discussed.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENContaminated site remediationMFKHT720030Dr. Tamás MadarászMaster4springThe course aims to enable registered students to identify soil and groundwater contamination issues, to train them in contaminated site investigation, remediation design and implementation. The students shall be able to understand the main elements of contaminated land management tools e.g. problem formulation, risk based target value setting and risk assesment, site investigation, hydrodynamic and contaminant transport modeling, remediation action, and monitoring. The short curriculum of the subject: Setting the stage, context of contaminated site remediation, Historical overview of site remediation, The process of site remediation, Site Investigation on contaminated land, Type and behaviour of contaminants in the subsurface environment, Behaviour of contaminants in groundwater, Chemistry of site investigation, Threshold value systems and their role in remediation, Quantitative risk assessment and site specific, risk based remediation, Remediation methods and aspects of their selection, Remediation without excavation, Remediation with soil excavation, Hydraulic protective measures, Isolation from the environment, Monitoring activities, Legal framework, Risk Assessment and its role in remediation, Case studies
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENContinuum MechanicsGEMET206M-aProf. Dr. György SzeidlMaster3autumnA short introduction to tensors. Kinematics of continua. State of velocity. Nonlinear theory of deformations (deformation gradients, strain tensors). State of velocity. (Velocity gradient, rate of deformation tensor, vorticity tensor, vorticity vector). Variation of tensor fields with time (material time derivatives, objective time derivatives). Linear theory of deformations. Fundamental laws of continuum mechanics in spatial and material descriptions. Stress tensors (Cauchy, Piola Kirchoff I. and II.). Equation of continuity. Equations of motion. Moment of momentum. The fundamental principles of thermodynamics. Special vector fields in continuum mechanics (various admissible tensor fields). Principle of virtual power. Principle of virtual work. Constitutive equations: (thermo)elastic viscoelastic and elastic-plastic bodies. Fundamentals of linear elasticity: Energy theorem. Navier equation. Principles of minimum potential energy. The dual system of elasticity. Equations of compatibility. Castigliano's principle. Variational principles (the whole system of these principles). Book recommended: György Szeidl: Continuum mechanics. Lecture notes. 2016. Provided free to the students in pdf format.
Faculty of LawENContract Law in a Comparative PerspectiveAJPJTERASMUS7 Dr. Juhász Ágnes PhD, dr. habil.MA/BA5bothThe course provides an introductory overview of the main issues of contract law from a comparative perspective, focusing on the legal traditions of civil law and common law. The course focuses on German, French, and Hungarian contract law and on the English legal system. As the outcome of the course, students can identify key similarities and differences between contract law in civil law jurisdictions and contract law in common law jurisdictions. Topics covered include the structure of contract law and the rules about the formation and interpretation of the contract, the role of pre-contractual negotiations, the consequences of mistakes, breach of contract, and the treatment of supervening events.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENCore analysis (both conventional and special, CCAL, SCAL)MFFAT720015Dr. Velledits FelicitászMaster3springStudy goals:Technical subject giving basis for specialization, which demonstrates the students the conventional (CCAL), and the so called special (SCAL) petrophysical measurements, measurement procedures and the documentation of measurement outcomes. Starting with the beginning of the process (the drifting of the core drilling), the student can get familiar with the different techniques of core drilling, treating/maintaining the core (preservation, discription, modelling), the core examining programme and through its documentation information deriving from cores. Course content:Gaining the knowledge of core examining/measuring methods. Aim of coring. Coring technologies. Processing core. Non destructive processing (description, GR, Core Scanner, Computer Tomography). Grain size analysis (methodes: wet and dry etc). SEM and XRD@XRF etc. CCAL (plug): residual fluid saturation (Dean Stark), carbonate content, densities (bulk, grain, in conjuctions with porosity), porosity (Boyle?s Law and restauration method), gas permeability (horizontal and vertical, Klinkenberg), liquid permeability (horizontal and vertical). SCAL (plug): porosity at overburden pressure (Boyle?s Law method), gas permeability at net overburden pressure (pressure decay method), two phase relative permeability (steady, unsteady state methodes), capillary pressure tests, electrical resistivity measurements, acoustical velocity. Full Diameter Core Analysis (FDCA). Mechanical measurements (elastic ? Young - modulus, Poisson, UCS etc).
Faculty of EconomicsENCorporate FinanceGTÜPZ1031ABDr. Bozsik, SándorBachelor5springThe main learning objective of this subject is to demonstrate the task of a financial manager in a company. The subject focuses the three area of financial management - Investment decisions financial decisions and working capital management. The students will be able to evaluate projects choose among financial alternatives and optimise the level of working capital.
Faculty of LawENCorporate Social Responsibility and LawAJAMUERASMUS6 Dr. Mélypataki Gábor PhDMA/BA5bothThe aim of the course is to acquaint students with the relationship between economics and law, including the legal institution of CSR and PSR. During the course, we examine whether companies have a conscience. And if so, under what legal and economic framework it is used. CSR is now more than an ethical issue, as it is also a legal and social issue.
Faculty of LawENCrimes against the socioeconomic order and against the communityAJBKRERASMUS63Dr. Sántha Ferenc PhDMA5bothThe aim of this course is to give an introduction into the basic theoretical and practical questions of criminal law and it deals with certain commands from the Special Part of the Hungarian Penal Code, and the European background of certain criminal offences.
Faculty of LawENCriminal Cases in courtroomAJBUEERASMUS1Prof. Dr. Nagy Anita PhDMA5bothThe course intends to give an overview of the hungarian criminal procedure law in the phase of the court of first instance. (Basic principles of criminal procedure competence of the court jurisdiction of the court general rules of court proceedings suspension of proceedings remand for new trial judicial decision opinion of the court sentence criminal trial postponement of a trial simplifications of penal proceedings). Special emphasis will be put on the trial of the court of first instance (Opening the trial Order of taking evidence Continuity of the trial Closing arguments and addresses Announcement of the adoption of the decision and the decision The condemning judgement.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENCultural heritage in HungaryBTMNDTORE09Viskolcz NoémiBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of EconomicsENCultural Heritage, Cultural RoutesGTTUR128ABNagy, KatalinBachelor4springHeritage has a great effect on our present life, habits, traditions, and activities. It can determine our future as well. Besides conservation and maintenance, heritage-based developments have great influence on spatial development and economy. These developments are unique and local, as well as global, as contributing to new knowledge and know-how in their management. Tourism is one of the main fields of heritage management. There are initiations like World Heritage Convention, European Cultural Capital, and other special programs. This course gives an insight to the phenomena and characteristics of heritage, heritage tourism, the most significant organisations, and treaties (e.g., UNESCO, ICOMOS), with special attention to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENCultural history of modern and contemporary Central EuropeBTKETN101Gyapay LászlóMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/1.htm
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENCulture of the English Speaking countriesBTANN511ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENData Analysis And Data MiningGEIAL526-MaProf. Dr. László Kovács Master5autumnOverview of data analysis tools and levels, basic statistical tools, Bayesian network, comparison of OLAP and OTLP, decision support tools, MD data model, semantic MD models, MD algebra, Oracle PE OLAP commands, programming MD databases in PE, Architecture of MS SQLServer OLAP DW, overview of MDX language, basic MDX queries, derived sets and measures, complex MDX functions, building a data warehouse, schema integration, ETL processes, Transformation methods, M Integration server, overview of data mining, data clustering methods, SOM, data classification methods, BPNN, SVM, mining association rules, detection of outliers, dimension reduction methods, PCA, SVD.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENData and Information ProcessingMFGFT7100031Dr. Dobróka MihályMaster4autumnTheoretical background and application of data processing tasks are princial for completion of geophysical measurements and interpretation works. The course provides both theory and practice in this topic. Introduction to the vector analysis. Multidimensional Euclidean spaces: N-dimensional dataspace, M-dimensional model parameter space. The parameters of inversion-based data and information processing. Classification of geophysical problems: direct problem, inverse problem. Explicit and implicit forms of direct problems. The linearization of the nonlinear direct problems, introduction of the Jacobi-matrix. The linear inverse problems. Solution of the overdetermined linear inverse problems: Gaussian Least Squares method (LSQ). Normal equation, stability, condition number. Definition of the generalized linear inverse problem. Solution of the underdetermined linear inverse problem by Lagrange multiplicators, generalized inverse problem. The principle of the simple solution. The principles of information theory. The theory of signals. The principles of data and information processing by means of inversion methods. Modeling, model types. Theoretical and measured characteristics. Error characteristic parameters in the data and the model space. The purport of local and global inversion methods. Spectral transformations (Fourier integral transformation, DFT, FFT, Z-transformation). Convolution, discrete convolution. Correlation functions, discrete correlation functions. Deterministic filtering. Image processing filters. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. Writing two tests at least satisfactory level, respectively during the semester is the requirement of signature. Following the theoretical part, the students complete data management and processing exercises.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENData Structures and AlgorithmsGEMAK004B-aDr. Attila Házy Bachelor5springAlgorithm analysis the correctness and efficiency of algorithms. Limitation and robustness. Lists stacks and queues. Trees. Hashing. Heaps. Sorting. Graph algorithms. Algorithm design techniques. Amortized analysis. Advanced data structures and implementation. Data compression.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDatabase Systems GEIAL006B-aProf. Dr. László Kovács Bachelor5autumnBasic concepts of data management and of database systems. Internal structure of database management systems. Data models. Semantic data models ER modelling. Relational data models. Relational algebra and calculus. SQL language. Database design. Functional dependency. Normalization and normal forms. JDBC and ADO SQL languages Basics of PL,SQL programming.
Faculty of LawDEDer Sozialstatus und Rechtsstellung der Frauen im 19. Jh. in UngarnAJJOTERASMUS01Dr. Turkovicsné Dr. Koncz Ibolya PhDMA5springDas Ziel der Kurses ist die Erweiterung des Wissenmaterial der Studenten. Beschreibung der sozialen öffentlichen privaten Rechtsstellung der Frauen. Die Entwicklung der öffentlichrechtlichen Rolle der Frauen und ihrer Beteiligung im System der Staatsverwaltung. Die Rollen und die Rechte der fRauen in der Familie. Wissenschaftliche Analyse der Verfassungsgeschichte und Rechtgeschichte des Themas. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Erwerb der theoretischen Kenntnisse.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDescriptive Geometry GEAGT002B-ADr. József Túri Bachelor3bothRepresentation by means of orthographic projections (representation of Monge). Representation of point line and plane, their intersection joint and incidence. Special lines of planes. Parallelism perpendicular lines and planes. Revolution of planes. Auxiliary projections. Metric problems: distance and angle of space elements. Representation of pyramid and prism their intersection with line and plane development. Representation of circle. Ellipse as the affine mapping of circle construction problems in connection with ellipse construction of Rytz. Representation of sphere cylinder and cone of revolution, their intersection with line and plane.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENDesign fundamentals of waste preparation technological processesMFEET720018Dr. József FaitliMaster5springLet the students know the theoretical and practical fundaments of the design of waste preparation unit operations and technological processes of waste management. Course description: Fundamental terms and application fields of unit operations and process engineering. Production and consumption wastes. Characterization of coarse disperse systems. Characterization of waste materials in unit operations point of view. The unit operations and processes of changing of the disperse- and mixed state of multi-phase dispersed materials. The acting forces during the change of the state of the processed dispersed materials. The characterization and evaluation of comminution and agglomeration technological processes. Features of the change of the particle size and volume, rate of comminution and the breakage work. The material and energy transfer balances of material component separation technological processes. The unit operation features of the separation processes, evaluation of productivity (component content, yield and recovery, efficiency). Production of secondary raw materials and secondary fuels from municipal solid wastes (MSW). The comparison of different MSW processing technologies in respect of the material and energy balances.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDesign methodologyGEGET050-BaDr. Ágnes TakácsBachelor4autumnIntroduction to the design methodology. Steps of the design process. What we should do in the different stages of design. Design schools.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDesign of Material Flow SystemsGEALT001B-aDr. Tamás BányaiBachelor3bothDesign conceptions. Palettisation. Facility allocation planning. Unit loads. Transportation. IT and logistics. Enterprise resource planning. E-commerce. MRP.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDesign of Structural ConnectionsGEVGT601B-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiBachelor3springStatic and fatigue analysis of welded connections. Residual welding stresses calculation and measurement. Methods of reducing distortion. Bolted and riveted connections. Gluided connections. Frame, beam-to-column design. Cost calculations. Applications.
Faculty of LawDEDie aktuelle Fragen der Jugendgerichtsbarkeit in EuropeAJBKRERASMUS61Csemáné Dr. Váradi Erika PhDMA5bothIm Rahmen dieses Kurses werden die aktuellen Fragen der Jugengerichtsbarkeit untersucht, einbezogen die Geschichte der Jugendgerichtsbarkeit, die wichtigsten Grundprinzipien und Besonderheiten, die regulatorischen Modelle und Lösungen usw. Das Thema konzentriert sich auf die internationalen Dokumente, Konventionen, Richtlinien, etc. der EU, COE, UNO, und anderen relevanten internationalen Organisationen. Die Juvenile Justice Models von Winterdyk, die neuen Tendenzen und die ungarische Regelung sind auch Teile des Kurses. Mehrere Exkursionen werden im Laufe des Semesters organisiert.
Faculty of LawDEDie Finanzierung der RentensystemeAJPENERASMUS03Dr. Varga Zoltán PhDMA/BA5bothDieser Kurs gibt einen Überblick über die jeweilige Finanzierung der Rentensysteme in den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union. Schwerpunkt ist das ungarische Rentensystem und dessen Reform. Die dadurch aufgetretenen Probleme werden erörtert. Der Kurs demonstriert u. a. die wichtigsten Schritte der Nachhaltigkeit eines Rentensystems. Des Weiteren werden die Ergebnisse der Rentenreformen in Zentraleuropa vorgestellt.
Faculty of LawDEDie wichtigtste Fragen der JugendkriminalitätAJBKRERASMUS60Csemáné Dr. Váradi Erika PhDMA/BA5bothDas Lehrfach will einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Fragen der Jugendkriminalität auf der nationalen und internationalen Ebene geben (Eigenschaften, Daten, die Struktur, die neuen Tendenzen, mögliche Formen und Methoden der Vorbeugung und Behandlung usw.). Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wird auf die Ursachen der Kriminalität und die Rolle der Familie, Peer-Gruppen, Subkultur und E-Technologien gelegt (Internet, usw.). Die Interdisziplinarität ist sehr wichtig, so dass der Kurs Ansätze aus der Kriminologie, Soziologie, Psychologie, Psychiatrie usw. beinhaltet. Mehrere Exkursionen werden im Rahmen des Kurses organisiert.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDifferential EquationsGEMAN001B-aDr. Péter VargaBachelor2bothOrigin and classifications of differential equations. Equations of first order: variable separable and reduction linear equations and those reducible to that form. Linear equations with constant coefficients. Variation of parameters. Euler equation. System of linear differential equations. Second order linear differential equations: Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations Euler-Cauchy equations.
Faculty of LawDEDigestenexegeseAJROMERASMUS02Dr. Sáryné Dr. Gedeon Magdolna PhD, dr. habilMA5springIm Rahmen der Digestenexegese werden Texte klassischer römischer Juristen die uns in den Digesten ? Teil der Kodifikation Justinians um 530 n. Chr. ? aufgeblieben sind dargelegt und erklärt. Bei der Bearbeitung der Digestenstellen werden die Rechtsfragen die Lösungen und die Begründungen untersucht. Die Besprechung der Digestenexegesen hilft die rechtliche logische Denkweise entwickeln und vorbereitet die Studenten für die Fallösung in ihrer künftigen Rechtspraxis. Die Texte sind auf Deutsch übersetzt deshalb ist keine lateinische Sprachkenntnis erforderlich.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDigital Manufacturing GEIAK205M-aDr. Samad Dadvandipour Master5bothThe idea of digital manufacturing was prominent the 1980s when computer-integrated manufacturing was developed and promoted by machine tool manufacturers the Computer Automated Systems Associated and Society of Manufacturing Engineering (CASA,SME). Computer Integrated Manufacturing CIM is an example of the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in manufacturing. There are two main topics in CIM. They are complete automation of a manufacturing and production control systems. The subsystems in computer aided manufacturing involves CAD CAE CAM CAPP CAQ PPC and business system integrated by a common database which would be run with the intervention of human. The technologies which cover the system as a whole may be FMS (flexible manufacturing system) ASRS (automated storage and retrieval system) AGV (automated guided vehicle) Robotics Automated conveyance systems and Lean manufacturing.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENDrilling engineering I.MFKOT720022Dr. Kovácsné Federer GabriellaMaster6springThe main subjects of the curriculum: introduction of the drilling rig components the drilling process the drill string elements drill string design drill string loadings drill bits properties drill bit selection dull bit evaluation drilling regime determination drilling mud mud engineering solids control equipments rig hydraulics vertical and directional drilling techniques bottomhole assembly design the selection of the directional and horizontal well geometry wellbore surveying survey tool selection the properties of mud motors determination of fracturing gradient casing shoe selection casing design factors affecting casing biaxial forces determination in casing design bending forces running casing operations unscheduled event during drilling operation.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENDrilling engineering II.MFKOT730033Dr. Kovácsné Federer GabriellaMaster5autumnThe basics of fluids flow: flow regimes fluid types rheological parameters of fluids and measurement. Drilling mud: functions types drilling mud properties and additives drilling mud calculations solids control equipments. Rig hydraulics: pressure losses calculations optimization of rig hydraulic bit nozzle selection determination of optimal flow regime. Fracturing gradient Cementing: functions of cement slurry cement types cement classification cement and cement additives cement properties cement design and calculations.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENDrilling engineering, HSEMFKOT710010Dr. Szabó TiborMaster4autumnStudy goals:Complex introduction of the drilling technology and well completion. Course content:The main subjects of the curriculum: introduction of the drilling rig components, the drilling process. Drill string design, drill bits properties. Drilling mud. Vertical and directional drilling techniques. Casing design. Wellbore stability. Casing cementing design. Managed pressure drilling technology.Elements of well costing and affecting for well costing. Drilling time estimate. Drilling risk estimates. Unscheduled event during drilling operation. Tubing string design, introduction of packer types, well completion tools selection. Perforating techniques, control the formation damage. Well completion fluids, gravel pack techniques, formation stimulation, well completion quality control.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENDrilling, deep drillingMFKOT730029Dr. Al-Nezari Dhorgham Skban IbrahimMaster2autumnThe subject introduces the basic properties of hydrocarbon and geothermal well drilling technology and the knowledge for design and operate of drilling methods. The students will be familiar with the basic concepts of modern drilling technology as well as field engineering. The students will learn about the relationships of pressure balance in the drilled hole, about the phenomena of well planning. The students will be able to handle and solve basic problems in shallow and deep well drilling. The main relationships of mud logging, cutting transport and well testing concerning the well structure determination and well hydraulics problems are also discussed. The students will be able to measure and calculate the mud properties, the casing shoe setting depth. The students will be able to carry out the formation integrity test, and they will be able to interpret the obtained results effectively.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENDynamics GEMET003B-aDr. Balázs TóthBachelor5springKinematics of rigid bodies. Relation between velocities. Relation between accelerations. Kinematical quantities in coordinate systems moving with respect to each other. Newtons laws. Distribution of mass and its dynamical characteristics. Tensor of inertia. Vector systems in dynamics: vector system of momenta. The equivalent vector system: the linear momentum and angular momentum. The kinetic vector system (system of effective forces) its resultant and its moment about the centroid of the body. Equivalentness of the effective and extremal forces. Constrained motion. Dynamical problems for plane motions of a rigid body. Kinetics of rigid bodies with one degree of freedom. Lagranges equations of motion. Generalized coordinates and forces. Equations of motion for multidegree of freedom systems with and without damping. Excitation.
Faculty of LawENE-government in the EUAJKOIERASMUS01Dr. Czékmann Zsolt PhD, Dr. Szabó Balázs PhDMA/BA5bothThe course is an introduction to e-government. The basic concepts will be defined and studied theoretically and practically (on computer, using informational system) thorough examples and exercises (for each characteristic, property presented) from different countries worldwide. The connection between government and society will be presented from a historical point of view. The reasons which challenge the transformation will be analyzed. Efficiency, costumer focus, policy outcomes, economic objectives, public reform, and citizen engagement properties will be presented. The transformation process has to confront the legislative barriers, budgetary barriers, technology change, digital divide and all these will be studied separately. Different definitions of the e-government concept will be presented. The course proposes to show the connection and the differences between the e-government, e-administration and e-public service concepts. The course intends to present the implementation process of e-government, how the readiness for the implementation can be evaluated and when the impact can be measured. The front office (on-line services, citizen engagement) and back office (organizational change, leadership, coordination, interagency collaboration, e-government skills, public-private partnership) concepts will be analyzed briefly. Each chapter contains exercises in order to develop technical skills and abilities in the utilization of e-government and to improve theoretical knowledge of master students.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENEarly music ensembleZTBANREZEKovács Attila (English)Bachelor2bothLearn about works from the music history and national fragmentation of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. In the program, the instructor assembles the band's performances by ensuring genre and stylistic diversity. Possible formations: string, woodwind partners and basso continuo accompaniment, in the case of multi-choir works, even with brass groups.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENEarly music ensembleZTFUTOREZEKovács Attila (English)Master2bothLearn about works from the music history and national fragmentation of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. In the program, the instructor assembles the band's performances by ensuring genre and stylistic diversity. Possible formations: string, woodwind partners and basso continuo accompaniment, in the case of multi-choir works, even with brass groups.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENEast-Central Europe within the International World OrderBTKETN302Csizmadia ErvinMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/9.htm
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEcology and nature protectionMFKHT710009Dr. Teofil FülöpMaster3autumnObjects, factors and definition of ecology. Biotic and abiotic ecological factors. Elements of the ecosystem and its greater units. Characteristics and loadibility of ecosystems. Material cycles and food chain, energy flow. The circuit of biogeochemical cycles (C, nitrogene, water, phosphor, sulphur, biogenic elements). Anthropogenic effects and their roles. The relationship system of ecology and nature protection (nature conversation). Connection of nature protection (nature conversation) to environmental protection, complementing each other. Elements and tasks of nature protection. Emphasizin mind shaping, presentation and research activities among the practice-centred ecological-nature protection tasks. The organizations of the Hungarian and international nature protection. International nature protection values in Hungary. International law of nature protection, the system of Hungarian nature protection laws. Legal and economics connections of nature protection.
Faculty of Health SciencesENEcology, environmental protection and nature protectionETAET6068EAdrienn Juhaszne SzalaiBachelor6bothThe course can be completed in one term.  This is including face-to-face and individual experiential learning. The course contains basic learning of the structure of nature.  It studies the relationship between different species and their relationship with the environment. The set of living organisms, their interaction with each other and with their habitat is called an ecosystem. We discuss the current pollution problems and threats to nature as well.
Faculty of EconomicsENEconomic GeographyGTERG101BADr. Kuttor, DánielBachelor3autumnThe main aim of the course ?Economic geography is to provide basic geographic knowledge about the factors affecting the spatial distribution of the economy. Therefore during the semester we will analyse and discuss in depth the influences of natural demographic and economic factors on the location of economic activities. The discussions will be strongly connected to the latest research results which has emerged in the framework of the so called ?new economic geography initiated by the Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman.
Faculty of EconomicsENEconomic PolicyGTGVÖ111BNADr. Bartha, ZoltánBachelor3springThe purpose of the course is to explain students how their individual welfare or the well-being of their family members may be affected by economic policy decisions, or measures taken by public sector agents in general. During the course we develop tools that help students in evaluating both the micro- and the macroeconomic effects of economic policy interventions. Topics discussed: Why do we need economic policy at all? Collective action problem, bounded rationality and economics. Basic rules of the markets vs. markets with government intervention. Path dependence ? to what extent are market economies similar. Social surplus and deadweight loss ? simple tools in assessing the macroeconomic effects of government interventions. Market failures: rationality, transaction costs, public goods, externalities, monopolies, principal agent problems. The case for government failures: omnipotence, rationally uninformed electorate, rent seeking, moral hazard. Government functions: allocation of goods and services, redistribution, macroeconomic stabilisation, regulation. Fiscal and monetary policy ? macroeconomic stabilisation. Expansionary and contractionary policies. Fiscal policy: public finances and public debt, flat rate tax vs. progressive tax. Monetary policy: policy rate and monetary transmission. Monetary policy in Europe: Eurozone in or out
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENEfficiency improvement of manufacturing processesGEGTT 462-BaDr. György KovácsBachelor3bothAims, main activities and characteristics of production systems and processes. General types and characteristics of intermittent and continuous production processes: project production, job-shop production, batch production, mass production and process production. Performance measurement of production processes, most often used Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Main aims of the efficiency improvement of manufacturing processes. Analyzation methods of manufacturing processes. Efficiency improvement methods for processes: e.g. Lean, Facility Layout Design, Simulation, MTM (Methods-Time Measurement) methods. Case studies.
Faculty of LawDEEinführung in das Ungarische Strafrecht und Rechtsvergleich mit den deustchsprachigen Ländern der EUAJBKRERASMUS4Prof. Dr. Jacsó Judit PhD, dr.habilMA5bothWichtiges Ziel der Lehrveranstaltung ist einen Einblick in das ungarische Strafrechtsystem zu geben. Die wichtigsten Ausdrücke der deutschen juristischen Fachsprache werden am Anfang geklärt. Weitere Themenbereiche: die Geschichte der Strafrechtskodifikation in Ungarn, allgemeiner Teil des materiellen Strafrechts (Gegenstand und Besonderheit des Strafrechts, die Prinzipien des Strafrechts, die Voraussetzungen der Strafbarkeit, die Erscheinungsformen der Straftat, die Beteiligungsformen an der Straftat, das strafrechtliche Sanktionssystem, die einzelnen Strafen und Massnahmen), ausgewählte Straftaten des Besonderen Teiles des StGB (Straftaten gegen das Leben und Körper, Geldwäschereitatbestände). Im Fokus steht der Vergleich des ungarischen Strafrechts mit dem deutschen materiellen Strafrecht.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENElectrical engineeringGEVEE303B-aSomogyiné Dr. Molnár JuditBachelor4bothIntroducing basic electrical and magnetic phenomena and laws, the main characteristics of equipment used in electrical energy generation, distribution, conversion and utilization. DC and AC circuit analysis: elements, basic laws, methods, network simplifications. Powers. Materials in magnetic field. Magnetic induction. Electromagnetic fields. Inductance, capacitor. Balanced and unbalanced three-phase systems. Transformers: basic structure, way of operation, equivalent circuit diagram, different load conditions. Electric machinery: three-phase synchronous and induction machines. DC machines with different excitation. Basic constructions and theory, characteristics, losses.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENElectrodynamics and Optics GEFIT252B-aDr. Gábor PszotaBachelor3bothBasic concepts of electrostatics. The first law and second law of electrostatics. Fundamental concepts of electric current. The loop and junction theorem. Magnetic interaction. Magnetic induction and magnetic field intensity vectors. The Biot-Savart law. Amperes law. The induction phenomena. Faradays law of induction. Gausss law for magnetism. LC oscillations. Alternating currents. The serial RLC circuit. Maxwells equations. Energy transfer in electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. Interference phenomenon. Optics: Basic concepts of geometrical optics. Reflection and refraction of light. Snells law. Dispersion.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENELF Communication BTANN603ERMagnuczné Godó ÁgnesBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENEmbedded Systems GEVAU519B-ADr. József VásárhelyiBachelor5bothEmbedded Systems overview Example Embedded Systems and their Requirements Processor technologies and IC technologies Design technologies Processors (custom single purpose general purpose and standard single purpose) Memory Interfacing Soft processors and hard processors (PicoBlaze MicroBlaze PowerPC ARM) Peripherals Embedded all programmable SOC Design Flow Embededd Development Kit Software debugging Event handlers timers System on a Chip Architecture and Code Structure A code walk through Board evaluation in software Board evaluation in hardware.
Faculty of LawENEmerging technologies, artificial intelligence and civil liabilityAJPJTERASMUS3Dr. Pusztahelyi Réka PhDMA/BA5bothThe aim of this subject to introduce the civil law regulatory issues relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and emerging technologies to the students and to inspire them to think in an innovative way in the light of the existing and future legal instruments and documents of the Hungarian national law and the European Union. In addition, this subject deals with the following topics, i.e. special application fields of AI in details: highly automated or autonomous cars, social robots, application of emotional AI and relating data protection issues.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEngineering and environmental geophysicsMFGFT720013Dr. Szabó Norbert PéterMaster4springThe course gives the theoretical background and skills to complete applied geophysical tasks for groundwater research, to solve environmental and geotechnical issues. Classification of near-surface applied geophysical methods. Basic principles of microgravity surveying methods, correction of measurements. Calculation of derivatives. Engineering and environmental applications. Basic principles of magnetic methods, correction of measurements. Magnetic gradiometry. Pole reduction and analytic continuation techniques. Engineering and environmental applications. DC geoelectric measurement methods. Inversion and interpretation of pseudo-resistivity profiles, maps. Engineering, environmental, archaeological and geophysical applications. Frequency-domain EM surveying methods. The induction method. Shallow applications of frequency sounding. Time-domain (transient) EM surveying methods and their shallow applications. Detection of highly conductive structures. The physical background of surface nuclear magnetic resonance sounding. Determination of the depth distribution of the water content. Near-surface application of the seismic method. Refraction method, its theory and possibilities of use. Surface-wave seismic method, dispersion analysis. Engineering and environmental applications of the seismic method. Theory of engineering geophysical sounding methods. Investigation of the relationship between the petrophysical (water, air saturation, clay content, matrix fraction) and geotechnical (dry density) characteristics and measured physical parameters. Opportunities for inversion evaluation. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. Two writing tests (the weight of each grade item is 50 %). One assignment during the semester is the requirement of signature Theoretical part is complemented by field practice applying near-surface geophysical methods.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEngineering Geology and HydrogeologyMFKHT720020Dr. Szűcs PéterMaster4springIt introduces students to the key concepts of engineering geology, modern hydrogeology, and field hydrogeology, soil formation, soil classification methods, laboratory and field soil tests, water-to-rock underwater stress, and groundwater flow patterns. Soil formation. Soil classification. Laboratory and field tests. Dynamic geological processes. Engineering geological investigation of facilities and objects. Engineering geological mapping. Engineering geological issues of environmental protection. Groundwater properties and quality. Classification of groundwater. Basics of infiltration. Groundwater temperature conditions. Water quality characteristics. Shallow groundwater. Deep groundwater. The water of fractured rocks. The karst water. River bed filtered water. Groundwater surface exploration, springs. The relationship between the hydrogeological environment and the flow systems. Groundwater as a geological factor. Determination of hydrogeological parameters. Movement of contamination in groundwater. Flow equation for flat and radial flows. Well hydraulics. Determining of the work point of a well. Well-groups. Design of pumping tests. Evaluation of pumping test data: a description of the most common methods for evaluating pumping test data. Determination of hydrogeological parameters.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEngineering Physics I.MFGFT7100011Dr. Dobróka MihályMaster4autumnThis is primarily a theoretical course, giving strong background for later geophysical courses in order to understand and interpret the physical processes that are used in geophysical prospecting and exploration works. The principles of continuum physics. The relationship between the micro- and macroscopic descriptions, averaging in time and space. The kinematical principles of deformable continuum, deformation tensor. Volume and surface forces, stress tensor. Basic equations of continuum mechanics, continuity theories. The equation of motion of elastic continuum, integral and differential forms. Law of conservation of mass, continuity equation. Extensive and intensive quantities, the 0th law of thermodynamics. General forms of law of conservation of mass. Material equations, Curie?s law. Perfectly elastic body, linearly elastic body. Equation of motion of Hooke body. Fluid models, ideal fluids, viscous fluids. Newton body, Navier-Stokes body. Rheological models, Kelvin-Voight model, Maxwell model, Poynting-Thomson?s law for material and motion equation of standard body. Wave propagation in linearly elastic medium. Solutions of wave equation. Wave propagation in different rocks, dispersion, absorption. Disperse waves. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. Writing two tests at least satisfactory level, respectively during the semester is the requirement of signature Following the theoretical part, the students complete different exercises in continuum mechanics.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEngineering Physics II.MFGFT720011Dr. Dobróka MihályMaster2springThis is primarily a theoretical course, giving strong background for later geophysical courses in order to understand and interpret the physical processes that are used in geoelectric prospecting and exploration works. The electrodynamics as continuum theory, continuum mechanical similarities, definition of the charge density and density of dipole moment. Introduction of the electromagnetic parameters based on continuum physics. Maxwell?s equations in integral and differential forms. Repeating of the deductions, exercise of the derivative operators. Special electromagnetic phenomena and their conditions, electrostatics and magnetostatics, special phenomena and their conditions, field of stationary and quasi-stationary current ? exercise of the deductions. Solutions of potential equations, retarded potential. The homogeneous wave equation and its major solutions. Introduction of the electromagnetic potentials, potential equations. Scale transformation. Lorentz condition. Solutions of potential equations, retarded potential. The homogeneous wave equation and its major solutions Exercise of the deductions. Electromagnetic potentials in conductors, telegraph equations. Electromagnetic wave propagation in homogeneous, isotropic, infinite insulators. Exercise of deductions. Electromagnetic wave propagation in homogeneous, isotropic, infinite conductors. Skin-effect. Electromagnetic waves propagation on the boundary of an infinite conductor half-space. Properties of electromagnetic wave fields in infinite insulator in case of electrical dipole. Properties of electromagnetic wave fields in infinite insulator in case of magnetic dipole. Wave propagation in weakly inhomogeneous space, eikonal equation, WKB method. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination and two individual assignments during the semester are the requirements of signature Following the theoretical part, the students complete different exercises in field of electrodynamics.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENEngineering ThermodynamicsGEAHT211-B-aDr. Péter BencsBachelor3autumnThe objective of this course is to introduce the basic principles of thermodynamics via real-world engineering examples, to show students how thermodynamics is applied in engineering practice.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENEnglish Renaisance Culture and LiteratureBTANN307ERDósa AttilaBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENEnterprise Resource PlanningGEIAK123B-aDr. Mónika Kulcsárné ForraiBachelor4bothEnterprise models. Computer integrated manufacturing. Enterprise resource planning. Production planning and scheduling. Technical database and master data. Bills of materials. Technology plans. Management of customer orders. Preparation of price offers. Generation and release of internal orders. Making a delivery note. Generate invoice. Case study and software demonstration: use of prodHost system.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEEntwicklung der deutschsprachigen Literatur, Epochen und GattungenBTGEN310AMBazsóné Sőrés MariannaBachelor3springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEnvironmental and engineering geophysicsMFGFT720018Dr. Norbert Péter SzabóMaster5springUnderstanding the basic methods of environmental geophysics, through which geometric and geophysical parameters of the subsurface environment can be traced, observed and interpreted, primarily for environmental research purposes. Introduction to geophysical methods: Gravitational magnetic, radiometric, geothermal, electric Induced polarisation, electromagnetic, seismic methods. Application of engineering geophysical probes, well geophysics investigation tools to solve environmental problems, with special emphasis on recording contaminated plumes, underground void spaces and other natural and anthropogenic near surface objects. Interpreting physical features, introduction to case studies.
Faculty of EconomicsENEnvironmental EconomicsGTERG204MKMADr. Szép, TeklaMaster3springThe aim of the subject: To present the developing of environmental thinking and the object of environmental economics, and to introduce the relationship between economy and environment, and the methods of problem solutions on macro and microeconomic level.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringEnvironmental geochemistryMFFAT730009Dr. Sándor SzakállMaster2autumnThe students will be guide into the distribution of the elements and compounds of the different zones of the Earth, with special focus on the uppest zone of the Lithosphere. Near this, the analisys and characterization of the artifically created deposites - such as solid and liquid mining wastes and tailings, the tailings of the coal mines, etc.. - is shown. The different types are characterized and vizualized by the view of environmental load and potential heavy metal mobilization or other harmful effects. The Eh-pH diagram of the most important heavy metals are shown with the geochemical modelling software of HSC Chemistry 7.0. The importance of concentration and effects (both negative and positive) of the different elements and groups of elements in the biosphere, in surface of groundwater are shown. Near this, the possible enrichment of these elements are also decribed. The behaviour of the elements and their most important types of alterations on surface condition arc presented. The short curriculum of the subject: Basic of geochemistry of the Litosphere. Element groups. Behaviour of hydrogen, alcali and alcaline earth metals. The dominant role of carbon, aluminium and silicon in rock forming. Heavy metals as main source toxicity. Appearance and roles of rare earth elements and trace element. Roles and im?portances of nitrogen, oxygen and halogenids. Classification and analysis of the possible contingencies on the different types of waste and tailing deposits (mining waste and tailings, dumps od coal mining, etc.). The visualization of the Eh-pH diagrams of the most common heavy metals, using HSC Chemistry modlling programme. The appearance and toxicity of the different elements in the flora, fauna and hu?man body. Effects of the different elements in surface and ground water. Alteration of the different minerals, rocks, and compounds on surface condition.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEnvironmental geologyMFFTT710008Dr. Mádai ViktorMaster4autumnSystem approach in geology changes in the four main systems of the Earth. The objects methods and legal background of environmental geology. Environmental minerals their characteristics and role in causing and mitigating of environmental problems. Geological hazards (volcanism earthquakes mass movements). The role of geological medium in the anthropogenic contamination and pollution (processes of environmental geochemistry interactions between soil rocks and contamination geological conditions effecting on the spreading of contamination). Geological and geochemical concerns of the effects of mining on the environment. Geological background of the radioactive waste disposal. Geology in nature protection. Geological tasks in the environmental assessment
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEnvironmental geotechnicsMFKHT730030Dr. Andrea Tóth KolencsiknéMaster2autumnPhysiochemistry of soils for geoenvironmental engineering. Changing of soil parameters caused by contaminants. Determination of contaminant retention capacity of soils. Barrier systems geological and geosynthetic barrier systems horizontal and vertical barriers. Geotechnical aspects of landfilling. Stability and deformation of waste dumps liner systems. Geotechnical tasks of recultivation. Investigation of contaminated sites. Geotechnical problems of remediation. Waste as constructions material. Soil improvement.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEnvironmental risk assessment and remediationMFKHT730026Dr. Madarász TamásMaster3autumnThe students will be familiarized with the basic concept and framework of Environmental and Human Health Risk assessment and its relationship to contaminated land remediation. The students shall be competent in reading and understanding risk assessment documentation and evaluating its correctness. They will be able to work together with other field specialists in a risk assessor team. They will get a brief introduction to remediation practices and their design and the European practice of remediation planning and monitoring. The short curriculum of the subject: History of Risk Assessment principles and background of RA methodology Overview of risk related terminology and definitions Elements of HHRA methodology Problem formulation Exposure assessment Toxicity assessment Risk Characterization Risk assessment and its role in site remediation Risk interpretation EU legislation and practice of RA methods Hungarian legal background various applications of RA methods risk based target value and its determination Case studies
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENEnvironmentally-friendly designGEGET065-BaDr. Ágnes TakácsBachelor4springIntroduction to the DfE. Rules, strategies of the design for the environment. Learning the elements of environmentally frinedly design.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENEOR methodsMFKOT740013Dr. Turzó ZoltánMaster3springTo teach students production procedures methods producing hydrocarbon reservoirs with higher recovery factor (EOR IOR). To prepare students for inter disciplinary sciences and how to apply them to oil reservoirs. Hydrodynamic principles of oil displacement with miscible and immiscible fluids. Areal and edge flooding methods: well systems displacement areal and vertical displacement and volumetric efficiencies and how they can be influenced. Enhanced Oil Recovery methods (EOR). Oil displacement by CO2 injection. Oil displacement by polymer flooding. Oil displacement with tensides with polymertensides with foam. Thermal methods like in-situ combustion (wet combustion) hot water injection steam injection.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENEthnic Questions in the American SocietyBTANN605ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of LawENEuropean Agricultural and Rural LawAJAMUERASMUS1Prof. Dr. Szilágyi János Ede PhD dr.habilMA/BA5bothThe course is based upon the provisions of the European Law upon the Civil Law (property law contract law) and upon the provisions of the Administrative Law. The students can acquire knowledge not only about the provisions of the European Union (inter alia on Common Agricultural Policy CAP) but also about the practice of Hungary and partially of the other member states. The students are going to learn more about of the agricultural and rural laws dogmatics the history of the development of European and Hungarian agricultural and rural legislation the international (i.e. WTOs) and constitutional (namely the Hungarian Constitutions) background of agricultural and rural law land policy in the legislation of the EU and the member states the structure of land use and land property of the Member States the general tendencies of the single common market organisation (SCMO as the 1st pillar of the CAP) and of the rural development (as the 2nd pillar of the CAP).
Faculty of LawENEuropean Competition LawAJPJTERASMUS8Dr. Juhász Ágnes, PhD, dr.habilMA/BA5bothCompetition is one of the most important elements of the market economy. The competition law of the European Union can be divided into two parts, a written part and a case-law part. The course aims at providing a general overview of the competition law of the European Union, which serves as a pattern for the Member States. Students can get familiar with the rules on anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominance, and mergers, as well as with the public and private enforcement of competition claims.
Faculty of LawENEuropean Environmental LawAJAMUERASMUS2Prof. Dr. Szilágyi János Ede PhD, dr.habilMA/BA5bothThe students can acquire knowledge not only about the provisions of the European Union (inter alia on EU Environmental Policy EUEP) but also about the practice of Hungary and partially of the other member states. The students are going to learn more about of the concept of sustainable development the subject the system and the sources of environmental law (i.e. the dogmatics of environmental law) international environmental law WTO-law and environmental protection EU environmental law (and especially taking the treaties into consideration) constitutional aspects of environmental law the principles of environmental law the civil and criminal laws aspects of environmental law the comprehensive instruments of environmental law (e.g. permits environmental assessment IPPC eco-label EMAS economic and financial instruments) the specific parts of environmental law (e.g. water pollution and water quality conservation of nature GMOs).
Faculty of LawENEuropean Law of ObligationsAJPJTERASMUS1Dr. Juhász Ágnes PhD, dr. habil.MA5autumnThe course aims at the introducing of the students to the Europeanization of the law of obligations, included contract law and tort law as well. On the one hand, it reviews the main development tendencies in the field of European civil law and the pros and cons on the adopting of a future European Civil Code. On the other hand it intends to make the students acquainted with the actual outcomes of these working processes. Accordingly, through the introduction of the main regulation models (model laws) for common European law of obligations, such as the Draft of Common Frame of Reference (DCFR, 2009), The Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL, 2011) and the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL, 2005) and csae studies, the course offers a comparative law approach of the law of obligations for the students. Since the European Commission has retracted its Proposal CESL and has proposed other measures in the area of single digital market (see: Proposal for a directive on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content, COM (2015) 634 final and Proposal for a directive on certain aspects concerning contracts for the online, and the other distance sales of goods, COM (2015) 635 final), but the CESL did not vanish without any effect upon the harmonization of a common European law of obligation.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENExploration geochemistry of hydrocarbonsMFFAT720012Hámorné Dr. Vidó MáriaMaster3springStudy goals:Fundamentals of organic geochemistry are discussed as a factor controlling the generation, deposition, accumulation of organic carbon as a source of the petroleum. Inorganic geochemistry as a tool of understanding the reservoir rock cementation. 3-D heterogeneity of reservoir rocks as a result of differential cementation.All these are connected to designing and implementing well stimulation operations. Fingerprint methods to correlate source rocks with discovered petroleum fluids and identification of migration path are introduced. Course content:Natural systems and their classification, rocks, water, organic matter, and gases as a specific natural system. Systems approach in petroleum geology. Oil and gas-bearing rocks. Temperature and pressure in the subsurface. Water. Crude oils. Natural gases and condensates. Dispersed organic matter. Origin of oil and natural gas. Formation of hydrocarbon accumulations. Classifications of oil and gas accumulations. Mathematical modeling in petroleum geology.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENExploration seismic techniques and interpretationMFGFT720016Dr. Dobróka MihályMaster4springStudy goals:The course provides an integrated introduction to the acquisition, processing and interpretation of 2-D and 3-D seismic data sets. The topic has a particularly strong practical emphasis, with many sessions conducted on an industry-standard computer workstation network. Course content:From planning phase of seismic data acquisition, state-of the art acquisition methods, up-to-date recording systems (cable and wireless systems), applicable seismic source types (vibroseis, impulse) and source related noises will be overviewed. Basic data processing steps will be discussed with their effects to data quality improvement and signal to noise ratio enhancement. Typical 2-D and 3-D data processing flows will be provided. Fundamentals of interpreting (correlation, sequence stratigraphy, 3-D visualization, amplitude studies, AVO, time sections, depth conversions, depth sections) will be discussed and demonstrated. Hands-on experience of interpreting 2-D and 3-D seismic datasets from a variety of structural and stratigraphic settings will be provided.
Faculty of LawENFamily LawAJPJTERASMUS2Dr. Heinerné Prof. Dr. Barzó Tímea PhD, dr.habilMA5springThe object of this course, that the students get some knowledge about the Hungarian legal system, especially from the regulation of Family Law. On this Class, the students can meet the rules of marriage and other partnership forms (for example registered partnership, de facto partnership), parental custody, right of the family members etc. The Course keep focus primarily the Hungarian solutions, but the students can learn about the regulations of European Union.
Faculty of EconomicsENFinanceGTÜPZ1011ABDr. Bozsik, SándorBachelor5autumnThe main learning objective of this subject is to give a broad overview on the financial phenomena of the whole economy and especially its financial sector. The subject describes the operation of the financial markets the circulation of money in the economy the working of fiscal and monetary policy. The students will be able to understand the main financial process of the economy and to calculate the yield and price of the main investments.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFinite Element Analysis of Machine ElementsGEGET007B-aDr. Ferenc János SzabóBachelor3springState of the art and historical review of the development of computer building, CAD, FEM and optimization sciences. Comparison of finite element systems in the recent software market. Modelling questions, ?horror stories?, presentation of success stories. Optimization, classification of methods, evolutionary optimization. Practical demonstration and model experiments for multidisciplinary analysis and optimization of machine elements and products. Investigation and post- processing of the results, making useful conclusions for further developments and modifications of the designed products or machine elements. Models given by the students will be also investigated with consultation during the lessons. For MSc students programming of finite elements will be shown too.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFinite Element MethodGEMET014B-aDr. Balázs TóthBachelor4autumnPrinciple of the stationarity of the total potential energy. Principle of the local approximation. Treatment of 2D and 3D elastic problems with isoparametric elements (shape functions stiffness matrix load vectors). The construction and characteristics of the system of linear equations. The problems of modelling: substructure technique the treatment of prescribed displacements excentric links oblique support bilateral contact - fitting of machine elements- and elastic foundation. Isoparametric thick plate element. Error analysis. , Theory of plasticity: Mises and Tresca- St.Venants yielding criteria postulates of Drucker and Prager Prandtl-Reusss equations and Levy-Misess theory. The formulation of the elastic-plastic constitutive matrix. Incremental formulation of the finite element equations using the principle of the virtual displacements. The theory of plastic limit loadings (static and kinematic). Elastic plastic torsion of rods (Nadays sand hill theory. FEM analysis of elastic-plastic plates.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFire safety design of steel structuresGEVGT607M-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiMaster5bothFire safety design of steel structures. Design rules. Material properties calculation. Fire protections. Optimization techniques. Cost calculations. Optimization for fire safety. Applications: frames, trusses, columns, beams.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENFlow in porous mediaMFKOT730035Dr. Turzó ZoltánMaster3autumnBasic terms of porous media filtration. Continuity law. Governing equations of slightly compressible flow. Multiphase flow. Steady-state flow. Complex potential. Conformal mapping. Superposition. Non steady-state transient flow. Immiscible two phase flow frontal oil displacement.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENFluid mechanicsMFKGT710005Dr. Tóth AnikóMaster3springKinematics. Conservation of mass. Balance Equations of momentum. Perfect Fluid Flow. Eulers equation. Bernoulli equation. Elements of gas dynamics. Bernoulli equation with friction. Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes. Determination of pressure losses. Moodys diagram. Pressure losses in gas transporting pipe-lines.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFluid Mechanics GEAHT103B-aDr. Norbert SzaszákBachelor5springGeneral properties of fluids. Viscosity, surface tension, capillarity. Fluid statics. Pressure variation in static fluids. Equilibrium of moving fluids. Hydrostatics: thrust on submerged plane and curved surfaces. Equation of motion, conservation of mass, Bernoulli equation, its applications. Momentum theorem. Energy equation. Navier-Stokes equations. Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes. Friction losses in pipes minor losses.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENFoundry technology design and simulationMAKÖNT320M0Dr. Molnár DánielMaster7spring/autumnTechnology process development techniques. Application and development of simulation methods. Fundamentals of Finite Element Method and Control Volume Method. Material and heat transport of casting techniques.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENFundamentals of casting and advanced technologiesMAKÖNT316MDr. Dániel MolnárMaster7spring/autumnHeat transfer between mould and metal. Calculation of solidification time. Solidification process of metalls and its alloys. Fluidity of metalls flowability. Fluid dinamics of liquid metals. Shrinkage gas porosity. Residual stresses.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENFundamentals of chemical metallurgyMAKMET026BDr. Kékesi TamásMaster4springThe equilibrium conditions and the possible reactions of classical metallurgical processes are assessed by the methods of classic thermodynamic methods. The students learn the way of determining the equilibrium constants of simple and complex processes as functions of physical-chemical parameters. Thermodynamic functions are determined by manual and computer-aided methods. The kinetic conditions of the processes are interpreted and are determined by experimental methods. The equilibria of solubility and solution stability, giving the basis for hydrometallurgical processes, as well as the separation and neutralization reactions of metal ions are examined. By the interpretation of the equilibria in redox reactions and the related electrode potentials, the students learn the principles and practical characteristics of electrolytic processes suited to the extraction and purification of metals. 
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFundamentals of Machine ElementsGEGET001B-aGabriella Vadászné Prof. Dr. BognárBachelor4bothTypes of friction (dry friction fluid friction belt friction). The role of friction in operation of machines. Mechanical work and power in case of translation and rotation. Operation with uniform and variable velocity. Motion-diagrams. Working losses efficiency and power of machines. Fluid flow. Potential energy of gas and steam. Drives. Transportation facilities for solids fluids and gases. Engines: steam and gas engines. Turbines.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENFundamentals of metal formingMAKFKT350-17-MDr. Máté SzűcsMaster5autumnTensile and upsetting test and basic materials behavior. Engineering and true variables. Analysis of work hardening.Necking uniform elongation. Strain rate sensitivity. Tensors matrices vectors. Rotation of Cartesian axes. Matrix and tensor operations. Definition of stress and stress tensor. Deviatoric stress. Physical ideas of deformation. Lagrangian and Eulerian Course description of continuum kinematics. Deformation tensors. Lagrange Euler and logarithmic strain tensor. Mechanical principles.The virtual work principle. Constitutive equations for elastic plastic and viscoplastic materials.Plasticity. Yield surface and yield function.Strain hardening evolution of yield surface..Basic concept of friction.Coulombs law. Sticking friction and modified sticking friction.Upper and lower bound on power. Slab calculation. Stress and strain analysis of basic manufacturing processes. Forging of disk. Flow trough conical converging dies. Strip rolling. Deformability of metals. Theories of ductile fracture by Bogatov.Meso ?damage by void evolution. Lemaitre damage mechanics. Gursons model.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFundamentals of Production EngineeringGEGTT100B-aDr. István SztankovicsBachelor5bothThe disciplines and basic elements of production engineering. The characteristics of the manufacturing process. Efficiency of manufacturing: the components of the production cost and time. Fundamentals of machining operations. The properties and application area of the used cutting materials. The wear and tool life of cutting tools. Mechanics of metal cutting. The characteristic paramters of the chip. Overview of the conventional machining operations: kinematics, tool geometries, characteristics of different procedures. Cutting with geometrically defined tools: turning, planning, drilling, sawing, milling, broaching. Abrasive cutting: grinding, honing, superfinishing, lapping. The calculation of the cutting force and power. The role and types of bases, the positioning modes. Dimension chains.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENFusion WeldingGEMTT302M-aRaghawendra P. S. SisodiaMaster4autumnFundamentals of joining. Theoretical bases of welding. Energy sources. Heat flow. Fluid flow phenomena. Transfer of heat and mass. Fundamentals of weld solidification. Solid-state transformations. Short overview of principal fusion welding processes: GTAW, SMAW, GMAW, SAW, FCAW and PAW. Advanced fusion welding processes: electron beam and laser beam welding. Application. Process planning.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGas ProcessingMFKOT7703Dr. Zoltán TurzóMaster2bothhttps://www.oil.uni-miskolc.hu/files/11946/MFKOT7703_Gas_Processing_Course%20description%202020.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeochemical prospecting methodsMFFAT720031Dr. Mádai FerencMaster4springThe course content introduces the fundamental parameters of the near-surface geochemical system as well as practical skills to plan, organize, perform a geochemical prospecting campaign and interpret the resulting dataset. Geochemical distribution of chemical elements in different rock types, Periodic table for geochemists Concept of the geochemical background. Geochemical delineation of a mineralization, a mineral deposit. Primary dispersion, methods of its exploration. Geochemical aspects of weathering. Geochemistry of the surface environment. Sorption processes Secondary dispersion and methods of its exploration. Sampling methods, sampling standards. Soil surveys, vegetation and water surveys. Stream sediment sampling methods, heavy minerals geochemistry. Major analytical methods. Data processing and statistical methods. completion of three exercises during the semester and participation in a 2-3 days field trip and completion of a sampling plan based on the field trip Students shall understand the interrelationship between different elements of the near-surface geochemical system. Practical skills are developed by a project-like exercise to compile a geochemical prospecting sampling plan of an ore field.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeodesy, spatial informaticsMFGGT710002Dr. Bartha GáborMaster4autumnThe course contributes to skills of students which should be applied for different geological and geophysical prospecting and exploration tasks in field as well as presenting and handling spatial data. Coordinate Systems in geodesy. Geometric shape and gravitational field of Earth. Projections and mapping. Hungarian projections and mapping. Modern measuring techniques in Geodesy: Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, GPS, Inertial Measurements, SAR technology for promoting surveying tasks in the related special fields. Geo-objects and geo-models. Raster and vector models. Data-storing techniques. Database-modelling in geo-informatics. Thematical data and their storage problems. GIS packages. Digitalization, analytical problems, knowledge based systems in GIS environment. Practical work: self-made solutions of simple case-study problems. Students will be assessed with using the following elements. Attendance15 %Short quizzes10 %Midterm exam40 %Final exam 35 % Theoretical part is complemented by exercises
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeoelectric lectureshipMFGFT730031Dr. Endre TuraiMaster4springGeoelectric lectureship is an elective subject in the geophysical engineering specialization of the Earth Science Engineering Master Program. The main goal of the specialization is to train engineers who, by developing geophysical methods and applying these methods in practice, effectively promote the exploration and extraction of mineral resources and the protection of the environment. The surface potential methods of geophysics are relatively inexpensive and effective means in achieving this goal. These methods can be successfully applied in the first phases of geological exploration and environmental studies. The curriculum contains the structure and applications of special gravitational, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic geophysical methods in line with the achievement of objectives. System of electrical and electromagnetic geophysical methods. Physical basics of direct current (DC) geoelectric methods. Solution of the Laplace equation in a layered homogeneous isotropic half space. The geological information content and calculation of the kernel function. The Hankel and the Inverse Hankel transformation. Physical basics of alternating current (AC) electromagnetic methods. Derivation of telegraph and wave equations. Information content of the wave number. Wavelength, penetration depth and propagation speed of electromagnetic waves. Characterization of dielectric, lossy and good conducting media. The zones formed around the electric and magnetic dipoles and the phase surfaces of the electromagnetic fields in the various zones. Electromagnetic field calculation of the horizontal electric dipole source in inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Electromagnetic field calculation of the vertical magnetic dipole source in inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Presentation of reports and semester closing. attendance on the seminars and solution of one personal task with presentation. The lectures of the course introduce in detail the methods included in the curriculum and their geological and mathematical-physical descriptions. In practice, students become familiar with and apply each method during field measurements. Each student elaborates on a selected method in detail and presents it in a work report and integrate into the MS thesis. In the lectures and practices the lecturers use the IT tools (measuring instruments, measuring software, computer presentations, teaching aid and mobile devices).
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeographical information systemMFKFT730012Dr. János VágóMaster2autumnThe aim of the course is to teach the basic knowledge of geographic information system and to give an overview on the most commonly used GIS softwares and application possibilities. The main goal of the course is to teach the use of ESRI ArcGIS. The course covers the tution of both vector and raster based GIS analysis, the geographic data collection, data processing and modeling tools. GIS basics, vector and raster format, digital mapping. Vector based data format, setup of GIS databases. Setup and characteristics of geometric data model. Setup and characteristics of semantic data model. Setup and characteristics of metadata. The use of ESRI ArcMAP, data formats. Tools and methods of digitization. Setup of point databases. Setup of polyline databases. Setup of polygon databases. Possibilities of visualization, theamatic mapping. Data analysis, basics of spatial analysis. Digital mapping Creation of a pilot project.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeological interpretation and processingMFFAT730026Dr. Földessy JánosMaster4autumnThe course goes through the key points of performance and quality assurrance of geological prospection and exploration tasks. This is a synthetizing course for the whole master programme. Introduction, objectives, team exercise information Exploration methods, quality control and quality assurance Project planning and scheduling Resource estimation terminology and basic methods Team exercise ? Rudabánya and Martonyi geology Geological models in interpretation Overview of available statistical tools Spatial distribution statistics ? basic practices JORC and NI43-101 reporting standards, exploration requirements Introduction to Rockworks modelling Team field exercise ? Rudabanya sample Preparation, handling and storage Team exercise ?data harmoniztation with geophysics and geochemnistry Presentation and discussion of team exercise project Rudabánya and Martonyi Participation in presentation lectures and practical classes is mandatory. Field trips and classroom exercises. The successful completion of the course is based on the successful completion of the semester test and the successful completion of the exam. Following the theoretical part, the students complete small projects about mineral resource assessment and a complex project where geological, geophysical and geochemical prospecting data should be interpreted.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeological mappingMFFTT720029Dr. Less GyörgyMaster4springTheoretical part and laboratory exercisis givesan overview to the students about methodology and tools of geological mapping works. The aim of preparing geological maps. The geological map and its additional parts (geological cross-sections, stratigraphical columns and legend). Geological phenomena figured in the geological maps: lithostratigraphical units, structural chacteristics. Different types of geological boundaries and their recognition on the field. Orientation on the field with topographical map and with GPS. Documentation of field observations in the field booklet and on the topographical map. Preparation of geological cross-sections. Preparation of covered and uncovered (without Quaternary deposits) geological maps with stratigraphical column and legend. Assembly of explanatory reports Criterion for signature: Preparation of two geological cross-sections based on real Carpathian geological maps (from Slovakia and Romania), Preparation of covered and uncovered (without Quaternary deposits) geological map of an about 2 sq. km territory (in 2-3-man groups) with one geological cross-section, with stratigraphical column and legend. Assembly of a short explanatory report about the territory After giving the theoretical basis of mapping methodology, this is a learning by doing course, where the students should compete geological mapping work in the Bükk mountains
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENGeometric designGEAGT106B-aÓváriné Dr. habil. Balajti ZsuzsannaBachelor4bothThe aim of this course is to introduce the principles of the clear mapping of the 3 dimension into the 2 dimension and the reconstruction of objects from the images through real engineering examples to show students how to apply the descriptive geometry in engineering design. The Monge representation of the point, line, plane and their incidences (intersections). Parallelism and perpendicularity. Special views and rotation to particular position for metric problems. Intersection of pyramid and prism. Affin connection between the circle and its ellipse projection. Representation of the sphere surface normals and tangent planes. Intersection curves between the cylinders and cones. Helix and its evolvent surface with the spiral section in the perpendicular plane to the axis. Centroids, axoids.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENGeometric modelingGEAGT232M-ADr. Imre Juhász Master4springCoordinate systems, homogeneous coordinates, matrix representation of point and coordinate transformations. Description of curves, interpolating and approximating curves, spline curves. Osculating plane, arc length, curvature, torsion, Frenet frame. Definition and properties of Hermite arc, Ferguson and Overhauser splines. Parametric description and properties of Bézier curves, de Calteljau algorithm. Parametric form and properties of B-spline curves. Description of surfaces, tangent plane, normal, surfaces swept by a moving curve. Interpolating and approximating surfaces: Coons patch, Bézier and B-spline surfaces. Generation of rational Bézier and B-spline surfaces and their properties. Surface and solid modeling in CAD systems.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysical data processingMFGFT730026Dr. Endre TuraiMaster4springGeophysical data processing is a compulsory subject in the geophysical engineering specialization of the Earth Science Engineering Master Program. The main goal of the specialization is to train engineers who, by developing geophysical methods and applying these methods in practice, effectively promote the exploration and extraction of mineral resources and the protection of the environment. Extraction of geological-geophysical information from the measured data requires the application of the most modern data processing methods. These data processing methods use spectral information theory tools in the primary space-time and secondary transformed domains. The curriculum include the planning and application of spectral transformations, deterministic and stochastic filtering, auto and cross-correlation functions, and digital measurement-data acquisition systems in line with the achievement of objectives. Basis of the spectral geophysical information theory. Hierarchical connection between data, news and information. Classification of geophysical signal. Theory of deterministic and stochastic geophysical processes. Analysis and synthesis of the geophysical systems. Discreet signal theory. Spectral information content of discreet signals. Planning of digital recording systems. Spectral data processing procedures. Methods for raising of spectral information. Deterministic Real Time (RT) and Non Real Time (NRT) filtering procedures. Stochastic filtering. The general spectral analysis. Multidimensional filtering. attendance on the seminars and solution of one personal task with presentation The lectures of the course introduce in detail the methods included in the curriculum and their mathematical and IT descriptions. In practical classes, students apply each method to theoretical and field-measured data systems. Students use and develop computer software independently for the applications. Each student elaborates on a selected method in detail and presents it in a work report and a small presentation. In the lectures and practices the lecturers use the IT tools (computer presentations, software, teaching aid and mobile devices).
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysical Exploration Methods I.MFGFT7100021Dr. Szabó Norbert PéterMaster4autumnThe course intruduces the principal theoretical background and practical skills to plan and perform geophysical explorations for different geological environments and deposit types Classification of applied geophysics methods. Gravity methods: measured quantities, basic corrections and data processing methods. Filtering gravity maps. Evaluation of measurement data for causative bodies with simple geometries. Geological and environmental geological applications. Magnetic methods: measured quantities, basic corrections and data processing methods. Reducing magnetic data to the pole. Evaluation of measurement data for magnetizable bodies with simple geometries. Geological and environmental geological applications. The specific resistivity of rocks, the concept of apparent resistivity. Direct current geoelectric methods. VES and multi-electrode measurement methods. Introduction of electromagnetic methods. Induced Polarization (IP) in the time domain (TDIP) and the frequency domain (FDIP). Types of electric polarizations creating the IP signal and their geological background. Frequency domain electromagnetic methods (FDEM): MT and VLF methods, artificial source frequency sounding methods: measurement systems, zones around the transmitter, characteristics of the apparent resistivity and phase curves. Time-domain electromagnetic methods (TDEM): transient, IP and ground radar methods. The transient EM measurement system and the zones around the transmitter. In the case of electrical and electromagnetic methods, the possibilities of controlling the depth of penetration. The development of seismic reflected waves. The travel-time curve and its characteristic parameters. Dynamic and static corrections. The common mid-point (CMP) gather. Features of seismic (TWT) sections. Interpretation of seismic (2D and 3D) sections. Isochronal maps. Seismic stratigraphy. Vertical and horizontal resolution. Acoustic impedance, reflection and transmission coefficients. Possibilities of detecting gas reservoirs by seismic method. The bright spot. The development of seismic refracted waves. The travel-time curve and its characteristic parameters. Processing and evaluation of refraction data. Near-surface applications. The relationship between the petrophysical properties of rocks and parameters measured by well logging methods. Introduction to petrophysics. Reservoir modeling. The basics of nuclear well logging methods. Determination of lithology and porosity. Presentation of main application areas. The basics of acoustic well logging methods. Determination of sonic porosity and permeability. Presentation of main application areas. The basics of electric well logging methods. The relation between resistivity and water saturation. Presentation of main application areas. Possibilities for joint processing of open-hole well logging data. Crossplot techniques. Statistical and depth-by-depth inversion methods. Principle of engineering geophysical sounding measurements. Determination of petrophysical and geotechnical properties of soils/rocks. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. Three writing tests with satisfactory results, and two assignments during the semester is the requirement of signature. Following the theoretical part, the students are introduced to different geophysical prospecting and exploration methods in practice.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysical Exploration Methods II.MFGFT720015Dr. Vass PéterMaster4springThe syllabus elaborated for and applied to the education of the course strives to cover all the important parts of the specialities connected to the objectives. This well-considered construction of topics enables the lecturer to emphasize the essential relationships necessary for implementing the objectives, and the students to successfully extend their knowledge about what benefits come from the application of geophysics in the fields of raw-material exploration and environmental investigations. Physical basics of seismic methods. Reflexion seismic method. Refraction seismic method. Vertical seismic profile (VSP). Geophysical inversion of magnetic data. Magnetic forward problem of arbitrary shaped source. The problem of ambiguity. 3D underdetermined problems of magnetic data. Geological applications. Physical basics of geoelectrical methods. Self-potential method. Charged-body method. Direct current resistivity methods. Induced polarization method. Physical basics of electromagnetic (EM) methods. Magnetotelluric method. Frequency-domain (FD) electromagnetic methods. Transient electromagnetic method (TEM). Very-low-frequency electromagnetic method (VLF-EM). Main features and essentials of borehole geophysics. Classification of well logging methods. Formation density logging. Photoelectric factor logging. Neutron logging methods. Well log interpretation techniques. Quick-Look Interpretation. Crossplots and overlays. Formation evaluation in shaly sands. The applied teaching methodologies are aimed at communicating up-to-date knowledge, developing the students? capability to apply the introduced ideas and information, improving their ability to test these ideas and evidence, to generate own ideas and evidence by means of lectures, study-aids, reading lists, exercises, group working, problem solving, discussions, feedback on written work, presentations and supervision.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysical interpretation and processingMFGFT730025Dr. Takács ErnőMaster4autumnThe course goes through the key points of performance and quality assurrance of geophysica prospection and exploration tasks. This is a synthetizing course for the whole master programme. Water exploration by geophysical methods: Some types of water aquifers. Simultaneous application of geoelectrical and IP methods. The use of frequency and time domain EM methods in water exploration. The role of GPR and surface nuclear magnetic resonance methods. The most important well logging methods and their interpretation. Case histories including water base protection. Coal, bauxite, uranium exploration: Coal formation, low-rank and high-rank coals. The physical parameters of different coal types. The use of surface geophysical methods, the adventages of underground exploration. In-seam seismic surveys, in mine geoelectrical methods. Well logging methods for coal qualification. Complex coal exploration case histories. Bauxite formation (carbonate, lateritic bauxite). The role of seismic refraction and VLF method in bauxite exploration. Well logging for quantitative interpretation and neutron activation analysis. The most important types of uranium deposits. The determination of K, U, Th content with (airborne, surface, borehole) NGS method. Rn measurement applied in U exploration. Geophysical methods in geothermal exploration: The types of heat propagation (conduction, convection), Fourier equations, Fourier-Kirchhoff equation, heat transport in porous, isotropic formation. Radioactive heat production. Heat flow maps and their interpretation.The depth dependence of heat flow and temperature for a continental and an oceanic crust. Mantle plumes and hot spots. The role of gravity, magnetic, EM methods in geothermal exploration and the application of passive and active seismic methods. Complex case histories in geothermal energy exploration. HC exploration: HC formation, the basic geological elements of a petroleum system. Different stages of HC exploration (lead, prospect, play). The role of gravity exploration (from the torsion balance invented by R. Eötvös till ROVdog seafloor gravity) measurements in the course of HC exploration including reservoir monitoring. The application of frequency domain EM methods (MT, CSAMT,CSEM, MCSEM). Simultaneous interpretation of marine controlled source electromagnetics and marine seismic reflection. Seismic reflection method for 1D, 2D and 2D situation. Corrections, migration process, VSP, time to depth transformation. The most important seismic attributes. Geological information can be gained based on seismic sequence analysis. Information can be gained from seismic data cube (time slice, horizon slice, etc.). Interpretation of up-to-date open hole, cased hole logging data systems, the role of production logging. Complex HC exploration case history presented by a MOL expert During the semester the following tasks should be completed: presentation on a report covering the process from exploration planning to interpretation (60%), exam (40%) During the semester the students complete a project-based tasks based on geophysical exploration data and prepare presentations on relevant topics.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysical inversionMFGFT720014Dr. Dobróka MihályMaster2springThis is primarily a theoretical course, giving the fundamentals to understand and aply inversion method for geophysical prospecting and exploration works. Solution of the mixed determined inverse problem: solution of the weighted Least Squares method, Marquardt-algorithm. Relationship between the optimization of the damping factor and the condition number. Solution based on the weighted least squares method in data space. Solution based on the weighted Least Squares method in the parameter space. Solution of the inverse task by the minimizing of Lp-norm, the method of iterative re-weighting. The qualification of accuracy and reliability of parameter-estimation: covariance and correlation matrices in the parameter space: dissolving matrix, in data and parameter space, generalized inverse, sub-division by singular values. Solutions of the nonlinear inverse task by global optimization methods. The Simulated Annealing and its variations. The Genetic Algorithm methods. The joint inversion method. Applying the inversions methods in case of different geophysical datasets. The series expansion inversion method. Applying the inversions methods in case of different geophysical datasets. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. Writing two tests at least satisfactory level, respectively during the semester is the requirement of signature Following the theoretical part, the students complete exercises using computer programs.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysical measurementsMFGFT720012Dr. Vass PéterMaster4springThe syllabus elaborated for and applied to the education of the course strives to cover all the important parts of the specialities connected to the objectives. This well-considered construction of topics enables the lecturer to emphasize the essential relationships necessary for implementing the objectives, and the students to successfully extend their knowledge about what benefits come from the application of geophysical measurements in the fields of raw-material exploration and environmental investigations. Lectures: General principles and main tasks of the raw-material exploration. Exploration phases. The principles of geophysical surveys. The role of geophysical methods in the exploration phases. Gravity data acquisition. Measuring devices and measured quantities of the gravity method. Gravity data processing and corrections. Magnetic data acquisition. Measuring devices and measured quantities of the magnetic method. Magnetic gradiometry. Magnetic data processing and corrections. The components and properties of geoelectrical data acquisition systems. Electrode configurations and setting up of electrode spreads. Main aspects of planning geoelectrical surveys. The components and properties of electromagnetic data acquisition systems. Survey configurations of different electromagnetic methods. Main aspects of planning electromagnetic surveys. Quality control of recorded data. The types and properties of seismic sources. The components and properties of seismic data acquisition systems. Main aspects of planning seismic surveys. Quality control of recorded seismic data. The field techniques of improving the signal-to-noise ratio. Basic steps of seismic data processing. Components and properties of data acquisition systems used for vertical seismic profiling (VSP). Basic steps of VSP data processing. Main properties and components of the techniques of borehole geophysical logging (wireline logging and measured while logging). Quality control a well logs. The constructions and properties of resistivity and induction logging tools. The constructions and properties of nuclear logging tools. The constructions and properties of sonic logging tools. Seminar Spreading systems of geophysical surveys. The steps and products of the workflow of geophysical surveys. The introduction of Scintrex CG-5 Autograv gravimeter. The introduction of GEM GSM-19 Ovehauser magnetometer. The introduction of geoelectrical data acquisition systems. The introduction of VLF measuring devices and ground penetrating radar. The introduction of a gamma spectrometer. The main functions and properties of the components of a wireline logging system. The main aspects of planning a well logging program. The applied teaching methodologies are aimed at communicating up-to-date knowledge, developing the students? capability to apply the introduced ideas and information, improving their ability to test these ideas and evidence, to generate own ideas and evidence by means of lectures, study-aids, reading lists, exercises, group working, problem solving, discussions, feedback on written work, presentations and supervision.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeophysics of exploration for waterMFGFT720024Dr. Turai EndreMaster5springStudents will be provided with geophysical skills applied in the exploration for water. The subject reviews the relation and system of physical, geophysical, hydrogeological and geometrical parameters determined by different geophysical methods. In the seminars students can acquire the basic processing, interpretation and management methods of geophysical data sets and come to know how to use some relevant softwares.The short curriculum of the subject: Determination of petrophysical, physical and geometrical parameters by means of geophysical methods for water-exploration. Surveying and detailed geophysical research methods. Studying geophysical forward modeling and inverse problems related to water exploration possibilities and demands. Profiling, mapping, tomographical geophysical methods. Well-logging (borehole geophysical) methods and interpretation procedures. Complex exploration work and interpretation. Documentation for water-exploration. Practical work: self-made solutions of simple case-study problems.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeostatisticsMFGFT710007Dr. Szabó Norbert PéterMaster3autumnThe course is of key importance for the correct statistical evaluation of different datasets, derived from geophysical and geological exploration methods. Data distributions. Datasets, histograms, pdf and cdf types. Determination of the modal value. Characterization of uncertainty. The Steiner?s most frequent value method as robust statistical estimator. The Maximum Likelihood method. Confidence intervals. Skewness and kurtosis. Propagation of error. Linear and non-linear regression analysis. Robust regression methods. Earth science examples. Spatial correlation of geophysical parameters, variogram models and kriging. Introduction to multivariate statistical methods. Data matrices. Multi-dimensional scaling. Multidimensional modeling and data analysis. Hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis, the K-means clustering method. Rock typing and other earth science examples. Reduction of dimensionality. Principal component analysis, factor analysis and their applications in geosciences. Lithology determination, estimation of petrophysical parameters. Linear regression using inversion tools. The Gaussian Least Squares method. Weighted norms to be minimized. Well-logging applications. The quality check of inversion results. Statistical backgrounds. The relation between the data and model covariance matrices. Error propagation. Simulated Annealing methods. Classical and float-encoded genetic algorithm. Artificial neural networks. Earth science applications. Lectures with projected MS-PowerPoint presentation. Demonstration of statistical methods using own developed MATLAB codes (recipes) and the MATLAB Statistical Toolbox Theoretical part is complemented by solving different statistical exercises which may appear in geophysical data processing, reserve estimation, processing and interpretation of geochemical datasets. Modules providing solutions to different issues are wirtten in MATLAB environment
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeotechnical engineeringMFKHT720025Dr. Kántor TamásMaster4springReview of foundation studies. Legal and authorization background. EUROCODE 7. Concrete as building material. Engineering design, stresses and loads. Design of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Design of retaining walls. Jet-grouting. Building of slurry wall. Digging/excavations. Building of water-supply and channeling networks. Underground structures. Utility ducts. Hydraulic engineering structures: river walls, dams, controlling objects. Practical work: self-made solutions of simple case-study problems
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeotermicsMFKGT730021Dr. Tóth Anikó NóraMaster2autumnStudents study the production and utilization technologies of geothermal energy, based on the applied fluid mechanics and heat transfer. They can get the ability to elaborate geothermal projects, feasibility studies. They will became to organize and lead implementations of different geothermal energy production and utilization systems. The short curriculum of the subject: Origin and nature of geothermal energy. Geothermal systems. Main types of geothermal reservoirs. Fluid mechanics and heat transfer in production and injection wells, and bore-hole heat exchangers. Subsurface and surface production equipments: submersible pumps, heat exchangers, heat pumps, HDR, EGS technologies. Rankine, ORC and Kaline cycles. Electricity production and direct uses. Lindal diagram. Environmental impacts.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeothermal energyMFKGT740011Dr. Tóth AnikóMaster3autumnGeothermal energy phenomena. Geothermal reservoirs. Geothermal heat flow. Simple analytical reservoir models. Geothermal drilling practice. Well test analysis. Heat transfer in geothermal wells. Production from a geothermal well. Steam and hot water transmission by pipe-line. Direct application. EGS system. Sustainability and depletion. Geothermal heat pump. Environmental effects.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeothermal systems and transport modelingMFKGT720016Dr. Tóth AnikóMaster3springHigh, medium and low enthalpy reservoirs. Fractured reservoirs (Liquid dominated reservoirs, Vapor dominated reservoirs). Artificial EGS reservoirs. Porous reservoirs. Low enthalpy porous systems. Medium and high enthalpy porous reservoirs. The necessity of well test information (reservoir fluid sampling, Modular Dynamic Testers, Pressure Transient Analysis). The course on groundwater modeling gives an overview on the possibilities of numerical simulation of groundwater in different reservoirs. This part of thee course is dominantly practice oriented that uses a freeware code called Processing MODFLOW to understand groundwater motion. The course starts with a short introduction to modeling principles and the theory of groundwater motion. After the short theoretical introduction simple examples the most important modeling techniques are presented to the students. During the rest of the semester a common work on computers is done to solve tasks of step-by-step increasing complexity.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGeothermal well drillingMFKOT730025Dr. Federer ImreMaster2autumnThe Geothermal drilling process, the special drill string elements and drill string design, drill string loadings, drill bit selection for Geothermal Well Drilling, specialties in drilling mud engineering, and rig hydraulics, determination of fracturing gradient, casing shoe selection, casing design, factors affecting casing, biaxial forces determination in casing design, bending forces, running casing operations, unscheduled event during drilling operation, wellbore stability, determination of rock properties, stress distribution around the wellbore, preventing borehole instability, primary cementing design, selection of cement and additives, cement slurry lab test, cementing calculations, effective mud removal, elements of well costing and affecting for well costing, drilling time estimate, drilling risk estimates, contracting strategies.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEGeschichte und Geographie der deutschsprachigen LänderBTGEN105AM1Bazsóné Sőrés MariannaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGlobal environmental geophysicsMFGFT730027Dr. Gábor PethőMaster2springThe course gives detailed theoretical background to understand large-scale, global geophysical processes and their invesitgation. Solar System. Zonal interior of the Sun, radiochemical transformation in it, differential rotation of the Sun, its atmosphere with processes acting on the Earth. Physical and geometrical parameters of the Sun, solar cycles. Activity of geophysical and astronomical observatories. The classification of the planets of the Solar System. The main physical, chemical and geometrical parameters of the planets. The gravitational and magnetic field of the planets. The main features of the magnetosphere of the Earth, characterization of ionosphere. Magnetic field's reversal. Different types of remanent magnetization. Composition of the Earth' interior based on seismic tomography, the most significant boundaries. Visiting Kövesligethy Radó Seismological Observatory. The zonal composition of the Earth, characterization of the zones, putting emphasis on mantle convection, liquid and solid core. Radiometric dating methods, their reliability. Radioactive heat production. Heat flux map of the Earth. Hot spots, mantle plums. Viscosity, temperature, elastic waves velocity and density in the function of depth. Focal depth determination. Magnitude definitions, energy released, intensity. Focal mechanism based on first motion studies using focal spheres. Connection between plate tectonics and earthquake mechanism. Applied monitoring technologies by CTBTO for detecting nuclear explosion. Student's .ppt presentations, questions, evaluation. attendance on the lectures and seminars and the solution of one personal task with presentation. Theoretical part is complemented by individual task which the student should elaborate and present during the semester
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGraduate Research SeminarMFFAT720006Dr. Mádai FerencMaster2autumnStudents are introduced to the information sources available paper-based and electronically. They are also introduced to best practices on scientific writing, referencing and presentation techniques. Editorial and formal requirements of scientific publications. Planning of the concept and structure of a scientific publication, making an outline, development of a concept map. Usage of references, reference styles. Etics of scientific writing: how to avoid plagiarism, usage of citations. Information sources provided by the Central Library: hard copy, catalogue search, electronic resources. Usage of electronic information resources: search options, simple and combined search, electronic libraries. Data visualization: graphs, figures, tables. The art of presentation: preparation for an oral contribution. The art of presentation: preparation of a poster. During the semester the following tasks should be completed: short presentation of the selected topic, outline and references (20%), elaboration of the concept map of the article (20%), submission of first draft (15%), submission of the final text (20%), ppt presentation of the topic in 10 minutes (25%). Completing a small research article and a presentation the students improve their knowledge in scientific communication. This is a learning by doing course, where one of the most important goals is to learn the proper way of scientific writing and referencing.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGraduate research seminarMFFAT720006Dr. Mádai FerencMaster2springThe purpose of the course ? as in many different universities in the world ? is to introduce the methods of information gatering and evaluation formal and ethic requirements of scientific communication rules for preparation of oral and poster presentations. During the course these general requirements are actualized to the field of earth science and engineering. Examples and excercises will use English publications and text materials.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENGrammar in Use 1.BTANN103ERJulia VáraljaiBachelor5autumn
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENGrammar in Use 2.BTANN203ERJulia VáraljaiBachelor5spring
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEGrammatische Übungen I.BTGEN103AM1Paksy TündeBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEGrammatische Übungen II.BTGEN209AM2Paksy TündeBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEGriechische Epigraphik (I.: Einführung, II.: Leseübung)BTMNDTORE06Szlávik GáborBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of Health SciencesENGroundbreaking methods in the study of the nervous systemETAET6344ETamas Tompa Dr.Bachelor6bothThe course discusses the latest breaktrough methodologies in the study of the most complex structure known in the universe -- the human (and mammalian) nervous system. These methods include gene-based methodologies like optogenetics and brainbow, chemically based ones, electric recordings and different imaging methods with a special emphasis on microscopic imaging
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGroundwater flow and contaminant transport modellingMFKHT7200061Dr. Balázs KovácsMaster5springTasks and aims of GW flow and contaminant transport modeling. Theory of GW flow modeling: the flow equation and its numerical solutions. The phenomena of contaminant transport in porous medium the different forms of the transport equation. Analytic and numerical solutions. Particle tracking algorithms. Data-system of GW flow and contaminant transport models. The reliability of data the aspects of data evaluation and control type of dataset errors. Calibration of models. GW flow and contaminant transport modeling using the Processing MODFLOW environment. Solution of demo problems and investigation of case studies. Practical work: self-made models of simple real problems.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENGroundwater prospecting, water resources managementMFKHT720021Dr. Kovács BalázsMaster4springThe students will be familiar with the different methods used in GW prospecting. They will learn the pros and contras, applicability limits of them. The course gives a practical summary and evaluation of the filed and laboratory tests, geophysical, remote sensing methods and gives a ?toolbox? for GW prospecting. The course gives an overview of the different GW occurrences, and of the problems of GW management. The students will be able to plan the protection of GW resources. The students will get the fundamentals to be able to plan a GW prospecting work, to make decisions to reach the aim of the work planned. The short curriculum of the subject: Methodology and principles of groundwater prospecting. Geological, geotechnical, geophysical and remote sensing methods used in prospecting groundwater resources. Basics of GW management. Types and determination of GW resources. Theory of GW protection. Practical aspects of GW protection, determination of well-head protection areas and planning the hydrogeological protection of GW. Practical work: self-made solutions of simple case-study problems.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENGuitar orchestraZTBANGIZEKADr. Papp Sándor (English, Slovak)Bachelor2bothGeneral and specific course objectives:Instrumental music performance includes ensemble music since the beginnings. This course aims to make students understand the essence and importance of chamber music and let them be practiced in the field of different styles. Beside the standard of classical chamber music the course includes the inevitable knowledge of early music and contemporary music. Chamber music by acquiring the genres of outstanding value in music literature improves the rhythmic skills dynamic control and the skill of adjustment to other players. Many musical components can only be practiced by chamber music. The course includes familiarizing of chamber ensembles in different musical styles genres style and piece standards and a standard of conscious and routed rehearsal. Precondition of the course is an ability of guitar playing at an artistic level without any technical obstacle.It is important to get to know and approach to the pieces of unique instrumentation ? preparation to the tasks of playing in a big ensemble. The facilities of homogenous orchestra raises up the problems of differentiated sonority and the plasticity of polyphony. Course content:Students learn and interpret pieces from Renaissance and baroque arrangements additionally guitar music in the second half of the 20th century with a focus on requirements of ensemble music. Evaluation: Term mark (3 grades)
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicSKGuitar orchestraZTVOTOGZKRDr. Papp Sándor (English, Slovak)Master2bothGeneral and specific course objectives:Instrumental music performance includes ensemble music since the beginnings. This course aims to make students understand the essence and importance of chamber music and let them be practiced in the field of different styles. Beside the standard of classical chamber music the course includes the inevitable knowledge of early music and contemporary music. Chamber music by acquiring the genres of outstanding value in music literature improves the rhythmic skills dynamic control and the skill of adjustment to other players. Many musical components can only be practiced by chamber music. The course includes familiarizing of chamber ensembles in different musical styles genres style and piece standards and a standard of conscious and routed rehearsal. Precondition of the course is an ability of guitar playing at an artistic level without any technical obstacle.It is important to get to know and approach to the pieces of unique instrumentation ? preparation to the tasks of playing in a big ensemble. The facilities of homogenous orchestra raises up the problems of differentiated sonority and the plasticity of polyphony. Course content:Students learn and interpret pieces from Renaissance and baroque arrangements additionally guitar music in the second half of the 20th century with a focus on requirements of ensemble music. Evaluation: Term mark (3 grades)
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHandling of processing and biodegradable wastesMFEET710006Dr. Ljudmilla BokányiMaster3autumnStudy goals: To introduce the sustainable biological treatment systems for the conversion of biowastes into marketable materials or energy, or safe disposal. Course content: Quality and quantity biowastes according to the EU List. Microbiological and thermodynamic fundamentals of aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation. Composting processing systems, technology, equipment, quality assurance and control. Production of biogas: technological solutions, reactors, quality assurance and control, application of biogas. Technological design and dimensioning. Economics of the technologies. Innovative biotreatment of biowastes for the sake of ?green chemistry?. Sustainability and environmental aspects.
Faculty of LawDEHauptbereiche des Privatwirtschaftsrechts/Handelsrechts mit einer EU-Perspektive AJKERERASMUS1Prof. Dr. Barta Judit PhD, dr. habilMA5bothDer Kurs behandelt die wichtigsten Vorschriften und Systeme des Gesellschaftsrechts, des Wettbewerbsrechts, des Vertragsrechts, des Insolvenzrechts und des privaten Verbraucherrechts in Ungarn, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den EU-Vorschriften und deren Harmonisierung liegt.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENHeat Treatment and Surface EngineeringGEMTT113M-aDr. László KuzsellaMaster3autumnReview of theoretical background: structure, equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase transformations, and their mechanisms. General characteristics and classification of Heat Treatment processes. Bulk heat treatment processes: annealings, stress relieving, recrystallisation and spheroidization, homogenising annealing, normalising. Strengthening mechanisms and technological processes: transformation hardening, precipitation hardening. Isothermic heat treatment processes. Definition scope and range of Surface Engineering, and its historical background. Surface related phenomena - wear corrosion fatigue - in engineering practice, their importance in failure of engineering components. Residual stresses and their influence on service properties. General overview of SE processes. Testing and characterization of engineered surfaces. Surface Modification Technologies based on structural and/or chemical changes - traditional and advanced processes. Coating (PVP and CVP), thermal spraying.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENHeat Treatment and WeldingGEMTT004-B-aRaghawendra P. S. SisodiaBachelor4autumnGoal and theoretical background of heat treating. Classification. Bulk processes. Annealing. Improvement of machinability and formability. Strengthening and hardening. Toughening. Surface heat treating. Thermo-chemical treating. Heat treating shop. Quality management. Thermal joining processes: soldering, brazing and welding. Thermal cutting. Fusion welding. Most important arc welding processes. Pressure welding. Electric resistance welding. Geometric joint design. Welding personnel. Welding shop. Manufacturing and quality requirements. Characteristic imperfections.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENHeat treatment of Ferrous AlloysMAKFKT255BDr. Zsolt VeresBachelor2autumnThe aim of the course is the presentation of the metallurgical physical basics of the heat treatment methods. The students will learn the plan the worldwide heat treating technologies. They will learn the conventional and modern technology of the most important heat treating technologies.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENHistorical AnthropologyBTKVANA302Árpád TóthMaster4springhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHistorical geologyMFFTT720028Dr. Less GyörgyMaster4springThis is a fundamental course to understand the principles of stratigraphy, its applicability to solve complex geological problems and tasks. Principles of stratigraphy. Basic principles of stratigraphy, litho-, bio- and chronostratigraphy. Different methods of stratigraphical correlation and their significance in raw material prospecting. Age-determining methods: biostratigraphy, radiometry, magnetostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, event stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy. Reconstruction of different palaeoenvironments and their application in raw materail prospecting. Different magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary facies types. The geological time scale, the structural, climatological and biological evolution of the Earth during the Precambrian, the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. The evolution of Homoidea. Completion of inter-semester test with at least satisfactory result (see below). It can be repeated once. Practical requirements: obligatory participation in the field-trips, ppt-presentation for one of them The lectures of the course introduce in detail the methods included in the curriculum, while practical skills are developed by field trips and case studies.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENHistory of Economy of Central-European CountriesBTKETN206Havasi VirágMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/14.htm
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENHistory of TechnicsGEGET300B-aDr. Ferenc SarkaBachelor2autumnThe bumpy road to the realization of technical works, from the discovery of novelties through legal protection to their realization, to ideological and business success. To present the successes of Hungarian mechanical and electrical engineers on the 110-year history of the Ganz factory. Presentation of significant turning points in technical development from both a technological and a historical point of view.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHSE in petroleum engineeringMFKOT71011Dr. Al-Nezari Dhorgham Skban IbrahimMaster3autumnBasics of fire and explosion protection. Fundamentals of combustion theories burnings of different materials auto ignitions. Fire protection. Safety aspects of pressure vessels and bottles and other equipment machines and processes: safety devices safety questions of settlements and operating. Chemicals safety. Personal protective equipment. Legal background and regulations of labors safety. Requirements for healthy and safe working. Objective and personal conditions of working. Special requirements of processes. The most important rights and duties of employees and employers.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENHuman EvolutionBTMNDTORE03Lengyel György Master5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of EconomicsENHuman Resource ManagementGTVSM113BAAndráskó, Dóra DiánaBachelor3autumnThis course examines the evolving human resources function within todays organizations. Students will examine the changing roles and responsibilities of human resources managers the acceptance and integration of the human resources function as a full business partner and the higher expectations placed on human resources leadership to make a significant contribution to the successful management of the organization. Students will explore the role managers and supervisors play in the successful management of the organizations human resources. Topics to be examined include: the functions of Human Resource Management relationships within the organization policies and procedures workplace diversity and the role of human resources in a global economy.
Faculty of LawENHuman Rights WorldwideAJNEKERASMUS1Dr. Raisz Anikó PhDMA/BA5bothHuman Rights Worldwide is an interactive course, focusing on topical human rights issues around the world and discussing them with the students. Case-studies are in the focus of this English-speaking class. The issues are provided by the current events, varying from migration through indigenous communities to crises like Syria or Eastern Ukraine. Women?s, children?s rights are treated during the class, just like the various international human rights control mechanisms around the world, classical topics like the universality of human rights and such new areas as human rights and the environment.
Language Teaching CentreHUHungarian as a foreign language BeginnerMIMA01ERKatalin Szokoli, Krisztina Pásztor, Fekete Józsefné, Havasiné Schultz Mária4bothDevelopment of basic speaking and reading skills to make students be able to communicate and orientate in everyday practical situations in a new environment.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENHydro-electrometallurgyMAKMET314MDr. Tamás KékesiMaster7autumnThe fundamentals, processes and characteristic techniques of leaching different raw materials, aqueous chemical separation. Introducing the conventional methods and characterisitcs of selective leaching and solution purification by valid examples (alumina production, processing of dry batteries, flue dusts, sludges) and illustrating the the tendencies in environmentally friendly nonferrous metallurgy (pressure leaching, bacterial leaching, neutral processes). Special methods of solution purification (cation exchange and anion exchange separations, solvent extraction). Extraction and recovery of valuable metals from various raw materials and the treatment of hazardous wastesd. Application of aqueous solutions in conventional and special electrolysis cells. Electrode processes, equilibrium and dynamic studies. Laboratory practices of separation techniques and applied electrochemistry.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHydrocarbon geologyMFFAT720029Dr. Velledits Felicitász MargitMaster2springThe course gives an overview of the fundamentals and also about the state of the art of the topic. The position and interrelation of the course with other disciplines is given, followed by the presentation of theoretical basis and then solution of real cases. The genesis of oil and gas deposits/fields: geodynamic background, fundamentals of organic geochemistry, primary and secondary migration. Basin analyses and thereafter: phases and methods of prospecting and exploration. After a discovery: put your field on stream (from the end of exploratipon to the commencement of the production. Core description, lithofacies modelling, depth matching, seismic validation. Hydrocarbon Geology in the field development. Stratigraphic and tectono-sedimentological modelling. Lithology, pore-structure, contacts: key issues in calculating resources, reserves. Saturation anomalies and their interpretation. Static (geological) modelling: pressure surveys, production, daily rates as a validation of the static model Geological fundaments of the dynamic model: a deterministic and a probabilistic approach. Integrated G&G studies: OOIP/GIIP/PIIP, resources reserves Oil and Gas Provinces of the Globe: resources/reserves and the future supply. The course gives an overview of the fundamentals and also about the state of the art of the topic. The position and interrelation of the course with other disciplines is given, followed by the presentation of theoretical basis and then solution of real cases.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHydrogeological interpretationMFKHT730024Dr. Szűcs PéterMaster2autumnMeasurements and data set types in hydrogeology and hydrology. Data processing to gain information. Data distribution models in groundwater science. Fitting and regression analysis. The role of histograms. Sample statistical properties uncertainty determination. Frequently used statistical probes in water sciences. The basic concepts of optimization. Rare event determination concerning flood levels and groundwater levels. Water level curve characteristics. Sample collection strategy in environmental and water sciences. Determination of weather probability curve. Extreme precipitation events and their predictions. Complex interpretation of different types of groundwater data.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHydrogeologyMFKHT710017Dr. Szűcs PéterMaster5autumnThe main properties and quality aspects of groundwater. Classification of groundwater resources. Storage and hydraulic properties. Darcy-law flow and seepage equations. Temperature properties under the surface. Shallow and deep groundwater. Karst water river bank filtered water resources. Relationship between groundwater and surface water. Springs. Flow systems under the surface. Groundwater as a geologic agent. Determination of hydraulic conductivity. Transport processes in groundwater. Basics of well hydraulics. Calculation of well discharge determination of depression curve and velocity distribution around wells. Group of wells. Pumping tests and their interpretation. Complex interpretation of groundwater data.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENHydrogeology of HungaryMFKHT720026Dr. Márton TóthMaster2springWater supplies of Hungary major outlines of water supply management. Regional tectonics parts of Hungary. The hydrological division of Hungary and the basis of division, their comparisons. Water bodies. Utilization and its possibilities quantity and areas of different water types (shallow ground water bank-filtered water deep ground water water of fissure rocks karst water. Thermal water reserves in porous and karstic rocks. Mineral and medicinal waters. Matters of regional water production. Water supply protection.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENIndustrial applications of statistical methods: CUSUM testsGEMAK133-BaDr. József Túri Bachelor5bothIn statistical quality control, the CUSUM (or cumulative sum control chart) is a sequential analysis technique in industrie. It is typically used for monitoring change detection
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENIndustrial applications of statistical methods: Jacknife and BootstrapGEMAK134-MaDr. József Túri Master5bothBootstrap uses sampling with replacement to estimate the sampling distribution for a desired estimator. The Jackknife works by sequentially deleting one observation in the data set, then recomputing the desired statistic.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENIndustrial polimerisation technologyMAKPOL101BDr. Tamás József SzabóBachelor6springTechnological challenges of polymer production purity energetics and thermodinamical issues. Radical and ionic polymerization. Industrial realization of radical and ionic polymerizations emulsion suspension and bulk polymerization methods. Radical polymerization products. Ionic polymerization. Polyolefin production technologies artifical rubber production ring opening polymerization of caprolactam copolymerization. Technologies based on polymer analogous reactions. Preparation of policondensation polymers.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENInnovation- Complex Instruction ProgramBTKPEDER01Kovácsné Nagy EmeseBachelor5autumn
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENInorganic Chemical TechnologiesMAKKEM272ENDr. Ferenc MogyoródyBachelor3autumnThe subject of the inorganic chemical technology. Principles the inorganic chemical technology basic concepts. The role of engineers in the chemical process operation. The main Operation Units in the chemical technology. Devices and operating systems the concept of operational units. Inorganic technological processes : Water technology : properties occurrence purification processes: characteristics and quality requirements of industrial water physical and chemical preparation methods treatment of waste water to reduce environmental harm. Chlorine Industry: Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride solution in order to Chlorine production. Production the solution of sodium hydroxide. Hydrochloric acid production purification Solvay soda ash production. Sulfuric acid production : sulfuric acid production technologies. Nitrogen Industry: Ammonia production. Production of nitric-oxide from ammonia . Nitric- acid production . Calculation excercises : Tasks related to water hardness by calculation equilibrium composition calculation relating to ammonia and sulfur-trioxide gas production computing experience based on the principle of electrolysis. Visiting of Chlorine- and Water- and Waste Water Plant at BorsodChem Water Plant at TVK and ADITY BIRLA Carbon Black Plant at Tiszaújváros.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntegrated Skills 1.BTANN101ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5autumn
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntegrated Skills 2.BTANN201ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5spring
Faculty of LawENIntellectual Property Law from a European PerspectiveAJPJTERASMUS4Dr. Udvarhelyiné Dr. Sápi Edit PhDMA5bothThe Intellectual Property Law from a European Perspective course covers the basic instruments of European intellectual property law. This area consists of two branches: the field of copyright law and the field of industrial property law. The first half of the semester will cover the relevant issues of European copyright law, with special regard to the EU directives and regulations of copyright law and the second half will present the area of industrial property law. Beside the EU legal sources of the field, the lectures outlook the special solutions of certain European countries? domestical systems (e.g. the Hungarian, the German, the Great Britain, the Austrian, the Czech, the Sloven and the Polish). Within the framework of the copyright law the students will meet the main directions and principles of copyright law and the most important European cases of the field as well. In the second half of the semester the education will cover the most important legal sources of industrial property law in the EU and in the abovementioned European countries as well. The aim of the lecture is that to inform the students not just about the legal regulations of intellectual property law, but about the intellectual property law policy, the main legal interpretations of the relevant provisions and the new tendencies and the protection as well, such as digitalisation, technical challenges and the influence of them to the area of intellectual property law.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENIntelligent Vehicles GEIAK134B-aDr. Samad Dadvandipour Bachelor5bothOne of the major targets of intelligent technologies is to introduce intelligent vehicles. The contribution of intelligent technology in smart systems emphasises the theme and production of intelligent vehicles which in turns are based on integration of electro-mechanical systems with micro-processors. In simple words intelligent vehicles are the integation of vehicle technology mechanics with electronics and advanced micro-controllers. Intelligent vehicles covers a wide range of technologies like dynamics of vehicles information science communication systems and human. The course aims at overviewing of Intelligent Vehicles Systems providing students with information on intelligent functions (i.e. sensing actuation automatic controls awareness and simulation) considering environmental situations.
Faculty of EconomicsENIntercultural ManagementGTVVE2141MLAAndráskó, Dóra DiánaBachelor3autumnThis course is designed to provide the basics in cross-cultural management and empower students to handle a broad array of cultural differences in increasingly complex work environments. The intensive globalization of international business and trade has created a highly interrelated and interdependent world in which people from various nations and cultures must work together often in remote teams in different time zones and geographic regions. Individuals team members and managers working in such an environment must be knowledgeable about other cultures and cultural differences and must maintain up to date information on relevant international politics and issues of diplomacy. This course covers some of the fields theoretical findings and practical applications in intercultural management and enables the participants to apply this knowledge in a multicultural and multinational business environment. Active and assertive participation in the class is a critical element of the learning process.
Faculty of EconomicsENIntercultural ManagementGTVVE2141MLAAndráskó, Dóra DiánaMaster3autumnThis course is designed to provide the basics in cross-cultural management and empower students to handle a broad array of cultural differences in increasingly complex work environments. The intensive globalization of international business and trade has created a highly interrelated and interdependent world in which people from various nations and cultures must work together often in remote teams in different time zones and geographic regions. Individuals team members and managers working in such an environment must be knowledgeable about other cultures and cultural differences and must maintain up to date information on relevant international politics and issues of diplomacy. This course covers some of the fields theoretical findings and practical applications in intercultural management and enables the participants to apply this knowledge in a multicultural and multinational business environment. Active and assertive participation in the class is a critical element of the learning process.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENInterfacial phenomenasMAKFKT347-17-MDr. György KaptayMaster4autumnBasics on interfaces (specific surface area molar surface area classification and understanding of interfacial energies the integral Gibbs energy as function of interfacial energies). Modeling interfacial energies (surface tension surface energy liquid,liquid interfacial energy solid,liquid interfacial energy solid,solid interfacial energy) as function of materials quality (chemical bond type) and temperature. Modeling interfacial energies as function of composition (Gibbs and Langmuir vs. Butler). Understanding and modeling interfacial phase separation. Phase equilibria influenced by interfacial energies (the extended phase rule and the corrected phase diagrams). Understanding interfacial forces. Modeling complex phenomena involving interfacial forces.
Faculty of EconomicsENIntermediate International EconomicsGTGKG2033MNADr. Bartha, ZoltánMaster5springThe purpose of the course is to introduce students to the topic of open economies, with special regards to the effect of global labour, capital and currency markets on the national economies. Through the exchange rate theories students understand how economic and exogenous shocks influence the economy, and their personal welfare. Topics covered: Benefits from trade. International specialisation. Trade theories: Ricardo?s and Samuelson?s view. Restricting international trade. Protectionism and tariff analysis. Exercises concerning tariff analysis. International flow of factors (capital and labour). Intertemporal transformation curve and the Samuelson-model. Open economies and the exchange rate. Exchange rate regimes and the current account. Interest rate parity. Money markets and exchange rates. The law of one price, and the purchasing power parity condition. Real exchange rate ? short term equilibrium
Faculty of EconomicsENInternational Business ManagementGTVVE213ADr. Balaton, KárolyBachelor4springThis course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the environment in which international business operates and of the business practices required to compete successfully in global markets. A secondary goal for this course is for students to develop the basic decision-making skills associated with managing different aspects of international business. In order to facilitate these goals students will be exposed to a variety of information and experience through readings in the text articles on international business business cases based on a global business situation.
Faculty of EconomicsENInternational Business ManagementGTVVE213ADr. Balaton, KárolyMaster4springThis course is designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the environment in which international business operates and of the business practices required to compete successfully in global markets. A secondary goal for this course is for students to develop the basic decision-making skills associated with managing different aspects of international business. In order to facilitate these goals, students will be exposed to a variety of information and experience through readings in the text, articles on international business, business cases based on a global business situation.
Faculty of EconomicsENInternational EconomicsGTGKG1231BNADr. Bartha, ZoltánBachelor3autumnThe purpose of this course is to direct students interest towards international economics and to help students understand the basics of international trade and finance and the effects of various international economic policies on domestic and world welfare. The course will cover Ricardian and neoclassical theories of trade, trade policies, tariffs quotas voluntary export restraints and customs union, balance-of-payments accounts, foreign exchange markets. International economics - theory and practice. Analysis of international trade and specialisation. Why do countries specialise? What kind of advantages may countries use during specialisation? Labour unit requirement and labour unit productivity. Adam Smiths ideas on enhancing productivity and the theory of absolute advantage. Why would countries specialise in products which others can produce more efficiently? Trade between countries of different level of development. Introduction to the theory of comparative advantage. Rethinking comparative advantages. A multi-factor economy - the model of specific factors. How the presence of multiple factors affect the advantages derived from international trade? The Heckscher-Ohlin-model and the Leontief-paradox. The standard model of trade: connections among opportunity costs, relative prices, international trade function, and national income. An economy with multiple goods. Terms of trade indicators: net and income terms of trade. Influence of economic growth on the terms of trade. Restricting free trade - why do countries apply protectionist instruments? Retrospection to the history of economics: mercantilism classical neoclassical and Keynesian approach. Instruments of trade policy: tariffs (customs types of customs) and other means (quotas export-subventions voluntary export restraints red tape barriers). Institutions regulating international trade. The effects of tariffs on a small economy: benefits and losses of tariffs. Introducing tariffs into the standard model of trade. The effects of tariffs on a large economy: changes in terms of trade determining the optimal tariff. Benefits and losses in case of a large economy. Registering the international relations of a country: international balance of payments. Parts of the international balance of payments. Equilibrium income in an open economy.
Faculty of LawENInternational Environmental LawAJNEKERASMUS2Dr. Raisz Anikó PhDMA/BA5bothThe course aims at making the students familiar with the topical questions of international environmental law and urges them to reflect on these issues themselves as well. The activity of the international community, above all, the international organizations (United Nations, Council of Europe, Organization of American States) is in the focus in this English-speaking class. Besides, certain areas are examined more thoroughly, such as for instance trans-boundary pollutions, the protection of certain species or the activity of international courts in environmental cases. The thematic of the course includes among others: International Law and International Environmental Law (IEL), Sources of IEL, Water-related issues, IEL at International Tribunals, IEL and Human Rights.
Faculty of EconomicsENInternational TradeGTMNM1010ABDr. Hajdú, NoémiBachelor4autumnDuring the semester students can learn the causal coherencies of international trade. Practice will be supported with actual case studies.
Faculty of LawENInternet, social media, computer games and young people (criminological approach)AJBKRERASMUS59Csemáné Dr. Váradi Erika PhDMA/BA5bothThe students can acquire knowledge not only about the actual situation, characteristics, types, functions of internet, social media and computer games, but also their role as a risk-factors for the youth criminality. The course will focus on the psychological, sociological etc. questions of this field as well and would like to give an overview of the effects of e-world with the help of the project methodology and the active involvement of participants.
Faculty of LawDEInternet, Social Media, Computerspiele und Jungendliche (kriminologischen Ansatz)AJBKRERASMUS62Csemáné Dr. Váradi Erika PhDMA/BA5bothDie Studenten können nicht nur Wissen über die tatsächliche Situation, Eigenschaften, Typen, Funktionen von Internet, Social Media und Computerspiele, sondern auch über ihrer Rolle als Risikofaktoren der Jugendkriminalität erwerben. Der Kurs konzentriert sich auch auf die psychologischen, soziologischen usw. Fragen dieses Feldes und möchte einen Überblick über die Auswirkungen der E-Welt mit Hilfe der Projektmethodik und die aktive Beteiligung der Teilnehmer geben.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntroduction to American HistoryBTANN209ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENIntroduction to applied geophysicsMFGFT7100052Dr. Vass PéterMaster3autumnThe most important geophysical parameters used in HC exploration. Geophysical methods and their resolutions. Geophysical methods detecting HC in direct or Timelapse (including 4D) geophysical measurements. Physical bases and instrumentation geophysical measurements. The main features of wire line logging logging production well logging. The determination of porosity permeability water and indicators of overpressured zones. Technical measurements and their applications. gained by logging in cased holes. Detecting well problems. Application of production and monitoring wells. Geophysical case histories including exploration
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntroduction to English LinguisticsBTANN211ERMátyás AnikóBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENIntroduction to geophisical scientific literatureMFGFT710008Dr. Armand AbordánMaster2autumnThis is a course developing important soft skills of students, giving a scope of the current content geophysical literature and skills of scientific writing Classification of applied geophysics methods. An overview of geophysical research methods based on international literature (Kearey et al., 2002). Presentation of the most prestigious domestic and international English impact factor journals. Professional journals (Q1-Q4 and D1 ranked geophysical journals). Studying an applied geophysical encyclopedia in English and practicing professional terminology (Sheriff, 2002). Analysis of an original paper selected from the journal Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica. Analysis of an original paper selected from the journal Geophysics. Analysis of an original paper selected from the journal Mathematical Geosciences. An analysis of English-language articles freely chosen by students. An analysis of English-language articles freely chosen by students. Description of the tasks related to the written assignment. Choosing a topic to create a stand-alone article. Self-conducted task: abstract writing. Checking, analyzing, and repairing the abstract. Rules for preparing an oral conference presentation. Rules for preparing a poster presentation. Presentation of the students? professional results (BSc thesis, TDK thesis etc.) in the form of a conference presentation. Simulated conference. Exercises on answering to professional questions. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. One assignment (making an individual paper) during the semester is the requirement of signature This is a learning by doing course, where one of the most important goals is to learn the proper way of scientific writing and referencing.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntroduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Roman Imperial PeriodBTMNDTORE12Szlávik GáborBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of LawENIntroduction to International Public LawAJNEKERASMUS63Dr. Raisz Anikó PhDMA/BA5bothIntroduction to International Public Law aims at providing the students a broad concept of the basic instruments and institutions of international public law. Beside the theoretical bases, the course addresses practical questions and focuses on the following key issues: the sources of international law, states, international organizations and other subjects of international law, with special attention to the situation of individuals in international law (human rights, international criminal law, protection of national minorities and asylum law), state responsibility, different forms of peaceful settlement of disputes, use of force and international humanitarian law.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntroduction to Latin Epigraphy of the Imperial PeriodBTMNDTORE13Szlávik GáborBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENIntroduction to Neural Network GEIAK132B-aDr. Samad Dadvandipour Bachelor5bothWork on artificial neural networks commonly referred to as neural networks has been motivated right from its inception by the recognition that the brain computes in entirely different way from the conventional digital computer. The fundamentals of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) covers mainly the structural levels of organization in the brain models of a neuron neural networks viewed as directed graphs feedback network architectures knowledge representation visualizing process in neural networks artificial intelligence and neural networks and historical problems. Furthermore learning process and perceptron as basic conciderations are the essential parts at study of neural network.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENIntroduction to petrophysicsMFGFT710006Dr. Dobróka MihályMaster3autumnStudy goals:The topic provides rock physical basis for petroleum applications and the theory and practice of wireline logging measurements. Course content:Petrophysical properties of rocks. Electromagnetic, seismic, acoustic wave propagation in rocks. Rock mechanical studies, velocity versus pressure relationships. Rock physical models (Hooke, Kelvin-Voight, combined models). The borehole and its environment. Petrophysical modeling of formations. Physical principles of well-logging methods. Open-hole wireline logging methods: lithologic (natural gamma ray intensity, spectral gamma ray, spontaneous potential), porosity (neutronneutron, gamma-gamma, acoustic) and saturation (laterolog and induction-based resistivity) logs. Corrections of open-hole logs for rock composition, fluid content, shaliness. The nuclear magnetic resonance log, EM wave propagation logging. Resistivity and acoustic methods for borehole imaging. Open-hole technical measurements. Production well-logging measurements in cased holes. Field studies and applications.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENIntroduction to PhoneticsBTANN212ERRobin Lee NaganoBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENIntroduction to Technical English GEIAK209B-aDr. Samad Dadvandipour Bachelor5bothThe subject covers a wide range of lessons on Classic literature in Technical Science and Information Science and Technology using texts and materials taken from textbooks newspapers computer magazines and websites. Classic literature in Technical Science mainly focuses on the comprehensive learning of materials needed to set up students language skills and ability in classic engineering sciences. The lessons are based on those materials which taken from different text books they include material science solid mechanics fluid mechanics electric electronic and computer science oil industry energy and innovative engineering sciences. The covering topics of Information Science and Technology involve principles on computer architecture computer application operating system application programs networks communication systems and IT (recent and future developments). The main aim of the subject is to provide students ability in expanding their knowledge in R and D (Research and Development) using the English language.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENJewish Integration, Anti-Semitism, and Holocaust in Central EuropeBTKETN201Sziszkoszné Halász DorottyaMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/6.htm
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEKomplexes Sprachtraining I.BTGEN317AM1Bikics GabriellaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEKomplexes Sprachtraining II.BTGEN422AMBikics GabriellaBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEKultur und Geschichte der deutschsprachigen LänderBTGEN206ATózsa-Rigó AttilaMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwnemet/Oktatas/Tantargyak/BA/Germanistik-winter-hu.pdf
Faculty of LawENLabour and industrial relations in international contextAJAMUERASMUS5Dr. Mélypataki Gábor PhDBA/MA5bothThe goal of this course is that students know the regulations of labour and industrial relations. The main elements of collective labour law will be analysed. Students will learn about the roots of trade unionism and collective bargaining, participation and strike as well. Globalisation has changed the basis of the labour and industrial relations. It is necessary to learn about international tendencies and rules: rights of the association, IFA, participation on EU level and the international rules of strike
Faculty of LawENLabour LawAJAMUERASMUS4Prof. Dr. Jakab Nóra PhD,dr.habil, Dr. Solymosi-Szekeres Bernadett PhDMA5bothEuropean Labour and Social Law presents the core of the social conception of European Integration and the social dimension of EU law. As part of the substantive law of the EC, and as a symbiosis of EU and national labour laws, its elevation to the constitutional level of fundamental rights, the regulatory competition and coordination between transnational and national laws in transnational labour regulation, the shift from free movement to labour and social law and policy are presented. The role of collective bargaining in EU regulation is highlighted focusing on directives regarding the social dimension of the EU, because European labour law as a central element of the European social model regulates working. The future of work is also presented, as the social dimension of the EU challenges the extension of social drawing rights linked to the employee status.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENLanguage AcquisitionBTANN504ERMagnuczné Godó ÁgnesBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of LawENLatinitas in the Legal TerminologyAJJOTERASMUS02Dr. Petrasovszky Anna PhDMA5springLatin, due to its complete and well-formed body of terminology, has a strong historical connection with the development of European law. Latin terms and phrases create a basis for a legal discourse spanning the different legal cultures and various language boundaries of Europe. The aim of the course is to make students acquainted with the basic grammar knowledge allowing them to gain a comprehensive insight into the continental and common law language culture of Latin origin. Beyond the acquisition of grammatical and special lexical knowledge, the course helps students to develop essential skills for perfecting higher conceptual-logical thinking, specific to law. By presenting legal terminology of Latin origin, it provides students to get to know the legal principles of certain branches of law.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENLEAN LogisticsGEALT062B-ADr. Péter TamásBachelor4autumnThis courses students can get acquainted with the LEAN philosophy and its devices (5S SMED JIT Andon systems Heijunka Jidoka Poka-Joke etc). The end of course the students will be suited to analysis and developement of material flow systems on the basis of LEAN philosophy.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENLegal and economic studies with reg. to mining and geol.MFFTT730027Dr. Mádai FerencMaster2autumnThe course intruduces the most important legal and economic concepts which are relevant to the raw materials sector, focusing on the interrelationship between the legal and economic drivers, which effect on the economic, social and legal feasibility of a mineral resource project Essential legal terms and definitions Specific Community legislation of the European Union (the ?acquis?) International conventions and standards The Hungarian national mining and geology legislation Other Hungarian acts on the environment, energy, water, etc. Other national quasi-legislation (orders of MBFH) and the licensing framework The concept of sustainable development, its role for the mineral ectractive industry, marginal cost defining factors, concept of mineral rent, The Hotelling rule and its resolution under certain conditions, Financial analysis of mining projects, cost types, deposit parameters (flow, fund, bonity, quality), Discounted cash flow methods in the mineral industry, mineral taxation. Attendance of lectures and completion of homeworks about legal cases, best practices applications related to permitting procedures or resource projects This is a series of lectures, however the students receive homeworks to analyse legal cases, best practices. The aim of these homeworks to improve the critical thinking skills of the students
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENLegal constitutional and social situation of ethnic and religious minorities in 20th and 21th century in Central EuropeBTKETN304Papp AttilaMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/15.htm
Faculty of LawENLegal guarantees in administrative procedureAJALKERASMUS03Prof. Dr. Paulovics Anita PhD, dr.habilMA5autumnThe course presents and analyzes the meaning and role of legal guarantees in administrative procedure. It deals with the fundamental rules of administrative procedure, such as the rules of decision-making in administration regarding the rights and obligations of citizens and legal persons, the access to files, the legal remedies, including remedies against the silence of the administration. The course also deals with the development of legal guarantees in administrative procedure, and the influence of the European law on administrative procedure.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDELesen und Analyse von literarischen TextenBTGEN111AMPaksy TündeBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENLexicologyBTANN413ERRobin Lee NaganoBachelor5springDepartment of English Linguistics & Literature (uni-miskolc.hu)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENLife cycle assesment of steel and composite structures.GEVGT608M-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiMaster4springSustainable development and life cycle thinking. Life cycle assessment. Scales of assessment. Environmental product declarations. CEN TC350: Context, main concepts. The cycle of steel. Comparison using steel-concrete and steel materials. Benefits of recycling. Applications.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENLife Cycle Assessment (LCA)GEVGTLCA-aDr. Viktoria MannheimBachelor4springThe role of life cycle assessment in environmental management. Phases of LCA. Writing input-output scales for technological processes. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) analysis. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods. Design of innovative environmental technologies with GaBi software. Normalization and weighting methods. Environmental economics study and evaluation of technological processes. Product life cycle analysis. Life Cycle Thinking (LCT), Life Cycle Management (LCM), Holistic decision making, Environmental LCA (E-LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA).
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDELiterarische GattungenBTGEN304AMPaksy TündeBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENLiterature, Politics and Oppositon in Socialist Eastern and Central EuropeBTKETN204Kappanyos AndrásMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/12.htm
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENLogisticsGEALT045B-aDr. Róbert SkapinyeczBachelor3autumnGeneral fields and objectives of logistics. Procurement logistics: objectives and tasks. Production logistics: production systems push- and pull systems Lean philosophy JIT principle Kanban system. Distribution logistics: warehousing transportation. Material flow systems: belt conveyors roller conveyors overhead conveyors trolley conveyors trucks cranes.,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENLogistics and Quality ManagementGEALT008B-aDr. Róbert SkapinyeczBachelor3springThe course introduces a selection of well-established methodologies from the field of quality management together with their corresponding applications in logistics. Besides of the detailed explanation of these methods their interrelations and the relevant mathematical tools are also explained.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsDELogistikGEALT045B-nÁgota Dr. Bányainé Dr. TóthBachelor3bothHintergrund der Logistik. Horizontale und vertikale Integration von Logistikfunktionen. Aufgaben der Beschaffung Produktion Distribution und Wiederverwertung. Informationstechnologie und Logistik. Logistik in der Produktion und Dienstleistung. Just in Time. Problemen von ?Make or buy. Integrierte Logistik. CIL. Logistik der virtuellen Unternehmen.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsDELogistik und Qualitätsmanagement GEALT008B-nProf. Dr. Béla IllésBachelor3bothDer Kurs enthält eine Auswahl etablierter Methoden des Qualitätsmanagement und deren Anwendung im Applikationsgebiet der Logistik. Dabei wird neben der Vermittlung von Einzelmethoden auch deren Verknüpfung zu ganzheitlichen Strategien Rechnung getragen.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENLubrication and SealingGEGET015-BaGéza NémethBachelor4bothLubrication, lubrication conditions, lubricants, lubricant characteristics, lubricant tests, lubrication of machine parts. Lubricators. Static and dynamic seals, sealing problems. Analysis of complex lubrication and sealing systems.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMachine Elements I. GEGET003B-AGéza NémethBachelor5bothModeling. Engineering materials. Fundamentals of design calculations. Bolted connection key spline polygon and pin joints. Welded riveted and combined joints. Springs. Shafts. Couplings and clutches. Sliding and rolling-element bearings. Seals. Brakes. Pipelines and pipe fittings. Flexible machine elements (flat belt V-belt toothed belt chain and friction drives). Slider-crank mechanisms. Flywheel sizing.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMachine Elements II. GEGET004B-ADr. Károly JálicsBachelor4springMechanical drives. Belt and chain drives, traction drives and gear drives in general. Basic concepts of spur gears with involute tooth profile. Forces and design methods. Stuctural materials of the driving elements. Design of gear pairs and gear drives. Manufacturing methods of gears. Helical gear pairs, bevel gear pairs. Overview of worm gear drives, epicyclic traction drives and epicyclic gear drives, harmonic drives. Elements of pipelines, types and of valves, selection, mechanical and electrical operation, gaskets.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMachine Industrial AssemblyGEGTT112-BaDr. István SztankovicsBachelor4bothThe placement and importance of assembly in the production process. Basic concepts. The theoretical foundations of assembly. Interchangeability. Dimension chain solutions. The technological process and design of the assembly. Planning levels, sub-tasks. Hierarchy of parts, family tree. Analysis of technological correctness, assembly correct construction. Technological characteristics of joint methods. Assembly procedures and tools. Mechanization of assembly. Designing the assembly of typical machine industry products. Creation of assembly workplaces. The basics of organizing the installation: description, analysis and conditions of application of various installation systems. Quality assurance in assembly.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMachine Structures and Design GEGET501-MaDr. Ferenc SarkaMaster5springFundamentals of machine components design. Review of mechanics and strength of materials. Simple stresses. Stress-strain diagram. Factor of safety. Fatigue, basic concepts. Standard fatigue strength for rotating bending. Influence of surface and size on fatigue strength. Spur and bevel gears. Gear geometry. Gear force analysis. Surface fatigue strength. Bevel gear geometry and force analysis. Epicycle gear drive and flexible gear drive. Nomenclature and Geometry. Degree of Freedom. Speed Ratio. Geometry. Force Analysis. Efficiency.
Faculty of EconomicsENMacroeconomicsGTGKG1122BNADr. S. Gubik, AndreaBachelor5springDuring the semester students get to know the basic rules of macroeconomics the ways of measurement and price indices, the theoretical basics of the states intervention to the economy and Keyness theory on these questions. Introduction to macroeconomics. Measuring the value of economic activity. National Income. Solow model 1 (steady state of the economy). Solow model 2 (the golden rule of consumption). Labour market and unemployment. Money and inflation the quantity theory of money. Inflation and interest rate. Equilibrium of the product market. Introduction to economic fluctuation. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply. Stabilization policy. Building the IS-LM model ? The goods market and the IS curve. The money market and the LM curve. Applying the IS-LM model ? Explaining fluctuations with the IS-LM model. Aggregate Supply and the Short-Run trade-off between inflation and nemployment.,
Faculty of EconomicsENManagement and OrganisationGTVVE102BAAndráskó, Dóra DiánaBachelor5autumnDuring the course students can widen their knowledge in the field of management science learn more about different managerial and organizational approaches test their own leadership abilities skills and competences and develop their leadership style. Students are going to use different tests to estimate their leadership skills. Situational role and interactive practices are also very useful for successful implementation.
Faculty of EconomicsENManagerial EconomicsGTGVG296MDr. Horváth, ÁgnesMaster4springHaving finished the course students will understand the functioning and motivational factors of business organizations. They will know the main problems of different economic evaluation and decision preparation methods and they will able to analyze the economic problems with using the most appropriate methods. This course develops those skills that are necessary for comprehension of economic relationships, phrasing of information needs for decisions and elaboration of decision-making aspects, furthermore it develops capability of economic-technical language usage.
Faculty of EconomicsENMarketingGTMSK1020ABDr. Nagy, SzabolcsBachelor5springThe objective of the course is to give a comprehensive insight into marketing management and to teach students how to analyze marketing environment customers and competition and to use STP marketing in order to develop the appropriate marketing mix for the chosen segments.
Faculty of EconomicsDEMarketingGTMSK1020NBDr. Piskóti, IstvánBachelor5springThema der Vorlesung: Einführung in die Marketinglehre ?Geschichte -Definitionen, Marketing Informationssystem -MIS, Arena des Marketings ?Umwelt ?STEEP-Analyse, Grundlagen des Konsumentenverhaltens, Beschaffung ?Kaufentscheidungvon Unternehmen, Konkurrenzanalyse, Marktsegmentierung und Positionierung, Produktpolitische Entscheidungen -Produktentwicklung, Die Marke, Preis im Marketing, Distribution -Vertriebskanäle-Handel ?, Marketingkommunikation.
Faculty of EconomicsENMarketingGTMSK2431AMDr. Nagy, SzabolcsMaster5autumnThe objective of the course is to enable students to become better decision makers as marketing managers. Students shall gain deep insight into marketing management by analysing the marketing environment, customers and the competition. They shall learn how to use STP marketing to build strong brands and sell them effectively in both the traditional and the rapid developing digital markets. This course aims to place student into simulated ?real? decision making situations in order to improve team and individual decision making. Students will play a marketing simulation game. Cesim SimBrand develops students understanding and command of the whole marketing decision-making process. The simulation covers marketing topics including segmentation, positioning, distribution channel investments, advertising budget allocation, after sales services, pricing, sales forecasting, marketing research, competitor analysis, research and development, and profitability.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsDEMaschienenzeichnung GEGET002B-nDr. János Bihari Bachelor3springNormen der technischen Abbildung. Abbildungen .Zeichnung von Ansichten Schnitte Profile. Aufbau und Elementen von Massnetzen. Passungen Toleranzen das ISO-Normsystem. Angabe der Oberflachengüte. Technologische Vorschrifte auf Werkzeichnungen. Regeln der Zeichnung von normgerechter Zeichnungen. Werkstücks- und Wekstattszeichnungen. Zeichnung von geschweisten gegossenen geschmiedeten und zerspanten Werkstücke. Grundlagen der CAD-Zeichnung.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENMaterial balanceMFKOT730026Dr. Kovácsné Federer GabriellaMaster3autumnBasic terms conditions. Different forms of the material balance equation. Material Balance of the saturated oil reservoir. Average pressure. Drive mechanics drive indices. Material balance equation of a gas reservoir. Water influx. Volumetric and open reservoirs. Cole and Campbell plots for gas and oil reservoirs. Hydrocarbon in Place Estimation with material balance. Havlena-Odeh Tehrani Sills methods. Prediction with material balance.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMaterials equilibriaMAKFKT345MDr. György KaptayMaster4springSystem phase component. Mole fraction and phase fraction. Materials balance. Connection between state parameters (pressure temperature average composition) and the characteristics of the equilibrium state (number and identity of phases their phase ratios and mole fractions). The general condition of equilibrium. Connection between the Gibbs energy of the system the integral Gibbs energy of a phase and the partial Gibbs energy of a component. The condition of heterogeneous equilibrium. Constituents of the Gibbs energy (1st law). Inner energy. Molar volume. Entropy (2nd law). The results of a heating experiment. Standard enthalpy of elements and compounds. Temperature and pressure dependence of standard enthalpy of phases. The entropy of phases (3rd law). Temperature and pressure dependence of standard entropy and Gibbs energy of phases. Construction of one-component phase diagrams. A critical point. Gibbs energy of two-component solutions and mixtures. The ideal solution. Two-component phase diagram with ideal solutions (eutectic type and solid solution type). Real solutions (4th law). Binary phase diagrams with immiscibility and compounds.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMaterials TestingMAKPOL-227BDr. György Czél Bachelor3autumn Definition of stress and strain, hardness: Brinell method, Vickers method, Rockwell method, Tensile test: tensile tester equipment, the effect of deformation velocity, stress-strain curve, sections of elastic in curve, characteristic of the material: extension, contraction, resistance to tensile stress, yield strength. Material characteristics: defined by tensile test: modulus, Poisson ratio, hardening exponent, rigidity, Test serial: Compression test, compressive stress-strain curves, flexure test: basics and practical presentation. Fracture mechanics investigations: Fundaments of fracture mechanics, crack propagation, role of crack propagation, Charpy experiment, fracture of ideal elastic material, tension intensity factors KI, KII, KIII, KIC, elasto-plastic model, plastic model, fracture toughness. Fundaments of creep effect, creep-time diagram, creep-rupture strength, role of temperature on creep, relaxation process. Endurance test: basics, Wöhler- diagram, internal force, fatigue strength diagram, statistical methods (Weibull), simplified methods (LOCATI) Material category in terms of fracture behaviours: Brittle material, plastic super plastic fracture, Type of fracture and their material and temperature relation, transient temperature of different materials. Non-destructive testing: radiological testing, basics characteristics of ray, mass-absorption coefficient, contrast, sharpness, dosimeters, transparency, isotopic test Ultrasonic testing: basics, ultra sound generation, detectors, testing methods, acoustic tests.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMathematics for Analysis I.GEMAN114-BaDr. Krisztián HriczóBachelor5bothSet theory, relations, functions, interpretation range, set of values, series, the limit of series, the limit of univariate real functions, continuity, notable curves, differential calculus and its applications, function analysis, indefinite integral calculus, integration rules. The definite integral and its applications, impropius integral.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMathematics for Analysis II.GEMAN124-BaDr. Krisztián HriczóBachelor5bothDefinite integral, properties, areas of application. Improper integrals. Bivariate functions. Numeric series. Dual integral and its applications. Triple integrals and their applications. Differential equations. Vector scalar functions. Scalar vector functions. Vector vector functions.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMathematics for Economic Analysis I.GEMAN101BADr. Péter Varga Bachelor4autumnIntroduction to the basic concepts of calculus and their applications. Functions derivatives and limits, the definite integral. Techniques of integration applications of integration. Introduction to single variable probability. Random variables. Distributions.,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechanical Drawing GEGET002B-AZsuzsa DrágárBachelor3bothRules of technical drawing. Standard orthographic (multiview) projection. Views sectional views auxiliary views. Dimensioning: components and methods. Tolerancing and fitting. ISO tolerancing system. Surface roughness. Technological instructions on working drawing. Drawing rules for standard machine elements. Detail and assembly drawings. Drawing of the casted forged rolled welded and machine-cut details. Introduction to using CAD systems.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechanical TechnologiesGEMTT032-BaDr. László KuzsellaBachelor3bothBasic technologies of mechanical technologies. Theoretical background of Heat treatment. Classification, Bulk processes, Annealing, Improvement of machinability and formability, Strengthening and hardening. Toughening. Surface heat treating. Casting and powder metallurgy as a fundamental shaping process. Fundamentals of joining. Theoretical bases of welding. Metal forming is a primary manufacturing process that includes drawing, forging, rolling, and bending. Normally performed after the primary processes of extraction, casting, and powder compaction and before the finishing processes of metal cutting, grinding, polishing, painting, and assembly.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechanical VibrationsGEMET101-MaDr. László KissMaster5autumnPrinciples of modelling dynamical systems. Centric and eccentric impact of rigid bodies, the Maxwell-diagram. Modelling of mechanical vibrations, methods for the derivation and solution of the equations of motion. Vibrating systems with one degree of freedom (free vibrations, forced vibrations, damped free- and forced vibrations). Vertical vibrations of machine foundations. Active systems of vibration protections. Vibration of discrete systems with more degrees of freedom (equations of motion, natural frequencies, vibration modes). Eigenvalue-problems and their solutions, properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Rayleigh quotient. Critical angular speed of rotating shafts. Laval problems. Bearing reactions of rotating shaft-bearings systems. Dynamic analysis of slider-crank mechanisms. Balancing a multi-cylinder engine. Vibration of continuous systems. Longitudinal, bending and torsional vibrations of elastic beams. Vibration of plates. Introduction to the measurement of dynamical parameters. Book recommended: György Szeidl - László Kiss: Mechanical Vibrations, Miskolc, University Press. 2016. Provided free to the students in pdf format.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENMechanical, - and biological treatment of municipal solid wasteMFEET720015Dr. Ljudmilla BokányiMaster4springStudy goals: To introduce the necessity of treatment of the residual fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) to recover valuable materials (metals) and energy (refuse derived fuel (RDF) and biogas) for the creating of circular economy. Course content: Quality and quantity of MSW and its residual fraction. Biostabilisation of degradables, recovery of metals, RDF and/or biogas: evaluation of technologies meeting different processing goals, machinery and economics, their design.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechanics and Thermodynamics GEFIT251B-aDr. Gábor PszotaBachelor3bothBasic concepts of kinematical description of motion. Fundamental concepts of particle dynamics. Newtons laws. Work power kinetic energy. Physical fields conservative forces. Fundamental concepts of oscillations. Simple harmonic oscillation damped oscillation forced oscillation and resonance. Basic concepts of thermodynamics macroscopic and microscopic description. Thermal equilibrium. Thermal expansion. Internal energy heat and work. The first law of thermodynamics. Ideal gas model. Equipartition of energy. Reversible and irreversible processes. Carnot-cycle efficiency. Heat conduction convection and radiation.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechanics of MaterialsGEMET002B-aDr. Balázs TóthBachelor5autumnIntroduction. Concept of stress: Normal stress, shearing, stress, stress under general loading conditions. Stress and Strain: Axial loading, Hooke's law, modulus of elasticity, Poisson ratio, multiaxial loading, generalized Hook's law, statically indeterminate problems. Torsion: deformations and stresses in circular shafts. Pure bending: Symmetric and unsymmetric bending, bending of members made of several materials, general case of eccentric axial loading, bending of curved members. Analysis and design of beams for bending. Shearing stresses in beams and thin-walled members: unsymmetric loading of thin-walled members, shear center. Transformation of stress and strain: Mohr's circle, stresses in thin walled vessels. Principal stresses under given loading: principal stresses in a beam, design of transmission shafts. Deflection of beams: Equation of the elastic curve with solutions. Columns: Stability of structures, determination of critical loads. Energy methods: Strain energy, impact loading, Castigliano's theorem with applications to statically indeterminate structures. Book recommended: F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, Jr., John T. Dewolf, D. F. Mazurek: Statics and Mechanics of Materials. McGraw-Hill, 2011. (ISBN 978-0-07-338015-5 )
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechatronic Systems GEMRB004B-aDr. László Rónai, József Lénárt Bachelor4bothThe structures and properties of mechatronics systems. Discussing the BIBO stability of LTI systems. Creating the state-space representation of systems. Laplace transformation to produce the transfer function of a system. Designing steps of the pole placement method. Introduction to PLC programming with the use of Rexroth modular PLC, IndraWorks and IndraLogic softwares. Programming of simple, practical tasks to learn the Ladder diagram, Sequential Function Chart, Function Block diagram and Continuous Function Chart programming languages.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENMechatronics in material flowGEALT180M-aDr. Ákos Cservenák3bothConnection between mechatronics and logistics. Material handling devices (forklifts, carriers, cranes, conveyors, etc.). Mechatronical elements (sensors, actuators) used in these devices. Industry 4.0 techniques.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEMedien: elektronische und gedruckte PresseBTGEN305AMPaksy TündeBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENMental health care and mindfulnessBTKPEDER02Lubinszki Mária5autumn
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMetalforming practices I.MAKFKT272BDr. Sándor KovácsBachelor2autumnClassification of forming processes . The metrics of deformation. Friction conditions . Cold and hot forming. The open die forging technological base . A typical free -forming operations. The general context of swaging . Deburring. Forging without burrs . Determination of the basic parameters necessary for machinery forming machine selection. The extrusion forming process parameters . Rolling . The system of rolled products . The structure and main units of the rolling mills . Slabheating. Providing rough and ending mills . Shaped products ( profiles) rolling. Cast Rolling. Cool winding finishing. Cold rolling. The initial product preparation. Pickling . And one-way reversing rolling mills. Pipe Manufacturing . Seamless steel pipe manufacturing. Squeezing of ease and non-ferrous tubes.Manufacturing of welded pipes. Drawing. Drawing technology. Wire drawing . Tube-drawing with wall thinning. Drawing conditions. Overview of alloys including primarily the steel structures the relationship between structure and properties a Course description of the practical heat treatment of steels heat treatments. The most important heat treatments of non- ferrous metals.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMetallic MaterialsMAKFKT277ENDr. Valéria MertingerBachelor3springMicrostrukture-technology-behaviour, Steel, Cast irons, Light alloys, Refractory material, Coper alloys, TinLed Zinc brazing materials, Superalloys, Shape memory materials, Metallic glasses, Magnetic materials and husler alloys.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENMethods of environmental assessmentMFKHT730013Dr. Balázs ZákányiMaster2autumnThe history of environmental impact assessment. The legal regulation of the environmental impact assessment. Environmental assessment, environmental impact assessment, uniform environmental permit. The qualification of environmental test activities can be combined with the functionality and connectivity of the procedures. The phases of environmental testing, the method of the official method. The preliminary environmental study. The detailed requirements for environmental compatibility studies. Acting factors stakeholders, impact processes, the spread effects. The effect areas, control areas. The main aspects of recruitment procedures and environmental standards. In the effectiveness test methods and procedures. Impact Assessment. Monitoring. The impact assessment public of the hearing, public hearing. Analysis of practical examples. Preparation of an impact test, study management, presentation, public discussions.
Faculty of LawENMethods of judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the EUAJBUEERASMUS2Dr. Jánosi Andrea PhDMA5springThe aim of the course is to give an overview of the principles, forms and methods of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Students can get acquainted with certain principles of criminal justice cooperation, in particular the principle of mutual recognition and the various forms of cooperation based on this principle. In addition, the related case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union will be examined.
Faculty of EconomicsENMethods of Market AnalysisGTMSK4150ADr. Molnár, LászlóPhD4springhttp://gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/doktoriiskola/course_structure
Faculty of EconomicsENMicroeconomicsGTGKG111BNADr. S. Gubik AndreaBachelor5autumnThe objective of the course is to introduce the students the economic thinking and to apply the economic methods and theories to find and use the similarities and difference between theories and the real world. Introduction definitions. Economic methodology. , The market. The demand and supply and their functions. Consumer behavior. Households as consumers. Analyzing consumer preferences and utility. The budget constraint. Consumers optimal choice. The effects of income and price changes on demand. The demand curve. Microeconomics of the production I. Production function of the firm Microeconomics of the production II. The isoquants and the firms optimal output Costs yield and supply of the firm and the market. Output market I. The competitive market. Output market II. The monopoly and its market. The comparison of competitive and monopol market. Input market I. Input demand of the competitive firm and the monopsony., Input market II. Capital evaluation. General equilibrium of production and exchange. Market insufficiencies and the governments microeconomic role.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMicrostructure investigationMAKFKT309BDr. Márton BenkeBachelor4springThe practical significance of sturctural analysis.Characterization of phases are composed different types of materials. Optical microscopy methods. Using image analysis to characterize multi-phase structures. Sturcture and operation of Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Energy Dispersive Spectorscopy (EDS) Wavelength Dispersive Spectroscopy (WDS). Diffraction methods: geomoteric description of crystall lattice concept of reciprocal lattice Bragg equation. Production and detection of X-rays. Debye-Scheerer method. Qualitative and quantitive phase analysis.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMicrostructure investigations II.MAKFKT346MDr. Valéria Mertinger*Master6autumnStudents acquire knowledge about special microstructure investigation techniques. Some of them will be used in practice and theory as well. Course content: Morphological classification of single and multi-phase materials. Characterization of grains and particles, interpretation of grain size distribution. Structural anisotropy and orderliness. Classification of two dimensioned grains by shape. Principles of SEM, XRD and TEM. Using image analysis method to characterize multi-phase structural. Own project.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENMineral DepositsMFFTT720021Dr. Zajzon NorbertMaster4springStudents get familiar with the different groups of commodities ? ores, industrial minerals, solid fossil energy minerals, construction materials and their use and history, as well as the ore forming geological processes and their appearances, genetic classification of the deposits with national and international examples. During the introduction the students get familiar with the different groups of commodities ? ores, industrial minerals, solid fossil energy minerals, construction materials and their use and history. In the next period, the students will learn the ore forming geological processes and their appearances, which creates the different deposits. Also they will learn the genetic classification of the deposits with national and international examples. It prepares the students to be able to recognize the geological features of mineralizations, alterations and tectonic preformation. It covers all the important mines and ore districts in Europe and worldwide. During the laboratory classes the students can learn the natural occurrences of the ores, non-ores and industrial minerals. They will learn the physical and chemical properties, and texture of the different raw material types, and how to identify and distinguish them. To the proper use of geological maps and sections in 3D, the students will do exercises to develop their capabilities. During the related field trips the students will examine real deposits in the field. Test about recognizing the different hand specimens of ores, raw materials (35%), Written test about the classification of ores with examples (65%). Theoretical part is complemented by laboratory classes where students analyze specimens from different deposit types. learn the natural occurrences of the ores, non-ores and industrial minerals. They will learn the physical and chemical properties, and texture of the different raw material types, and how to identify and distinguish them. To the proper use of geological maps and sections in 3D, the students will do exercises to develop their capabilities. During the related field trips the students will examine real deposits in the field.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENMineralogy - geochemistryMFFAT710005Dr. Norbert ZajzonMaster4autumnThis is a fundamental course, discussing systematic mineralogy and geochemical baskground of mineral formation processes Introduction, Hydrogen and alkaline metals Alkaline earth metals Boron, aluminium, carbon and silicon Rare earth elements, titanium and zirconium Uranium, thorium, vanadium, niobium and tantalum Chromium, molybdenium and tungsten Midterm test (1st ), Manganese, iron, cobalt and nickel Copper, gold, silver and platina group elements Zinc, cadmium, mercury, gallium, indium and thallium Tin, lead, arsenic, antimony and bismuth Nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen Sulphur, selenium, tellurium, haloids and noble gases The final grade will consist of two part. During the semester two midterm tests are written. The average of them will be the 50% of the final grade. The rest 50% is for the final exam. Theoretical part is complemented by mineralogy laboratory work and geochemical modeling exercises
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENModelling, Simulation GEMRB010B-aDr. László RónaiBachelor3bothDefinitions of systems dynamic system and mechatronic system. Methods to describe mechatronic systems. Type of models and their treatment. The process of system simulation. Introduction to model schemes. The elements of a block diagram. Methods of Numerical integration: Euler method, Trapezoid method. Displaying results and their discussion. Investigation of electrical, mechanical and mixed systems with the use of an energy based method. Individual solution of modeling problems and its presentation.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENModern American History and CultureBTANN410ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENModern British History and CultureBTANN309ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENModern Database SystemsGEIAL521-MaProf. Dr. László Kovács, Boucetta Sara Master5springOverview of RDBMS API interfaces, programming of JDBC, PL/SQL language, strored procedures and functions, Hierarchical data model, LDAP system , LDAP API, Object-relational models, Oracle ORDBMS, UDT , complex structures and methods, noSQL, docuent databases, MongoDB, Mongodb commands, Mongodb API, Graph databases, Neo4J commands and API
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENModernist Art and LiteratureBTANN508ERDósa AttilaBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENMolecular EngineeringMAKDKF7ENDr. Béla FiserPhD10bothAim During the past, for nearly 200 years after Friedrich Wohler?s discovery (1827), organic molecules could be synthesized, but organic chemistry was based on trial and error. There was no way to design a molecular structure, like a drug, in advance before attempting a synthesis, that was either working or not. Today, we already know that in a chemical reaction, energy is the driving force. Furthermore, the rearrangement of the electron redistribution involves electron flow from the electron rich centre to the electron poor centre. This qualitative rule has been proven by quantum molecular computations, but the empirical rule can also be used with great success. This philosophy will be applied in this course, that will help the students to become creative, in planning organic reactions, which is now called ?Molecular Engineering?. As international students are also expected to attend, the language of the subject will be English.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEMorphologie I.BTGEN302AM1Kriston RenátaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEMorphologie II.BTGEN402AM2Kriston RenátaBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENMulticultural British Literature, Films and ArtsBTANN509ERDósa AttilaBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEMultimedia und Intermedialität (Projekt)BTGEN306AMPaksy TündeBachelor3springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEMündliche Kommunikation I.BTGEN101AM1Bikics GabriellaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEMündliche Kommunikation II.BTGEN201AM2Bikics GabriellaBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENNano-phenomenaMAKFKT267BDr. György KaptayBachelor3autumnThe system of units. The methods of nanotechnology. Specific surface area. Molar volume and molar surface area. The ratio of surface atoms. The Gibbs energy of nano-phases. The size dependence of one-component phase diagrams. Nomenclature and thermodynamic definition of interfacial energies. The mechanical definition of surface tension. Optimum shape of droplets, contact angle adhesion energy. Characteristic values for surface tension and contact angle for different types of liquids and solids. Wettability of nano-structured surfaces, superhydrophobic surfaces. Penetration of liquids into porous solids. Adsorption and absorption. Segregation. Temperature and concentration dependence of surface tension. Marangoni convection. Nucleation. The general equation for interfacial forces. The interfacial anti-stretching force the curvature induced interfacial force the interfacial gradient force the interfacial spreading force the interfacial capillary force the interfacial meniscus force the interfacial adhesion force and the fluid bridge induced interfacial force. Stabilization of foams and emulsions by nano-particles. The Kirkendall effect (how to make porous nano-particles).
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENNations and Cultures in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th CenturiesBTKETN105Kunt GergelyMaster5autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/6.htm
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENNations and Cultures in Central Europe int he 19th and 20th centuriesBTKETN105Zsuzsanna TörökMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/5.htm
Faculty of LawENNatural-Law State Theory from a Historical AspectAJJOTERASMUS03Dr. Petrasovszky Anna PhDMA5springThe purpose of the optional subject is to give students a comprehensive view of the 19the century Natural Law tendencies with special regard to the state-theory. It also aims to deepen the legal history and constitutional studies. Through familiarizing themselves with the principles of the general state theory of the era, students can gain insight into the historical and theoretical background of the development of modern administrative law. The course provides an opportunity to present the state concepts developed by Natural Law, to examine the nature and conceptual elements of statehood, as well as the scopes of public authority.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENNeural networks and its applicationsGEMAK135-BaDr. József Túri Bachelor5bothNeural networks was independently proposed by Alexander Bain and William James. Later McCulloch and Pitts created a computational model for neural networks based on mathematics and algorithms. They called this model threshold logic. The model paved the way for neural network research to split into two distinct approaches. One approach focused on biological processes in the brain and the other focused on the application of neural networks to artificial intelligence. During the course, we review the basic concepts and application possibilities.
Faculty of Health SciencesENNeurochemistryETAET6238ETamas Tompa Dr.Bachelor6bothAn introductory course to the chemical properties of the human neural system. An overview of the nature, localization and functional significance of the main neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, receptors, with a system-level evaluation.
Faculty of Health SciencesENNeuropsychologyETAET6239ETamas Tompa Dr.Bachelor6bothThe course introduces the neuronal bases of the human psychological phenomena. We'll learn the elemental cellular processes on which all the functioning of the neural and muscular tissue are based, and build a view of the higher order mental functions on this very basis. An integral part of the curriculum is the detailed description of the lobe functions.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENNODAL analysis applicationsMFKOT730016Dr. Al-Nezari Dhorgham Skban IbrahimMaster2springGeneral introduction of NODAL Analysis programs. Building of the NODAL Analysis model. Testing of the model using field data. Using of the model for inspection optimization and design. Connection to other simulators. Nodal Analysis of: flowing gas lifted sucker rod electrical submersible or PCP pumped wells. Simulation and optimization of networks and gathering systems.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENNon-metallic industrial depositsMFFTT730030Dr. Ferenc KristályMaster4springStudents get familiar with their mineralogy, deposits and formation, extraction and uses based on detailed international data. We also study the rock type industrial minerals, their generating and applications. In the case of silicates emphasis is put on clay minerals, feldspars and zeolites. Separate lecture+laboratory visit discusses the exploitation and beneficiation techniques. The introductory part is a short review on the geological settings and related petrological-geochemical knowledge, related non-metallic resources, industrial mineral groups. The first part dissects the grouping on genetical and industrial-application point of view mineral resources. During the semester detailed knowledge is offered on 1) native element, 2) sulphide, 3) halogenide, 4) oxide/hydroxide, 5) carbonate/nitrate, 6) borate, 7) sulphate, 8) phosphate and 9) silicate types of industrial minerals. Students get familiar with their mineralogy, deposits and formation, extraction and uses based on detailed international data. We also study the rock type industrial minerals, their generating and applications. In the case of silicates emphasis is put on clay minerals, feldspars and zeolites. Separate lecture+laboratory visit discusses the exploitation and beneficiation techniques. During the laboratory exercises and field trips students learn to recognize industrial minerals, to give mineralogical characterization, exploration and quality remarks, their natural types of occurrence. Lectures with .ppt presentation, laboratory exercises for sample and specimen preparation, fieldtrips, methods for data validation and documentation. Short written test. Individual data research + presentation (60-40%) in an assay. Oral examination Field trips and individual exercises enhance the skills of the student and to understand the genetic conditions of formation of non-metallic depostis. During the laboratory exercises and field trips students learn to recognize industrial minerals, to give mineralogical characterization, exploration and quality remarks, their natural types of occurrence.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENObject Oriented Programming GEIAL012B-ADr. Erika Baksáné VargaBachelor5springObject oriented concept. Classes of objects. Members of classes (data and method). Instances of classes. Methods which act on the attached objects. Message passing. Abstraction. Inheritance. Polymorphism. Interfaces versus abstract classes. Class diagram of UML. Virtual methods and its usage. Suggestion and conventions.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENOccupational health and safetyMFKHT740025Dr. Zákányiné Dr Renáta MészárosMaster2springThe aim of the subject for students is to learn the basics of work safety and health. Get knowledge about the skills of an EHS specialist in practice. Basic Concepts. Basis of law. Occupational health. Mental health. Safety of machinery and equipment. Chemical safety. Biological hazards. Personal protective equipment. Realization of work safety in practice. OHS Tasks at a Workplace (EHS Work Safety, Change Management). OHSAS.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENOilfield chemistryMFKOT720011Dr. Lakatos IstvánMaster3autumnFundamentals of physical chemistry and colloid chemistry: behavior of real gases equilibria reaction kinetics sorption phenomena rheology diffusion colloid systems surface and interfacial tension capillary forces wettability properties of suspensions and emulsions. Chemistry of drilling muds and well completion fluids. Chemical well stimulation methods including hydraulic fracturing acidization profile control in water injection wells chemical methods providing selective fluid flow in oil and gas producing wells (water shutoff treatments and GOR improving techniques). Fundamentals of intensive flooding technologies addressing the whole reservoir space. Chemical aspects of improved and enhanced oil and gas productions methods (IOR,EOR and IGR,EGR) including the thermal gas injection and chemical (alkaline surfactant and polymer) technologies. Mitigation of formation damage by chemicals bottomhole clean-up for paraffin asphaltene deposits and chemical sand control in wells. Basics of water technology: composition of formation waters mechanism of scale formation their inhibition and removal of inorganic scales by chemicals. Surface and underground corrosion of metallic structures types and origin of corrosion corrosion inhibitors. Hydrocarbon hydrates and inhibition of hydrate formation at well site and transport pipelines.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENOilfield chemistryMFKOT720011Dr. Lakatos IstvanMaster3autumnFundamentals of physical chemistry and colloid chemistry: behavior of real gases equilibria reaction kinetics sorption phenomena rheology diffusion colloid systems surface and interfacial tension capillary forces wettability properties of suspensions and emulsions. Chemistry of drilling muds and well completion fluids. Chemical well stimulation methods including hydraulic fracturing acidization profile control in water injection wells chemical methods providing selective fluid flow in oil and gas producing wells (water shutoff treatments and GOR improving techniques). Fundamentals of intensive flooding technologies addressing the whole reservoir space. Chemical aspects of improved and enhanced oil and gas productions methods (IOR,EOR and IGR,EGR) including the thermal gas injection and chemical (alkaline surfactant and polymer) technologies. Mitigation of formation damage by chemicals bottomhole clean-up for paraffin asphaltene deposits and chemical sand control in wells. Basics of water technology: composition of formation waters mechanism of scale formation their inhibition and removal of inorganic scales by chemicals. Surface and underground corrosion of metallic structures types and origin of corrosion corrosion inhibitors. Hydrocarbon hydrates and inhibition of hydrate formation at well site and transport pipelines.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENOlifield hydrogeologyMFKHT730014Dr. Szűcs PéterMaster3autumnStudy goals: The students will be familiar with the main concepts of modern hydrogeology as well as petroleum or oilfield hydrogeology. The students will review the migration and accumulation theories and will understand the hydrogeologic indicators of petroleum reservoirs. The students will be able to apply hydrogeology in regional petroleum and gas exploration projects. The course makes the students understand the presence and place of hydrocarbon-pools. Course content:The main properties and quality aspects of groundwater. Classification of groundwater resources. Storage and hydraulic properties. Darcy-law, flow and seepage equations. Temperature properties under the surface. Shallow and deep groundwater. Flow systems under the surface. Groundwater as a geologic agent. Determination of hydraulic conductivity. Transport processes in groundwater. Basics of well hydraulics. Group of wells. Pumping tests and their interpretation. Complex interpretation of groundwater data. Evaluation and interpretation of subsurface hydrodynamic data of extended regions. Hydraulics and hydrodynamics of petroleum entrapment and occurrences. Characterization of groundwater flow systems. P(z) profiles, fluid-potential maps, hydraulic crosssections. Hydrogeothermal conditions. Over-pressured aquifers.UVZ methods. Entrapment potential
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENOperating Systems and NetworksGEIAL501M-aDr. Baksa AttilaMaster5autumnIntroduction to mainframe architectures and technologies (Massive Parallel Processing, hardware redundancy, RAID technologies, clustering, storage networks, managing backups), basics of embedded operation systems, real-time operating systems, details of virtualization technologies, overview of modern file system structures, and also presentation of common OS security mechanisms. Introduction to the basic concepts of Computer Networks. Theoretical and design aspects. OSI and TCP/IP network models. Medias of physical layer, Data link layer protocols, Media Access Control sublayer (802.3, 802.11), Network layer (IPv4 and IPv6), addressing schemes, devices of the network extension, Transport layer (UDP, TCP), congestion control schemes.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENOperation of Polymer Processing MachinesMAKPOL-262-17-MDr. György Czél Master4springMixing , hot mixing, rolling, calendaring, injection moulding, extrusion, blow moulding, Hot-forming of plastics, vacuum forming, fiberising techniques, Processing of plastic materials and technology of shaping of plastic products as well as the operation of machines, extrusion and injection moulding
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENOperation Research GEMAK001B-aDr. Attila Körei Bachelor2autumnIntroduction to optimisation models. Graphical solution to simple LP problems. Simplex method. Duality and sensitivity analysis. Solving the transportation problem by the distribution method. Assignment problem and its solution by the Hungarian method. Special integer programming problems.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENOptical microscopy and image analysisMAKFKT270-17-BDr. Péter BarkóczyBachelor4springMetallographic preparation embedding grinding mechanical- chemical- electrolytic polishing etching (dipping- electrolitic- color- precipitation- thermal- and deep etching). Optical microscopic methods (light dark field interference polarization). Inspection of the microstructure of steel cast iron light- and heavy metals.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENOptimization of Engineering Structures GEVGT603B-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiBachelor4bothOptimisation methods single and multi-objective optimisation. Cost calculations. Application for welded steel structures: stiffened plates, planar and space trusses, silos, frames, tanks, pressure vessels.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENOptimization of Objects and Systems GEVGT604B-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiBachelor4bothSingle and multi-objective optimisation methods. Metaheuristic optimisation. Comparison of the different algorithms. Applications for object design and for systems design like energy, logistics, heat exchange, etc.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENOrganic Chemical AnalysisMAKKEM235BDr. Gábor MuránszkyBachelor2springOrganic Microanalysis: Basic Methods (C H N halogen determination) qualitative and quantitative analytics of the major functional groups. UV spectroscopy of molecules: electron structure the symmetry of the energy fields and selection rules. Chromophore and auxochrome groups. Steric conditions and effects of the solvent. Chiroptical Spectroscopy: Optical activity and chirality. Properties of polarized light and the interaction of the light with chiral systems. Infrared spectroscopy: the formation of the vibrational and rotational spectra. Diatomic molecules harmonic and anharmonic oscillator model. Normal vibrations of polyatomic molecules binding and characteristic group frequencies and the conditions for the appearance. The relationship between IR and Raman spectroscopy. Vibration nomenclature types external and internal (structural) factors affecting the frequency of the IR bands. Mass spectrometry. Different ionization methods single and double focusing ion detection sensitivity resolution power mass range. Mass spectrometry coupling (MS-MS GC-MS HPLC-MS). Natural abundance of isotopes. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR): relaxation chemical shift and spin -spin coupling their effects and their relationship to the spectrum structure. Factors influencing the chemical shifts substituent effects. Separation methods. Migration conditions for chromatography retention time distribution coefficient selectivity capacity. Chromatography columns column resolution. Various methods of chromatography. Gas chromatography. Liquid chromatography. Electrophoresis
Faculty of EconomicsENOrganizational BehaviourGTVSM217MAKucsma, DaniellaMaster5autumnDuring the course students can widen their knowledge in the field of management science, and they can learn about the following topics: What is Organizational Behaviour? Definition of Organizational Behaviour. Decision-Making Process. Individual Differences and Work Performance. Individual attributes and their effects on job performance. Learning, reinforcement and self-management. Motivation and empowerment. Managing Group Dynamics and Organizational Processes. Groups and teams. Organizational structure and design. Organizational culture
Faculty of EconomicsENPersonality DevelopmentGTVSM205MADr. Kunos,IstvánMaster5springOur earthly existence - since birth - provides a continually changing medium for us. Whether you want it or not, you keep learning something. It also applies to our personality. Those who continually strive to get to know themselves, develop their personalities and learn to keep control of their subjective experiences are able to define the quality of their lives. Developing our personality is of course beneficial not only for us. Both our immediate and wider environment can benefit from it in our private life as well as at work. The chapters and the tasks of the book of this subject were written in the hope of assisting readers in having a more complete, harmonious and happier life, and thus contributing to achieve our personal, organizational and social goals.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENPetroleum economicsMFKOT720012Dr. Komlósi ZsoltMaster2autumnBrief summary of some general economic issues in macro-economics micro-economics company management (Porters model) and decision theory. Basis of economic approach including cash flow modeling time preference (concept of compound interest and present value). Forecast of key factors determining E and P business in the future. Methods determining key economic indicators. Features of appraisal individual projects applying economic indicators and their constraints in risk-free case. Basic geological technical and economical features of petroleum industry investment in case of exploration field development production and abandonment (risks resources reserves venture capital). Crude oil and natural gas price history and price forecasting models. Risks measurements and their impact on project value (expected value concept Monte Carlo simulation). Evaluation uncertainty and risk of various parameter estimates and their impact on (economic) indicators calculated. Non-quantifiable (risk) factors and their impact on project evaluation. Assessment of project groups (portfolio evaluation). The place and role of oil companies worldwide: typical contracts and tax systems in various countries ranked in terms of hydrocarbon availability profitability and risk.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENPetrophysics-Well log interpretationMFGFT720019Dr. Vass PéterMaster4springStudy goals:The course gives detailed information on well-logging techniques used in oil and gas industry. Course content:The fundamentals of open and cased hole log analysis. Data processing (corrections) and deterministic, statistical, inversion methods based interpretation methods. Estimation of shale volume, porosity, matrix composition, water and hydrocarbon saturation, permeability, elastic parameters. Crossplot techniques for porosity and lithology definition. Comparing the interpretation results with core measurements. Calculation of hydrocarbon reserves. Special measurement types. Pore size distribution based on nuclear magnetic resonance logs. Processing of image logs. Well-to-well correlation. Interpretation of production well logs (cement evaluation, production and injection profiles, detecting fluid-flow behind the casing, reservoir monitoring).
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEPhonetische Übungen I.BTGEN106AM1Sabine HankóBachelor1autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEPhonetische Übungen II.BTGEN208AM2Sabine HankóBachelor1springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENPhysical ChemistryMAKKEM222-17-BDr. Béla ViskolczBachelor5springCharacterization of material systems, basic concepts. Basic laws of thermodynamics. Application of the basic laws of thermodynamics to gas, steam, liquid, melt and solid systems. Thermodynamics of Elephase Phases. Balancing conditions of chemical reaction and phase transition processes. Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria. Phase diagrams of two- and multi-component systems. The basics of reaction kinetics, the speed and mechanism of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions. Main factors influencing the reaction mechanism. Transports: viscosity, diffusion, thermal conductivity and electrical driving. Transport phenomena, surface and interfacial phenomena in heterogeneous systems. Electrochemistry: formation of electrolytes, thermodynamic properties of electrolytic systems, electrode processes, corrosion.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENPhysical GeologyMFFTT710001Dr. Hartai ÉvaMaster4autumnThe course gives the fundamentals to later specific geological courses. It introduces the basic concepts and skills necessary for interpreation of different geological processes. Fieldtrip, analysis of sedimentary formations The formation and the inner structure of the Earth Plate tectonic background of the geological processes The role of physical geology in the geological exploration. Magmatic processes, their interpretation on field Sedimentary processes, their interpretation on field Fieldtrip, studying magmatic rocks Metamorphic processes, their interpretation on field Principles of stratigraphy, stratigraphic nomenclature Stratotype, lito-, bio- and chronostratigraphy Magneto-, chemo-, seismic, sequence, and cycle stratigraphy Reconstruction of continental sedimentary environments Reconstruction of marine sedimentary environments Defining the succession of rock-forming processes and tectonic events During the semester the following tasks should be completed: students have to complete two field programmes: 1) studying sedimentary rocks, reporting in ppt presentations (15%), 2) studying magmatic rocks, Theoretical part is complemented by classworks as well as field works
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENPhysical metallurgy I.MAKFKT225BDr. Valéria MertingerBachelor4autumnClassification of forming processes . The metrics of deformation. Friction conditions . Cold and hot forming. The open die forging technological base . A typical free -forming operations. The general context of swaging . Deburring. Forging without burrs . Determination of the basic parameters necessary for machinery forming machine selection. The extrusion forming process parameters . Rolling . The system of rolled products . The structure and main units of the rolling mills . Slabheating. Providing rough and ending mills. Shaped products ( profiles) rolling. Cast Rolling. Cool winding finishing. Cold rolling. The initial product preparation. Pickling. And one-way reversing rolling mills . Pipe Manufacturing . Seamless steel pipe manufacturing. Squeezing of ease and non-ferrous tubes. Manufacturing of welded pipes. Drawing. Drawing technology. Wire drawing. Tube-drawing with wall thinning. Drawing conditions. Overview of alloys including primarily the steel structures the relationship between structure and properties a Course description of the practical heat treatment of steels heat treatments. The most important heat treatments of non- ferrous metals.
Faculty of Health SciencesENPhytotherapy (Science of medical herbs)ETAET6221ENorbert PaszkBachelor6bothThe treatment of medical conditions using plants, or substances made from plants. The science of healing with plants. Treatment and prevention of various diseases with the help of herbs.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPlanning of Production and Production SystemsGEGTT125B-aDr. Csaba FelhőBachelor3springBrief overview of machining processes: traditional cutting methods (turning, planing and shaping, broaching, drilling, milling, abrasive machining: grinding, honing, superfinishing, lapping, polishing), non-traditional machining methods (abrasive waterjet cutting, electrodischarge machining, laser- and plasma cutting, ultrasonic machining, chemical machining, additive manufacturing). Basics of production planning: the process flow, pre-planning steps, batch size calculations, operation planning, operation sequencing, cutting data determination, post-processing. Computer-Aided manufacturing (CAM). Manual and computer-aided process planning (CAPP) methods. Classification, hierarchy and application of manufacturing systems. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). General model for the planning of manufacturing systems. Determination and elimination of bottlenecks in manufacturing. Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). Computer-Aided Quality Assurance (CAQ).
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsDEPlanung von MaterialflusssystemenGEALT001B-nDr. Tamás BányaiBachelor3bothPlanungskonzeptionen. Ladeeinheitsbildung. Layoutplanung. Transportsystemen. Logistik und Informatik. PPS. E-commerce. MRP
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENPolitical Culture in a Central European CountryBTKETN001Kürti LászlóMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/19-1.htm
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENPolymer CompositesMAKPOL235-17-BDr. Tamás József SzabóBachelor2autumnClassification of composite materials grouping and classifying of polymer composites. Types and properties of reinforcing components. Particle reinforced composites coatings layers and lamination methods. Surface and interface phenomena. Mechanical properties of PMC composites. Delamination and other failure types. Manufacturing of composites.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPolymer ProcessingGEMTT080M-aDr. Péter KovácsMaster4autumnHaving mastered the basics of polymer processing, students are prepared to master computer-aided design of plastic forming tools, and can become involved in the work of plastic processing industry. They are discussing: The material properties of plastics, their special formability properties. A detailed discussion of the technological variants of plastics forming, taking into account the specific characteristics of plastics, affecting the basic designs of machine and tool solutions. The technology of injection molding will be analyzed in detail.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENPolymer studyMAKPOL228BDr. Kálmán MarossyBachelor4autumnDefinition of ideas: macromolecules, polymers and plastics. Creation of polymer molecules. Characterization of polymers: Polymerization grade, molecular mass, molecular mass distri-bution. Definition of different average molecular masses, polydispersity. Polymer solutions. Physical states of polymers, the thermo-mechanical curve. Mobility of macromolecules, re-laxation phenomenon. Structure of polymer molecules: stereochemistry, isomerism, takticity, crystallinity, linear and cross-linked structures. Polymer synthesis methods: radical, ionic polymerization, polycondensation, polyaddition, polymer analogous reactions. Copolymers, copolymerization. Industrial polymer production methods. Polymers and plastics, the most important plastic additives: stabilizers, plasticizers, fillers, rheological modifiers (lubricants, flow modifiers), impact modifiers, colorants. Commodity (PE, PP, PS, PVC), and engineering (PA PC, PES, POM) plastics. Properties of most important industrial products.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENPolymer study II.MAKPOL261-7-MDr. Kálmán MarossyMaster7springExplanation of ideas of polymers and plastics. Preparation of polymer moleculesá Characterization of polymers, interpretation of molecular mass averages and polydispersity. Knowledge of determination of molecular sizes. Isomerism in polymers, takticity. Criteria of polymer crystallization ant its kinetics. Mobility of polymer chain, explanation of properties by mobility. Relaxation phenomenon ? Explanation of connection between the different behaviors (optical electric mechanical thermal etc?). Test methods based on relaxation phenomenon (DMA, DETA, TSD, H31DSC). Arrhenius and WLF equations. Time ? temperature superposition. Compatibility of polymers and additives thermodynamics of mixing preparation of blends and mixed systems. Structure-properties relationship. Novel results of polymer science and technology
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENPopular cultureBTANN303ERSasvári AnnaBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENPractice of the Organic Chemical AnalysisMAKKEM236VBDr. Gábor MuránszkyBachelor3springOrganic Microanalysis: Basic Methods (C H N halogen determination) qualitative and quantitative analytics of the major functional groups. UV spectroscopy of molecules: electron structure the symmetry of the energy fields and selection rules. Chromophore and auxochrome groups. Steric conditions and effects of the solvent. Chiroptical Spectroscopy: Optical activity and chirality. Properties of polarized light and the interaction of the light with chiral systems. Infrared spectroscopy: the formation of the vibrational and rotational spectra. Diatomic molecules harmonic and anharmonic oscillator model. Normal vibrations of polyatomic molecules binding and characteristic group frequencies and the conditions for the appearance. The relationship between IR and Raman spectroscopy. Vibration nomenclature types external and internal (structural) factors affecting the frequency of the IR bands. Mass spectrometry. Different ionization methods single and double focusing ion detection sensitivity resolution power mass range. Mass spectrometry coupling (MS-MS GC-MS HPLC-MS). Natural abundance of isotopes. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (NMR): relaxation chemical shift and spin -spin coupling their effects and their relationship to the spectrum structure. Factors influencing the chemical shifts substituent effects. Separation methods. Migration conditions for chromatography retention time distribution coefficient selectivity capacity. Chromatography columns column resolution. Various methods of chromatography. Gas chromatography. Liquid chromatography. Electrophoresis.Practical knowledge of the analytical methods used in organic analytical chemistry.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPrecision machiningGEGTT148-BaDr. Viktor MolnárBachelor4springTrends in precision machining. Basic definitions. Cutting tool materials. Chip formation. Cutting vibrtions. Cutting temperature measurement, heat in metal cutting. Tribology of cutting. Micro machining procedures and technologies. Surface integrity, roughness, residual stress. Nanomanufacturing. Sensor-assisted machining.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPressure System Protection GEVGT002B-aDr. Zoltán Siménfalvi Bachelor4springPressure systems protection against excessive pressure. Source of pressure gas vapour and dust explosion. Pressure increasing characteristics. Methods of overpressure protection. Safety valves and bursting panels. Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure (EN ISO 4126 EN 14491)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPressure Vessel Design GEVGT001B-aDr. Zoltán Siménfalvi Bachelor4autumnParts of pressure vessels. Base of the pressure vessel design. PED directives. Pressure thermal and secondary loads. Construction materials and selection. Design of unfired pressure vessels (EN 13445).
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPressure WeldingGEMTT303M-aDr. Raghawendra Pratap Singh SisodiaMaster3springHistory. Classification. Theoretical background. Sheet welding processes. Resistance spot welding, seam welding, projection welding, foil butt welding. Bar welding processes. Flash welding. Stud welding. Friction welding. Diffusion welding. Explosion welding. Alliances of welding processes.
Faculty of EconomicsENPrinciples of AccountingGTÜSZ101ABDr. Füredi-Fülöp, JuditBachelor4autumnThe purpose of this course is to direct students interest towards accounting and to help students understand the basics of accounting systems regulation and governance. The main learning objective of this subject is to give a broad overview on the place and function of accountancy in the economics on the annual report and the accounting transactions. The subject describes the operation of the information-system of accounting its methods and effects on the economy.
Faculty of LawENPrivate International LawAJEUNERASMUS1Dr. Mátyás Imre PhDMA5bothThe objective of the course is to highlight the current achievements on the field of private international law both on Hungarian and European level. Emphasis is laid on the legal sources of the European Union, the so called Rome Regulations. With the help of the course, students will be able detect the presence of the relevant foreign element in legal relations and learn how to solve the collision.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENProbability Theory & Mathematical StatisticsGEMAK629-MaDr. József Túri Master5bothPart 1: Probability Theory. Elements of Probability: sample space and events, venn diagrams and the sigma-algebra of events, Kolmogorov type of probability space, sample spaces having equally likely outcomes, conditional probability, Bayes? formula, independent events. Random variables and its characteristics: definition, types of random variables, probability distribution function, probability mass function for discrete random variables, probability density function for continuous random variables, joint probability distribution function, joint probability mass function, joint probability density function, conditional distribution and independence. Expectations and moments: mean, median, and mode, central moments, variance, and standard deviation, conditional expectation, Chebyshev inequality, moments of two or more random variables, covariance and correlation coefficient, Schwarz inequality. Some important discrete distributions: Bernoulli trials, binomial distribution, geometric distribution, negative binomial distribution, multinomial distribution, Poisson distribution, special distributions, approximations of the binomial distribution. Some important continuous distributions: uniform distribution, bivariate uniform distribution, Gaussian or normal distribution, exponential distribution, chi-squared distribution, conditional expectation, the laws of numbers, the central limit theorem. Part 2: Mathematical Statistics. Statistical inference, histogram and frequency diagrams, parameter estimation. Parameter estimation: samples and statistics, sample mean, sample variance, sample moments, order statistics, quality criteria for estimates, unbiasedness, minimum variance, consistency, sufficiency, methods of estimation, point estimation. Methods of Estimation: point estimation, interval estimation. Hypothesis testing (based on rejection region and the P-value): tests concerning the mean of a normal population, case of known variance (the z-test), case of unknown variance (the t-test), testing the equality of means of two normal populations, case of known variances (the paired z-test), case of unknown but equal variances (the paired t-test), case of unknown and unequal variances (the Welch- test), Kolmogorov?Smirnov test. Linear models and linear regression: Simple Linear Regression, Least Squares Method of Estimation, Properties of Least-Square Estimators, Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENProcess Simulation using ASPEN HYSYSMFKOT710021Dr. Zoltán TurzóMaster2bothhttps://www.oil.uni-miskolc.hu/files/11949/MFKOT710021_Process_Simulation_usingASPEN_HYSYS_Course%20description%202020.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENProduction engineering fundamentalsMFKOT720025Dr. Takács GáborMaster6springProperties of oilfield fluids and gases. Inflow performance of oil wells. Basics of single-phase flow: description and pressure drop prediction. Multiphase flow: basic concepts flow patterns. Multiphase flow in oil wells: empirical correlations mechanistic models gradient curves. Accuracy of pressure drop calculations. Horizontal and inclined flow of multiphase mixtures. Multiphase flow through chokes. Temperature conditions in hydrocarbon producing wells. Theory of continuous flow and intermittent gas lifting design of installations. Types of gas lift valves their performance. Gas lift installation types surface gas supply systems. Application of NODAL Analysis principles to gas lifted wells. Unloading of continuous flow gas lift wells unloading valve string design.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENProduction systemsGEGTT460-BaDr. György KovácsBachelor4bothGlobal production tendencies. Changes in production philosophies and production processes. Characteristics and comparison of Push and Pull production concepts. Introduction of the Pull based production philosophies (JIT, Kanban, Lean). Characteristics and main activities of production systems and processes. General types and characteristics of intermittent and continuous production processes: project production, job-shop production, batch production, mass production and process production. Flexible manufacturing systems. Basic principles and main phases of production processes? design. Types and applications of industrial robots. Essence of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). Case studies.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENProgrammable Logic GEVAU518B-ADr. József VásárhelyiBachelor5bothDigital Circuit technologies and programmable logic technologies Characteristics of Programmable Logic devices (PLD), Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC) ASIC versus PLD, Simple programmable Logic Devices (SPLD) Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD) Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) architectures, Application of FPGA, System on Chip architectures, Hardware Description Languages. VHDL Verilog and High level synthesis. Open CL basics.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENProgramming of GraphicsGEIAL015B-ADr. Péter MileffBachelor5springThe aim of the course is to understand methods algorithms behind real computer graphics applied in modern computer games. Todays most widely used 2D and 3D technologies (e.g. structure of the pipeline bounding box collision detection lightning and shadows etc) are presented. This integrated knowledge helps students to create graphics oriented applications and computer games.
Faculty of EconomicsENProject ManagementGTVIM2070AMetszősy, GabriellaBachelor5springThis course examines project management roles and environments the project life cycle and various techniques of work planning and control and evaluation to achieve project objectives. The tools currently available to project managers are discussed throughout this course. Course Objectives: (1) To provide a brief introduction to general issues of project management. (2) To provide insights into problem solving and persuasive presentation of solutions. (3) To increase awareness of how people work as team members and as individuals
Faculty of EconomicsENProject ManagementGTVIM2070AMetszősy, GabriellaMaster5springThis course examines project management roles and environments the project life cycle and various techniques of work planning and control and evaluation to achieve project objectives. The tools currently available to project managers are discussed throughout this course. Course Objectives: (1) To provide a brief introduction to general issues of project management. (2) To provide insights into problem solving and persuasive presentation of solutions. (3) To increase awareness of how people work as team members and as individuals
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENProtection of Information SystemsGEIAL506M-aGyörgy WágnerMaster4autumnProtection from physical damage, unauthorized access. Data loss, intruders, attack against security systems, advice from DEC, source of danger, risks, threats, costs, Confidentiality, integrity, availability, functionality. concept of protection, expand concept of protection, ?Need to Know?, protection domain, Access Matrix and permissions, implementation of Access Matrix: Global Table, Access Control List, Capability List, Formal methods: Bell LaPadula, Biba, MAC, DAC, Firewalls, components of firewalls, Packet filtering firewall, Circuit level gateway, Application level gateway, stateless and stateful packet filtering firewall, High Availability firewalls, VPN, Deep Packet Inspection Firewall, TCSEC, ITSEC, Common Criteria, Attack methods: DoS, SYN flood, ICMP flood, OOB Nuke, sniffer, address spoofing, DDoS, steganography, cryptography, Kerckhoff, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, problems of key share, solutions: Diffie-Hellman-Merkle, public key infrastructure, PGP, NTFS-EFS, digital signature and the Hash, the certificates, virus search methods.
Faculty of EconomicsENPublication 1GTGTD4501PhD6bothThe objective of the course is to work closely with a supervisor in Miskolc and prepare a paper that is ready to be presented at a confernece or published in conference proceedings
Faculty of EconomicsENPublication 3GTGTD4503PhD12bothThe objective of the course is to work closely with a supervisor in Miskolc and prepare a paper that is ready to be published in a peer reviewed journal or as a chapter of a peer reviewed book.
Faculty of EconomicsENPublication 7GTGTD4507PhD18bothThe objective of the course is to work closely with a supervisor on a research project in Miskolc and prepare a paper that is ready to be published in a reviewed journal
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPublication and Modern Search of the LiteratureGEVGT606B-aProf. Dr. Károly JármaiBachelor3bothSearch engines for finding the technical documents. Web of Science, Scopus, Scholar Google, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Microsoft Academis Search, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, etc. How to write good technical documents.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENPurchasing and Distribution LogisticsGEALT046B-aÁgota Dr. Bányainé Dr. TóthBachelor3springPurchasing logistics process. Typical purchasing logistics strategies. Distribution logistics process. Strategic issues in distribution logistics. Inventory management for finished products. Loading units and packaging systems in distribution. First mile and last mile solutions.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENQuality controlGEGTT122-BaDr. Viktor MolnárBachelor4springThe role of quality control in the organisations' quality system. Basic definitions, history of quality systems. The components of the quality management system. Strategies of quality improvement. Quality control tools and methods. Problem solving methods and systems, visualisation techniques, PDCA-cycle. The six sigma (mathematical basics, calculations, components) and the DMAIC cycle. Continuous process improvement. Documentation system and IT support of quality control.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENQuality inspectionGEGTT120-BaDr. Viktor MolnárBachelor3autumnBasic measurement tools, definitions of measurement technique. Definitions of quaity and quality inspection. Pre-production, during-production tasks of quality inspection and final inspection. Sampling techniques and methods. Machine and process capability analysis. Analysis of measurement tools. Basics of statistical process control. Quality inspection of production parts. Control plan. Case studies for elaborating control plans.
Faculty of EconomicsENQuality ManagementGTVVE2007ADr. Berényi, LászlóBachelor5autumnHaving finished the course students will be able to handle the definitions of quality and quality management. They can overlook the establishment process of the ISO 9001 standard. Business excellence evaluation show a new way of business development. Case studies and other practices draw up the main mistakes and prepare the students for being able to manage a successful quality management solution.
Faculty of EconomicsENQuantitative Statistical MethodsGTÜSE2015AMDr. Szilágyi, RolandMaster5springHaving finished the course students will be able to analyze the main process of the business life with quantitative methods using statistical programs. Aim is to develop the students? analytical and decision-making ability, the recognition skills of causal relationships
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENReading / Writing 1.BTANN102ERSasvári AnnaBachelor5autumn
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENReading / Writing 2.BTANN202ERSasvári AnnaBachelor5spring
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENRecycling of metallic and rubber wastesMFEET730018Dr. Sándor NagyMaster3autumnUnderstand the importance of metallic and rubber waste management for recovery of structural materials. Get acquainted with metallic and rubber waste material flows, compositions, and the possible recycling technologies. Thematic description of subject: Technologies of processing and utilization of metal and rubber containing wastes. Main groups of introduced wastes: electronic wastes, end of life vehicle wastes, slugs. Mechanical, chemical and thermal processes of preparation. Knowledge of quality related to products.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENRecycling of plastic and paper wastesMFEET730019Dr. Imre GombkötőMaster3autumnThe aim of the subject for students is to learn knowledge about paper and plastics as material, their properties and their production methods and technologies, and their utilisation as secondary raw material. Also, to learn paper and plastic appearance in different waste streams, and their recycling goth technologies and unit operation level. Paper and plastic production. Properties of plastics, their production and utilisation. Waste streams and major apparence of paper and plastic in these waste streams, quality and quantity. Properties of paper and plastics focusing the properties relevant to their recycling and separation. Technical solution of paper recycling. technical solution of plastic recycling, equipment and unit operation in paper and plastic recycling, energetic and as secondary raw material utilisation of plastics and paper.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENRefractoriesMAKETT105BDr. Csaba PóliskaBachelor4springThe students are given an overview of the classification physical-chemical parameters and main technological applications of oxide and non-oxide materials used for refractories manufacturing. Various refractories product groups are discussed in Course description with respect to their specific characteristics. Fitting and installation technologies of refractory insulations linings and coatings are presented. Different refractory materials are examined in terms of strength criteria and resistance to thermal stress with adequate measurement methods for the determination of structural characteristics and corrosion properties.
Faculty of EconomicsENRegional EconomicsGTERG111BADr. Péter, ZsoltMaster3autumnThe course will adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to explore some of the contemporary issues in the field of regional economics. This will include the nature and determinants of regional development including location production trade and migration. Theory and practice will be contrasted and the need for location-specific approaches to regional development will be emphasised.
Faculty of Health SciencesENRehabilitationETFTT6061EDora Kiss-KondásBachelor6bothRehabilitation comprises the totality of processes and therapies in the health care practice that has the goal of restoring or substituting a function lost due to some kind of illness. Physiotherapy is an organic part of medical rehabilitation. This course, fit into the curriculum of physioterapist students aims to teach the rehabilitation tasks related to frequently faced disorders/syndromes in the clinical practice with an emphasis on the role of physiotherapy in the process.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENReligions, Churches, Religious Minorities in Central EuropeBTKETN203Fazekas CsabaMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/8.htm
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENRenewable EnergyGEAHT013-BaDr. Péter BencsBachelor4autumnRenewable energy basics, introduction. Sub-types of water turbines, small sample measurement. Sub-types of hydroelectric power plants. Energy diagram, pipeline blocking. Heat pump. Geothermal energy geothermal energy. Wind turbines operation, determining their performance. The theory of water decomposition. A basics of thermal radiation. Solar radiation theory of solar radiation, absolute black body, grey body radiation. The solar collector construction, application. Biomass.
Faculty of EconomicsENResearch MethodologyGTVVE409PADr. Balaton, KárolyPhD5springThe aim of the course is to provide a solid methodological knowledge for doing research in business administration. The course covers the possible research philosophies and methodologies, and provides information on the possibilities of applying different methods. The aim is to provide help for PhD students to plan their doctoral research and write the dissertation.
Faculty of EconomicsENResearch MethodologyGTGKG2512MNADr. S. Gubik, AndreaMaster3springThe aim of this course is to equip students with knowledge and skills of using different research methods not only to conduct research activities but also to handle everyday situations and to make sound decisions at workplaces. For example, how to think carefully when buying consumer goods, decreasing staff turnover, deciding on training courses, etc. On completion of the course students should be able to distinguish between different research methods and apply the right method, to demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry such as research design, conceptualization, operationalization, measurement and evaluation and apply these concepts in group work assignments and to think more critically and rationally and apply different problem-solving techniques.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENResearch Methods in AnthropologyBTKVANA101Barbara KántorMaster4autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENReservoir engineering fundamentalsMFKOT720024Dr. Kovácsné Federer GabriellaMaster6springShort oil history. Properties of porous rocks. Darcys law permeability and its measurement. Saturations and their measurements. Surface tension capillarity and its measurement. The Leverett function. Relative permeabilities and their measurement. Phase behavior of reservoir fluids. Single and multi component systems. Vapor-fluid equilibrium. Hydrocarbon gases compressibility factor gas viscosity. Oil properties formation volume factor viscosity. Convergence pressure. Differential and flash liberation. Volumetric estimation of hydrocarbons in place.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENReservoir management simulation lab.MFKOT730015Dr. Vadaszi MariannMaster3springDefinition of reservoir management. Short history. Basics of reservoir management. Goals. Realization. Monitoring. Evaluation. Case studies. Data acquisition and analysis. Material Balance calculations. Numerical simulation. Economic considerations. Risk analysis. EOR methods. Case studies.
Faculty of LawENRestorative Elements in Criminal LawAJBKRERASMUS1Prof. Dr. Görgényi Ilona CSc, dr.habilMA5springThe course focuses on restorative justice theory and practice in criminal matters. History of compositio goes back to the ancient time. From seconds half of last century activities and documents of the Council of Europe, the United Nations, the European Union and other international organizations exercised influence on restorative justice movement. Restorative justice is an old and new paradigm. The course offers the opportunity to deal with definitions, forms and principles of restorative justice, especially victim-offender mediation. Restitutive concept of sentencing and mediation in relation to criminal law are fundamental questions to be addressed in the framework of the course.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENRole of the USA in the 20th centuryBTANN215ERLáng ViktóriaBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENRollingMAKFKT271-17-BDr. Gábor SzabóBachelor4autumnBasic technological concepts of rolling. Hot cold and warm rolling. The raw material for rolling mills. Products of rolling. The Flat Rolling Process. The Hot Rolling Process. Reheating furnace Rough rolling Coil boksz Finish rolling Cooling. The hot strip mill. Temperature conditions of hot rolling and their influence on the quality of flat rolled sheet The cold rolling Process. Cold rolling mill configurations. The warm-rolling process. Mathematical and physical modelling of the flat rolling process. A simple model of rolling. The classical Orowan model . Refinements of the Orowan model. The effect of the inertia force. The equations of motion. The friction factor in the flat rolling process. The metallurgical events before and after the rolling process. Elastic deformations of the working elements of strip-rolling mills. Roll-separating force and elastic deformations of the rolls of four-high mills. Main factors affecting the elastic deformations of working stands and the accuracy of the dimensions of flat rolled products.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENRoma Society in Central EuropeBTKETN202Szabó-Tóth Kinga DóraMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/7.htm
Faculty of LawENRoman Private LawAJROMERASMUS04Prof. Dr. Sáry Pál PhD, dr.habilMA5bothThe course provides an overview of the whole system, basic concepts, principles and operating mechanism of the ancient Roman private law. During the course we follow the institutio system of Gaius: personae (law of persons and family law), res (law of property, law of succession, law of obligations), actiones (procedural law).
Faculty of LawENRoman Public LawAJROMERASMUS03Dr. Bajánházy István PhDMA5autumnThe aim of the course is to introduce the students to the main rules of the ancient Roman public law, emphasized on the Republican era with an outlook to the time of the Kingdom and to the time of the Principate. Welcomed are all students, who have interest near or after the study of the Roman private law to have more knowledge on the institutions and solutions of the public law.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENRomantic Literature and CultureBTANN406ERDósa AttilaBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of LawDERömisches Privatrecht I.AJROMERASMUS05Dr. Sáryné Dr. Gedeon Magdolna PhD, dr. habilMA5autumnDas römische Privatrecht bildet den Grund der Rechtsordnungen in Europa. In diesem Kurs sind das klassische und das justinianische Recht in den Mittelpunkt gestellt, die Gegenstände, bei denen das römische Recht auf die europäische Rechtsentwicklung entscheidenden Einfluss gewonnen hat, also die Materien des Vermögens- und Güterverkehrsrecht. Die Stundeten können durch das Kennenlernen des römischen Privatrechts zugleich eine Einführung in die Grundbegriffe des modernen privatrechtlichen Denkens entnehmen.
Faculty of LawDERömisches Privatrecht II.AJROMERASMUS06Dr. Sáryné Dr. Gedeon Magdolna PhD, dr. habilMA5springDas römische Privatrecht bildet den Grund der Rechtsordnungen in Europa. In diesem Kurs sind das klassische und das justinianische Recht in den Mittelpunkt gestellt, die Gegenstände, bei denen das römische Recht auf die europäische Rechtsentwicklung entscheidenden Einfluss gewonnen hat, also die Materien des Vermögens- und Güterverkehrsrecht. Die Stundeten können durch das Kennenlernen des römischen Privatrechts zugleich eine Einführung in die Grundbegriffe des modernen privatrechtlichen Denkens entnehmen.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSafety techniques and labor safetyMFKOT740010Zákányiné dr. Mészáros RenátaMaster2springThis course covers recognition, control, and regulation of safety hazards in the workplace. General Induction Basics of Law Building Safety/Construction safety Workplace safety-general requirements Emergency and Fire Safety Accidents and First Aid Ergonomics Biosafety Chemical safety Noise Vibration and Radiation Safety Electrical Safety, Safety of Machines Office/screen workplace, Stress OHS Management System, Risk Management and Safe Work Instructions Audits, Inspections and Monitoring Participation on the project courses and preparation of an advancement documentation based on the topic discussed. Project work in a chosen topic. Oral Exam Topics include accident investigation, Workers Compensation, record keeping, training, machine guarding, facilities, personal protection, and fire protection. Upon completion, students should be able to recognize safety hazards and recommend strategies for remediation and compliance.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSampling and qualification of wasteMFEET720016Dr. József FaitliMaster2springSummary of applied engineering knowledge of mathematical statistics and its theoretical and practical application for wastes. The identification, classification and notation systems of wastes according to their origin and tax and customs clearance system. Types of waste landfills and limit values for the acceptable wastes. Waste characterization: basic characterization ? examination of identity ? examination of conformity ? on-site inspection. Physical, chemical and biological analytical methods of waste characterization.
Faculty of EconomicsENSAP Business AdministrationGTVVE1110BALates, ViktorBachelor3autumn
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENScheduling Models and AlgorithmsGEIAK153B-aDr. Kulcsár GyulaBachelor4bothIntroduction to scheduling. Classification of scheduling problems. Resource environments. Job characteristics and constraints. Objective functions. Single machine scheduling. Parallel machine scheduling. Flow shop, job shop, open shop, and general shop scheduling. Disjunctive graph model. Scheduling resources with limited availability in time. The role of simulation. Multi-objective optimization. Search metaheuristics. Resource-constrained project scheduling. Predictive, reactive, and proactive scheduling. Industrial scheduling case studies.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDESchriftliche Kommunikation I.BTGEN102AM1Bikics GabriellaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDESchriftliche Kommunikation II.BTGEN202AM2Bikics GabriellaBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENScreen Politics and Film HistoryBTKETN205Zsuzsanna TörökMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/13.htm
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENSecond study pianoZTBANZONG1Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English)Bachelor21Acquiring proficiency in styles through orientation in piano. Acquisition of basic instumental knowledge through knowledge of simple technically feasible works.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENSecond study pianoZTBANZONG2Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English)Bachelor22Acquiring proficiency in styles through orientation in piano. Acquisition of basic instumental knowledge through knowledge of simple technically feasible works.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENSecond study pianoZTZOTOZOKÖ1Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English)Master21Acquiring proficiency in styles through orientation in piano. Acquisition of basic instumental knowledge through knowledge of simple technically feasible works.
Bartók Béla Faculty of MusicENSecond study pianoZTZOTOZOKÖ2Gulybánné Varga Krisztina (English)Master22Acquiring proficiency in styles through orientation in piano. Acquisition of basic instumental knowledge through knowledge of simple technically feasible works.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENSecurity of Computer SystemsGEIAL014B-aGyörgy WágnerBachelor5springThe aim of this course to introduction to the basics of information security and risk management. To declare some definition and firewall systems. The students should be able to build safety systems and to perform security tasks. Protection from physical damage unauthorized access. Data loss, intruders, attack against security systems, advice from DEC, source of dangerous risks threats costs, Confidentialityintegrity availability functionality. concept of protection expand concept of protection, Firewall, TCSEC ITSEC Common Criteria, Attack methods: virus search methods.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSedimentologyMFFAT720030Dr. Velledits Felicitász MargitMaster2springThe course gives an overview of the fundamentals and also about the state of the art of the topic. The position and interrelation of the course with other disciplines is given, followed by the presentation of theoretical basis and then solution of real cases. 1. The place of sedimentology in earth sciences. The main stages in the development of sedimentology. 2. The main groups of sedimentary rocks: (siliciclastic) rocks, biogenic rocks, rocks formed by chemical precipitation, organic sediments, volcanic rocks. 3. Major aspects of rock description (composition, rock, sedimentary structures, fossils) Processes of sedimentation (stagnation, transport, settling / precipitation, diagenesis) The main laws: Steno's laws, aktualismus, Walter's law. 4. Carbonate rocks. Introduction: What are carbonate rocks? Carbonate minerals. Factors affecting carbonate formation. 5. Main sedimentation environments: Wilson's facies belts, their main rock and microfacial types. The main constituents of carbonate rocks. Changes in carbonate-producing groups of organisms during the history of the earth. 6. Classification of carbonate rocks. Pore types. Diagenesis: marine, fresh water, deep burial. 7. Carbonate platform types. Carbonate reservoirs. Comparison of carbonate and silicicastic rocks. 8. Main characteristic of silicicalstic rocks: sorting, sfericity, roundness. Cementation of siliciclastic rocks. 9. Origine, transport, sedimentotation and diagenesis of siliciclastic rocks. Classification of siliciclastic rocks. 10. Sedimentary environments of siliciclastic rocks. Alluvial fans, eolitic and fluviatile facies (sediments of meandering and braided rivers). 11. Coastal sediments, siliciclastic self seas. 12. Delta (river, wave, tidal dominated, Gilbert, coarse-grained and fan-delta). Deep sea fans. 13. Evaporites, manganese ores. Precipitation: radiolarit, chert, diatomite. 14. Fossil energy sources. Coal: lignite, brown coal, anthracite, graphite. Uranium sedimentology. Hydrocarbons: petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, tar sands two written exam: Midterm exam, and Final exam. In both exam must be reached 50% The course gives an overview of the fundamentals and also about the state of the art of the topic. The position and interrelation of the course with other disciplines is given, followed by the presentation of theoretical basis and then solution of real cases.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSedimentology of carbonate reservoirsMFFTT710006Dr. Velledits FelicitászMaster3autumnThe course gives an overview of the fundamentals and also about the state of the art of the topic. The position and interrelation of the course with other disciplines is given, followed by the presentation of theoretical basis and then solution of real cases Introduction to carbonate rocks and reservoirs. Carbonate vs. siliciclastic sediments, and reservoirs. Mineralogy of carbonate rocks. Controls on carbonate production and accumulation. Fundamental rock properties: texture, fabric, composition, sedimentary structures. Classification of carbonate rocks. Porosity and permeability in carbonate rocks. Petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoirs: saturation, wettability, capillarity. Capillary pressure and reservoir performance. Capillary pressure, pores and pore throats. Carbonate depositional environments (beach-dune, tidal-flat, lagoon, shallow subtidal (neritic), slope-break, slope environment, basinal environments) and reservoirs. Depositional porosity. Paleotopography and depositional facies. Diagenetic carbonate reservoirs. Diagenesis and diagenetic processes. Diagenetic environments and facies. Diagenetic porosity. Diagnosing and mapping diagenetic reservoirs. Fractured reservoirs. Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and cyclicity. Relationship of primary depositional facies, sequence stratigraphic framework and diagenetic history to pore architecture and reservoir quality. Sequence sratigraphy in exploration and development. Lectures with powerpoint presentation, field practice consisting of two parts: 1. visiting carbonate outcrops, representing a wide range of carbonate facies, 2. practical workshop in the MOL redepository core house in Szolnok. The ability to apply the acqured knowledge is highly important. Case stuies are presented to the students in the end of each unit, which should be solved by the students as homeworks. Personal experinces, both positive and negative ones are presented to t
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSedimentology of clastic reservoirsMFFTT720005Dr. Juhász GyörgyiMaster3springSedimentology as an earth science: introduction and principles. Dimensions of geological knowledge. Harmonizing different scales (mega-, macro, and micro scales) of data. Subsurface geology: tools and available data. Seismic, well-logs, cores and others. Processes of deposition: weathering, transportation, sedimentation. Outline of sedimentary petrology: composition, texture and sedimentary structures. Factors controlling the nature and distribution of facies: sedimentary processes, supply, climate, tectonics and sea-level changes. Understanding of processes of deposition through sedimentary structures ? characteristic of depositional processes. Applied geophysical methods: well (wireline) logs used for lithological and facies interpretation. Definition of facies, facies associations, and facies models. Definition of depositional environments. Relations between facies and depositional environments. Depositional systems: classification of depositional environments Detailed description of the individual clastic depositional environments (terrestric or continental environments, coastal and nearshore environments, marine environments). Understanding of depositional architecture in a mega (basin) and macro scale. Palaeogeographic reconstruction ? how ancient environments can be reconstructed. Understanding of softwares helping the sedimentological interpretation in subsurface geology.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSeismic collegeMFGFT730029Dr. László GombárMaster4springThe course gives knowledge and skills to plan and complete seismic exploration campaings and to process and interpret the seismic data. The course is essential for specialists orienteering to hydrocarbon exploration Actual, up-to-date topics connected to new results and development tendencies in the field of seismic data acquisition, data processing and interpretation. Year to year selected special topics are offered to the students in the fields of raw materials? (especially hydrocarbon) exploration, as well as of seismic technology development. This subject is also useful for the students to obtain deep insight in the topics of selected thesis work attendance on the seminars and solution of one personal task with presentation. Practical exercises are solved by softwares widely used for seismic data processing and interpretation.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENSemanticsBTANN506ERRobin Lee NaganoBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENSimulation of heat treatment processesMAKFKT349-17-BDr. Péter BarkóczyBachelor7autumnPresentation of the transitions which take place during heat treatment processes. Simulation of the transition processes with kinetic equations. Simulation of the heating with finite element method. Coupling the kinetic equations with the finite element methods. Simulation of recrystallization. Coupling the recrystallization simulation with the simulation of the rolling processes simulation of hot rolling.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENSimulation of Material Flow SystemsGEALT061B-a Dr. Péter TamásBachelor4springGrouping and characteristics of material flow systems. Mathematical description of the operation of material flow systems. Concept and objectives of simulation modeling. Types of simulation models, steps of implementing simulation testing. Modeling of material flow systems. Description of process development methods for material flow systems. Case studies.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENSocial AnthropologyBTKVANA102Veronika LajosMaster4autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENSocial Protection and the Quality of Life in the V4 CountriesBTKETN401Szabó-Tóth Kinga DóraMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/17.htm
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSoil mechanicsMFKHT710008Dr. Madarász TamásMaster4autumnBearing capacity of soils foundations. Settlement and consolidation of foundations solution to problems of stabilitay and settlement. Foundations and embankments over soft soil and peat. Determination of earth pressure active and passive earth pressure. Stability analysis of natural and artificial slopes factors in slope designe reconstruction of landslides. Retaining walls gravity walls reinforced earth walls embedded walls. Geotechnical aspects of deep foundations excavations and hydraulic engineering. Geotechnical problems of open pit mining. Geosynthetics. Geotechnical objects of environmental protection. Engineering geological mapping.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENSpecial DrivesGEGET505-BaGéza NémethBachelor3bothKinematics and dynamics of epicyclic gear drives and epicyclic traction drives. Applications in vehicles (cars, lorries, bicycles), electric handtools and prosthesis. Development of harmonic gear and harmonic traction drives. Applications at the area of space technology and robotics. Lubrication - tarction fluids and greases.
Faculty of Health SciencesENSports medicine, sports physiotherapyETFTT6217EZsolt Gabor Szabo Dr.Bachelor6springSports medicine deals with physical fitness and the prevention and treatment of injuries related to sports and exercise. Sports physiotherapy is a special area of physiotherapy dealing with the prevention, assessment and rehabilitation of different sports-related injuries. The physiotherapeutical branch has the aim of diagnosing and the treatment of problems related to sports or other physical activities. The course aims to introduce these options and present them in practical conditions.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENStaticsGEMET001B-aDr. László KissBachelor5springIntroduction to engineering mechanics. Mechanical models (material point rigid body etc.). Interaction of bodies. Force systems. Moment of a force about a point and an axis. Equivalent and equilibrated systems of forces. Classification of force systems. Special systems of forces (concurrent parallel and in plane). Distributed systems of forces. Scalar systems. First moments of lines areas and volumes. Centroids. The main theorem of statics. The law of dry friction. Statical problems for rigid bodies. Plane and space trusses. Method of joints. Method of sections. Equilibrium equations. Bar force, shear force and bending moment diagrams. Cables. Book recommended: F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnston, Jr., John T. Dewolf, D. F. Mazurek: Statics and Mechanics of Materials. McGraw-Hill, 2011. (ISBN 978-0-07-338015-5)
Faculty of EconomicsENStatisticsGTÜSE1012ABDr. Varga, BeatrixBachelor5springThe aim is to introduce the base of quantitative methods to examine the main processes and relations of business and economic life.
Faculty of LawDESteuerrecht in UngarnAJPENERASMUS02Dr. Varga Zoltán PhDMA/BA5bothDieser Kurs gibt einen Überblick über das ungarische Steuerrecht. Schwerpunkt ist das Ungarische Steuersystem und dessen Reform. Die dadurch aufgetretenen Probleme werden erörtert. Der Kurs beschäftigt sich mit der Einkommensteuer (Steuerzahlern steuerpflichtiges Einkommen von Einzelunternehmern Kapitaleinkommen Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung Administration) und mit der Sozialversicherungsbeiträge und mit den Gebühren für Vermögensübertragung Erbschaftsteuer Schenkungssteuer Gebühren zur entgeltlichten Vermögensübertragung).
Faculty of EconomicsENStrategic ManagementGTVVE2006ABBakó, TamásBachelor5autumnA study of current topics in the management of strategy and strategic change. Guest speakers and experiential exercises will be utilized in addition to lectures student presentations and class discussion.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENStratigraphyMFFTT710005Dr. Less GyörgyMaster3autumnStudy goals:The student will learn how to use stratigraphy (including stratigraphic contradictions) in petroleum geology as basic information for structural modelling. Course content:Principles of stratigraphy. Types of bedding. Relationship between different rock bodies. Unconformity types. Age-determination of rocks. Stratigraphical correlation: fundamentals of bio-, litho-, chemo-, cyclo-, magneto-, seismo-, chrono- and sequence stratigraphy. Geological time scale and stratotypes. Basin analysis: synthesis of different stratigraphic and other methods, its role in petroleum exploration and production with case studies. Stratigraphy and evolution of Hungarian basins.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENStructural GeologyMFFAT720020Dr. Németh NorbertMaster4springIn the limited timeframes of the semester, the thematics includes all topics which belong to the structural geology on introductory level. It also provides a possibility to go deeper in some topics for those who have the appropriate basic knowledge already. Theoretical backgrounds: basic terms of structural geology and tectonics. Techniques of data acquisition, recording and visualization. Stress and strain, deformation mechanisms, rheological models. Brittle and ductile features, their style and origin. Syngenetic structures and their role in further structural evolution. Plate tectonics and large scale structures. Characteristics of tectonic regimes. Practical exercises: use of tools to measure, demonstrate and analyze the structural data. Basics for constructing maps and cross sections. Lecture: Basic terms, information on the interior of the Earth. Practice: Use of geological maps, rules and geometrical basis of construction of cross sections. Lecture: Structural features of the rocks, deformation, description of movements. Practice: construction of cross sections. Lecture: Stresses, mechanics. Practice: construction of cross sections. Lecture: Rheology and failure envelopes. Practice: construction of cross sections. Lecture: Mechanisms and features of brittle deformation. Practice: construction of cross sections with drill logs Lecture: Mechanisms and features of ductile deformation Practice: construction of cross sections with drill logs. Field exercise: structural orientation measurements on folded and faulted rocks. (The exercise is organised by exchange with the contact hours of another course, in 6 hours) Practice: working with orientation data, stereograms. Practice: working with orientation data, stereograms. Practice: construction exercises. Practice: construction exercises. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. Writing a test and constructing a geological profile at least on satisfactory level, respectively during the semester is the requirement of signature. The exam is oral. The program is arranged with giving the theoretical and practical basics first and then going to the application of these basics by making field observations, measurements and then working with these data. The students have to be able to interpret the observed evidences correctly.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENStructural geologyMFFTT710004Dr. Németh NorbertMaster3autumnStudy goals:The course provides a background in the fundamentals of structural geology in the context of petroleum exploration and production. It introduces the methods of interpreting structural observations and determining the 3-D distribution of the lithological units, the physical properties controlling the development of fractures, folds and other structural features. The course also introduces the students to building up, constructing and analysing spatial models. Course content:Theoretical backgrounds: basic terms of structural geology and tectonics. Techniques of data acquisition, recording and visualization. Stress and strain, deformation mechanisms, rheological models. Brittle and ductile features, their style and origin. Syngenetic structures and their role in further structural evolution. Plate tectonics and large scale structures. Characteristics of tectonic regimes. Practical exercises: use of tools to measure, demonstrate and analyze the structural data. Basics for constructing maps and cross sections.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENStudy of polymer materialsMAKPOL102BDr. Tamás József SzabóBachelor3springThe course introduces the categories the manufacturers types and properties of the most common polymeric structural materials. Shows and explains the materials produced by domestic producers trough their catalogs and material data sheets. Evaluating and explaining the different information provided by the manufacturers of specific compounds.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENSurface TreatmentMAKMET255MBN2Dr. Tamás TörökBachelor3autumnCharacterization of surfaces. Fundamental aims and techniques of surface treatments and major trends in their evolution and further developments. Surface coating systems (their selection, technical possibilities and restrictions of their development, properties of coatings and their functions in practice). Complex systems of surface cleaning and pre-treatment techniques. Surface coatings ,developing surface layers by high temperature and diffusion based methods,. Exploiting and application of thermal diffusion for surface treatment. Developing surface films and surface layers via electrochemical deposition techniques and technologies (like electroplating etc.). Chemical and electrochemical surface treatments for surface modification (of surface roughness reflection etc.) and polishing. Corrosion and corrosion phenomena of metallic and non-metallic structural materials. Protective measures against corrosion. Environmental and corrosion protection in surface technologies and surface engineering. Testing techniques in the field of corrosion science and technologies. Inorganic non-metallic and conversion surface films and thin surface layers. Vitreous (glassy) enamels and techniques of enameling. Organic surface coatings (lacquers paints polymers rubbers and composite layers). Testing evaluation and reparation techniques of coatings modified surface zones and improved quality functional surface layers. Principles of tribology (surface properties friction and wear lubricants and the related techniques and technological fundamentals). Novel surface treatment techniques (artificial diamond deposition of thin polycrystalline and amorphous surface layers from gases, vacuum and plasma coating techniques like PVD CVD and PACVD).
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENSurfer for Windows hands on trainingMFKHT73005Dr. Mikita ViktóriaMaster3autumnhttp://mfk.uni-miskolc.hu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/MS-Hydrogeology_ellen%C5%91rz%C3%B6tt1.pdf
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENSyntax 1.BTANN305ERKiss Attiláné Tapa IldikóBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENSyntax 2.BTANN405ERKiss Attiláné Tapa IldikóBachelor5springhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDESyntax I.BTGEN303AM1Kriston RenátaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDESyntax II.BTGEN403AM2Kriston RenátaBachelor2springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDESystem der deutschen Sprache: ÜbungBTGEN523AMKriston RenátaBachelor1autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDESystem der deutschen Sprache: VorlesungBTGEN522AMKriston RenátaBachelor2autumnhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of LawENTaxation, International and European tax lawAJPENERASMUS01Dr. Pásztorné Dr. Erdős Éva PhDMA/BA5bothThe aims of the course named Taxation, international and European tax law - is to give an overview about the most important regulations of taxation, of international and European taxation. This course deals with the main foundations and institutions of the tax law, the definition of taxes, the groups and types of taxes, with the tax systems, with the definition of international tax law, and European tax law, and the legal connection of tax law, with international tax conflicts and the European tax harmonization, and the most important law sources of the international and EU tax law. In this course the students examine the agreements about avoiding the double taxation, and analyze the tax regulation of the European Union, the institutes and legal sources of it. The aim of the course is to make the students be able to get in touch with the taxation legislation generally and especially regard to the international and EU tax law, and with the steps of the European tax harmonisation from the beginning till nowadays. In this course students will be able to study the main results of the harmonization of direct and indirect taxes, the special elements of the regulation as: tax avoidance, tax evasion, harmful tax competition, and the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding to tax law.
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENTechnology of forgingMAKFKT275-17-BDr. Gábor SzabóBachelor5springBase technologies and raw materials of open die forging. Forging operation: edging piercing punching fullering swaging. Design of technological processes for the formation of cavities. Close die forging operations : billet heating preshaping rough forging finishing trimming final product heat treatment. Processes for the formation of cavities. Closed die on forging with flash. Function of flash. Design for material flow and die layout. Design of die cavity filling for the intermediate operations Design for dimensional accuracy. Closed die forging tools. Die materials reguired properties. Dies failures. Calculation of forging loads. Multipart and multistages dies. Effect of forging on microstructure . Fibrous microstructure Forging texture. Forging defects :surface marks or cracks caused by mistakes during formation of the initial or intermediate shapes. Inadequately filled forging due to an insufficient volume or material. Closed die forging with flash advantages and disadvantages. Methodology for desing of tecnology and dies. Equipments for forging: Hammers screw presses presses controlled by stroke hidraulic presses.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDETenzenden der deutschsprachigen Literatur im 20. JahrhundertBTGEN423AMBazsóné Sőrés MariannaBachelor3springhttp://nemet.uni-miskolc.hu
Faculty of LawENThe Criminal Law of Ancient RomeAJROMERASMUS01Prof. Dr. Sáry Pál PhD, dr.habilMA5autumnThe aim of the course is to introduce the students to the main rules of the ancient Roman criminal law. The following topics are covered during the course: the sources and the characteristics of the Roman criminal law the evolution of the Roman criminal procedure law the elements of crimes the impediments of punishability the purpose of punishment the mitigating and aggravating circumstances the types of punishments the main public crimes and private delicts.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENThe Culture and City in the USABTANN507ERVraukó TamásBachelor5autumnhttp://gold.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwangol/www/index.php/oktatas/course-descritptions/
Faculty of LawENThe finances of the pension systemAJPENERASMUS04Dr. Varga Zoltán PhDMA/BA5bothThe course intends to give an overview of the finances of the pension systems in the Member States of the European Union especially in Hungary. The course tries to demonstrate the most important steps to the sustainability of the pension systems and the results of the pension reforms in the Central Europe. The main subject matter is the Hungarian pension system in particular and its problems nowadays. It is necessary to be stated, that the pension system has a hundred year history. It is a very special area, which is determined by the social security law, the financial law, economics, demography and sociology, and also affected by private law. Another subject is the coordination of social security systems in the European Union. The coordination provisionsestabilish common rules and principles which have to be observed by all national authorities, social security institutions, courts and tribunals when applying national laws. By doing so, they ensure that the application of different national legislations does not adversely affect persons exercising their right to move and to stay within EU Member States. In other words, a person who has exercised the right to move within Europe may not be placed in a worse position than a person who has always resided and worked in one single Member State. A migrant worker could face problems due to the fact that in some Member States, access to social security coverage is based on residence, whilst in others only persons exercising an occupational activity (and the members of their families) are insured. In order to avoid a situation where migrant workers are either insured in more than one Member State or not at all, the coordination provisions determine which national legislation applies to a migrant worker in each particular case.
Faculty of LawENThe future of work ? legal and economical changes in the mirror of social innovationAJAMUERASMUS7Dr. Mélypataki Gábor PhDMA/BA5bothThe aim of the course is to acquaint students with the paths before the world of work. Our key questions: How does digitization change the world of work. However, the course is not limited to digitization, but also examines issues related to changes in social issues.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENThe Historical Concept of Central Europe: Approaches, Theories and DebatesBTKETN102Tóth ÁrpádMaster5autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/6.htm
Faculty of LawENThe main question of youth criminalityAJBKRERASMUS57Csemáné Dr. Váradi Erika PhDMA/BA5bothThe course intends to give an overview of the main question of youth criminality on national and international level (characteristics, data, structure, new tendencies, possible forms and methods of prevention and treatment, etc.). Special emphasis will be put on the causes of criminality and the role of family, peer groups, subculture and e-technologies (internet, etc.). The interdisciplinarity is very important, so the course includes approaches from criminology, sociology, psychology, psychiatry etc. too. Several professional tours are organized.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENThe martingal method and its applicationsGEMAK136-MaDr. József Túri Master5bothAt the beginning of the course, we introduce the concept of martingale: a martingale is a sequence of random variables (i.e., a stochastic process) for which, at a particular time, the conditional expectation of the next value in the sequence is equal to the present value, regardless of all prior values. During the course, we review the basic concepts and application possibilities.
Faculty of LawENThe Natural-Law Origins of American ConstitutionalismAJJOTERASMUS04Dr. Petrasovszky Anna PhDMA5bothThe aim of the subject titled The Natural-Law Origins of American Constitutionalism is to provide an overview to the students on the 19th-century natural law conceptions, with particular attention to the views on the state. It seeks to answer the question of how the 18th-19th century natural law conceptions based on social contract shaped the foundation of the United States government system. How did they influence the formulation of the United States Constitution?
Faculty of LawENThe protection of natural and architectural environment in the EU and USAAJALKERASMUS02Prof. Dr. Paulovics Anita PhD, dr.habilMA5autumnThe objective of the course is to make students acquainted with the environmental politics of the EU and the USA and the protection of cultural heritage in the two legal systems. The course will examine the basic rules of environmental law on climate change, air-, water- and soil protection, protection of biodiversity, waste management, and the principle of sustainable development. The course discusses the regulation of the protection of architectural environment, the international treaties on the protection of the cultural heritage as well as the protection of monuments, laws concerning the protection of cultural values and the program of cultural cooperation within the European Union.
Faculty of LawENThe public administration system of the EU AJKOIERASMUS02Dr. Czékmann Zsolt PhD, Dr. Szabó Balázs PhDMA/BA5bothThe course aims at making the students familiar with the topical questions of the public administration system of the EU. The European Union - without precedent in world history between nation states, and over the collaboration-, is consisted now twenty-five countries and more than fourhundred million people in the life of influencing. The European Union (EU) institutions, processes are very complicated. Basically because they are very sophisticated and diverse interests of harmonization, which is intended. Displays the community, local government, employersand employees interestsas well as the citizens interests.
Faculty of LawENThe right to educationAJALKERASMUS07Dr. Jámbor Adrienn PhDMA/BA5bothThe purpose of the course is to familirize students with the basic concepts and basic legal institutions of human rights, especially the right to education. The introduction of the scientific material concerning the right to education, following its academic and historical establishment, is proceeded with analysing the main legal regulations and Constitutional Court decisions on education.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENTheories of Identity and National IdentitiesBTKETN301Zsuzsanna TörökMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/16.htm
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENTheory of Heat transportMAKETT273-17-MDr. András KállayMaster7autumnSeveral industrial-scale and laboratory-scale applications are based on heat transmission processes. The concept of heat transfer implies the transmission of thermal energy between different types of media. The driving force of these processes is temperature difference. The second law of thermodynamics assumes that part of the internal energy of a higher-temperature medium (thermodynamic system) is normally transmitted to a lower-temperature medium (thermodynamic system). In other words heat never passes spontaneously from a cooler medium to a warmer one. While thermodynamics describe thermal equilibration and transformation processes the theoretical models of heat transfer are concerned with dynamic processes where certain forms of thermal energy defined by special parameters are converted to other forms of thermal energy defined by different parameters. Quantitatively heat transfer is effected in accordance with the law of conservation of energy which means that for closed systems energy output equals to the initial energy input (the energy absorbed by the system).
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENTime series analysis and its applicationsGEMAK137-BaDr. József Túri Bachelor5bothDifferent time series will be presented during the course. We show what time series we can use to model different phenomena. During the course, we solve the modeling of many technical phenomena with the help of time series.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDETowns in the Early Modern Europe / Städte in der frühneuzeitlichen EuropaBTGEN104AMTózsa-Rigó AttilaMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~wwwnemet/Oktatas/Tantargyak/BA/Germanistik-winter-hu.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENTransport of hydrocarbonsMFKOT730036Dr. Turzó ZoltánMaster2springHydraulics: Pressure drop in liquid and gas carrying pipelines. Thermodynamics: Temperature of oil in buried pipeline. Pressure loss calculation. Pipeline engineering: Determination of pipe diameters and thickness. Parallel lines booster pumps. Pipeline construction. Centrifugal pumps and gas compressors: Series and parallel pumps characteristic curves control. Instrumentation: Pipeline and metering station instrumentation. Maintenance: Pipeline inspection and repairs limits of imperfection. MAOP calculation.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENTreatment and processing of construction, industrial- and glass wastesMFEET720017Dr. Gábor MucsiMaster3springThe aim of the subject for students is to learn knowledge about the treatment and processing of construction industrial- and glass wastes. Construction industry wastes? types, their generation. Their fundamental process engineering and chemical properties, international experience of their utilization in the road construction. Process engineering technologies. General utilization possibilities. Main types, properties, generation of glass wastes. Types, composition and properties of glass, with special regards to the process engineering, mechanical and chemical characteristics. Utilization. Preparation technologies. Recovery of valuable components. Mechanical and thermal processes. Quality control methods.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENTrends of Philosophy in 19-20th Century Central Europe I.BTKETN106Nyírő MiklósMaster5autumnhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/BTKETN106.docx
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENTrends of Philosophy in 19-20th Century Central Europe II.BTKETN301Miklós NyírőMaster5springhttp://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~btmtt/BTKETN301.docx
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENTribologyGEGET311M-aDr. Ferenc János SzabóMaster3autumnDescription and governing equations of hydrodynamic (HD), Thermo- Hydrodynamic (THD) and the Thermo- Elasto- Hdrodynamic (TEHD) state of most important machine elements (gears, sliding bearings, journal bearings). Iterative calculation of the operational temperature of the lubricant, comparison and selection of the lubrication systems and cooling systems for lubricated machine elements. Seizuire and design to avoid failures. Calculation of safety factor aginst sezure. FZG test, application of its results during the calculations and lubricant selection. Demonstration of Multidisciplinary Optimization of lubricated machine elements for different objective functions (minimum friction coefficient, maximum load carrying capacity).
Faculty of LawDEÜbung im deutschen StrafrechtAJBKRERASMUS15Prof. Dr. Jacsó Judit PhD, dr.habilMA5bothZiel der Lehrveranstaltung anhand von Fallbeispielen die Unterschiede zwischen dem deutschen und ungarischen Strafrecht zu erleuchten. Durch die Fälle werden die wichtigsten Bereiche des Allgemeinen Teiles und des Besonderen Teiles des deutschen Strafrechts erörtern. Durch den Kurs erhalten die Studierenden auch einen Einblick in das System des Strafrechts in Deutschland und in Ungarn. Im Rahmen des Kurses wird auch eine Exkursion zum Gericht organisiert.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEUngarns mittelalterliche GeschichtsquellenBTMNDTORE04Süttő SzilárdBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEUngarns mittelalterliche GeschichtsquellenBTMNDTORE04Süttő SzilárdBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEUngarns mittelalterliche GeschichtsquellenBTMNDTORE11Süttő SzilárdMaster5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENUnit Operation I. GEVGT003B-aDr. Zoltán SzamosiBachelor4autumnDefinitions and principles dimension analysis hydrostatics hydro dynamics flow of compressible and incompressible fluids transporting of fluids pumps pipes valves block flow diagrams process flow diagrams and P and ID hidrodynamical and mechanical unit operation heat transfer and its equipments mass transfer equipments of the mass transfer
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENUnit Operation II.GEVGT004B-aDr. Gábor SzepesiBachelor4springBasics of heat transfer. The heat conductivity in steady and transient state. Solve heat conduction equation with numerical methods (FDM, FVM). Basics of Heat transfer. Basics of heat exchanger design (shell-tube hxc, FPE hxc). Basic of mass transfer. (Equation of state). Vapour-fluid equilibrium. Binary-distillation McCabe-Thiele method. Distillation in packed column. HETP, NTU, HTU method.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesENVisual AnthropologyBTKVANA104Róbert GyökérMaster4autumnhttps://www.uni-miskolc.hu/files/12466/Course+description_BTK_Cult+Ant.pdf
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWaste disposal, landfill operation and reclamationMFKHT720040Dr. Attila SzabóMaster4springTeaching up-to-date techniques and recent results of landfilling - as one possible method of waste disposal - in the field of construction, operation, closure and recultivation, and the interaction of contaminants and the environment Course content: Aspects of site selection of landfills, compatibility problems between contaminants and subsoil. Contaminant retention capacity of soils. Geotechnical aspects of landfilling. Priority list of selected sites. Design of landfills: construction of the base liner system and the leachate collection system. Aftercare of landfills. Up-to-date, high security landfills, maintenance-free landfills. Final closure and recultivation of landfills. Water balance control of landfills. In situ stabilization (aeration, methane-oxidation, water balance control) of landfills. Facilities of landfills, the monitoring system.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWaste incineration and air quality protectionMFKHT730018Dr. András KállayMaster4autumnFlow diagram of waste processing, basic regulations for thermal treatment and disposal. Combustion parameters of wastes: physical state (solid, liquid, gaseous), particle composition, density, moisture and ash content, chemical composition (C, H. N, S, Cl), calorific value. Calculation of combustion parameters: the chemical reactions of combustion, minimum oxygen and air requirement of fules, optimal air excess necessary for complete combustion. Gaseous wastes, normal burning velocity of fuels, flame velocity, flammability and explosion limits, operating conditions for safe combustion, methods for flame stabilization. Flame and flue gas characteristics: specific volume, chemical composition, specific heat capacity, combustion temperature (theoretical and actual), dissociation and adiabatic flame temperature (definition, calculation methods), methods for increasing/reducing combustion temperature. Technical parameters of waste incineration, auto-ignition range, grid types and grid structures, combustion chamber geometry, the construction of refractory walls (design and structure). Hazardous waste disposal (by incineration), required minimum incineration temperature, the thermal treatment of halogenated waste, present-day waste incinerators, determination of post-combustion chamber (?afterburners?). Characterization of solid combustion residues: physical-chemical properties, mineral composition, thermal behaviour, sintering and ash fusion characteristics, melting temperature. Treatment and disposal of slags and fly ash. Burners: classification, geometry, sizing, fuel injection by spray nozzles (oil burners). Air pollution control: regulatory measures and provisions for waste incineration, possible allowed emission and immission concentrations (EU target values). Gaseous pollutants: CO, radicals, sulphur oxides, NOx formation (conditions, intensity), primary reduction methods, determination of gas emission concentrations. Characterization of gaseous pollutants, options for secondary emission reduction, flue gas cleaning methods and equipment. Definition of dust (for environmental regulations), properties of particulate matter (PM), separation and collection mechanisms, design and operation of dust collection systems (separators)
Faculty of Materials and Chemical EngineeringENWaste incineration and air quality protectionMAKETT730018Dr. András KállayMaster4autumnFlow diagram of waste processing, basic regulations for thermal treatment and disposal. Combustion parameters of wastes: physical state (solid, liquid, gaseous), particle composition, density, moisture and ash content, chemical composition (C, H. N, S, Cl), calorific value. Calculation of combustion parameters: the chemical reactions of combustion, minimum oxygen and air requirement of fules, optimal air excess necessary for complete combustion. Gaseous wastes, normal burning velocity of fuels, flame velocity, flammability and explosion limits, operating conditions for safe combustion, methods for flame stabilization. Flame and flue gas characteristics: specific volume, chemical composition, specific heat capacity, combustion temperature (theoretical and actual), dissociation and adiabatic flame temperature (definition, calculation methods), methods for increasing/reducing combustion temperature. Technical parameters of waste incineration, auto-ignition range, grid types and grid structures, combustion chamber geometry, the construction of refractory walls (design and structure). Hazardous waste disposal (by incineration), required minimum incineration temperature, the thermal treatment of halogenated waste, present-day waste incinerators, determination of post-combustion chamber (?afterburners?). Characterization of solid combustion residues: physical-chemical properties, mineral composition, thermal behaviour, sintering and ash fusion characteristics, melting temperature. Treatment and disposal of slags and fly ash. Burners: classification, geometry, sizing, fuel injection by spray nozzles (oil burners). Air pollution control: regulatory measures and provisions for waste incineration, possible allowed emission and immission concentrations (EU target values). Gaseous pollutants: CO, radicals, sulphur oxides, NOx formation (conditions, intensity), primary reduction methods, determination of gas emission concentrations. Characterization of gaseous pollutants, options for secondary emission reduction, flue gas cleaning methods and equipment. Definition of dust (for environmental regulations), properties of particulate matter (PM), separation and collection mechanisms, design and operation of dust collection systems (separators)
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWaste processing machines and their operationMFEET730020Dr. Ádám RáczMaster5autumnThe aim of the subject for students is to learn knowledge about the design, operation and selection of machinery and equipment used in waste processing (shredding equipment, classification equipment, separators, biological thermal and chemical processing equipment (e.g. reactors). Shredding equipment (hammer schredder, cutting mill, rotary cutter shredder) design, operation and selection. Classification equipment (flat and drum screen) design, operation and selection. Separator (magnetic, eddy current, electrostatic, air-flow separators) design, operation and selection. Biological thermal and chemical processing equipment (e.g. reactors) design, operation and selection.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWater and waste water purificationMFEET730028Dr. Nagy SándorMaster2autumnThe students will be familiar with the basic elements and concepts of modern water and waste water purification technology and processes. The students will be able to choose the right purification technology concerning environmental protection aspects. The short curriculum of the subject: Contamination and pollution processes in water. Pollution limits in water and in groundwater. The most typical contaminants and their physical and chemical properties. Sampling and preparations of samples. Cleaning and purification technology for municipal and industrial waste water. Technology design.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWater quality protectionMFKHT720023Dr. Szűcs PéterMaster3springThe students will be familiar with the basic concepts, tasks and purposes of water quality protection. The students will also learn about the contamination transport processes in surface water as well as in groundwater. The students will be prepared to assess and solve different water quality and contamination problems. The students will learn about the different tasks given by the European Water Framework in order to achieve the good status of water resources. The short curriculum of the subject: Water as an environmental agent. General tasks and objectives of water quality protection. Water chemistry. Qualification of water samples. Transport processes in water. Vulnerability methods concerning groundwater resources. Remediation methods in case of different contaminations. Water quality models. Current quality status of national water resources. Water quality balance calculations. Natural water purification methods. Practical work: self-made solutions of simple case-study problems.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWaterminingMFKHT740021Dr. Madarász TamásMaster3autumnThe students shall be acquainted with the design, drilling, construction and operation of groundwater wells. The curriculum discusses other type of water production installations. The students will be competent in designing a drilled groundwater well and preparing the documentation for the technical and legal permission of the well. Production techniques, operation and maintenance of groundwater wells close the curriculum. The short curriculum of the subject: Selection of drilling technique and its main aspects, influencing factors in drilling operations, Classification of groundwater wells, applied well designs, types and classification of well screens, Design and requirements of well screens, materials of well screens, screen installation techniques, installation of groundwater well, measurements in operating wells, well maintenance and repair, Well design project.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWaterworks, water supplyMFKHT720027Dr. Madarász TamásMaster3springThe students will be familiar with the basic elements of modern waterworks and water supply. Based actual geodesy survey the students will be able to design the necessary parts of a working waterworks plant as well as pipe system of the water distribution system. The short curriculum of the subject: The estimation and calculation of the water demand. Water demand for the fireworks. The measurement of the water loss in the supply system. Requirements concerning the water quality. Pumps pipes water towers and their hydraulics.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and InformaticsENWEB Technologies ? Theory and Current PracticesGEIAL331B-aAnita AgárdiBachelor5autumnThis course gives a detailed overview on the technologies powering the World Wide Web. Starting with the fundamentals of http followed by software development technologies supporting web applications such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWell completion designMFKOT720014Dr. Federer ImreMaster3springThe main subjects of the curriculum: tubing string design recommended torque for threaded coupling tubing elongation tubing movements introduction of packer types calculation of packer forces connection between tubing and packer well completion tools selection perforating techniques control the formation damage well completion fluids gravel pack techniques formation stimulation hydraulic fracturing matrix acidizing coiled tubing operations wireline operations nitrogen operations well completion quality control.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWell control lab.MFKOT730014Dr. Kovácsné Federer GabriellaMaster3springCauses of kicks warning signs of kicks shutting-in procedures the risk of shallow gas stripping operation pressure balance in the hole behavior of gas in the well well control methods well control equipment BOP stack arrangements manifolds and valves systems other devices the functions and capacity of the accumulator unit pressure testing of well control equipment regulations and standards.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWell-field and groundwater resources protectionMFKHT730032Dr. Perger LászlóMaster3autumnPresentation of 2000/60 EU Water Framework Directive and 2006/118 EU Groundwater Directive, preliminary and surveilling works of wellfield and groundwater resources protection (previous research outputs, groundwater monitoring information), qualification of vulnerability of different groundwater and shallow-groundwater aquifers, surveilling and classification of point and diffuse contamination sources, land uses, different ways of prevention, get fit the transport model, to define the travelling time, rik assessment analysis of remediation and restriction of source uses, well protection, well-field protection, groundwater resources protection, calculation and delineation of vulnerable zones, maintenance and monitoring of vulnerable zones, vulnerable transboundary groundwater issues, practices.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENWell-logging collegeMFGFT730030Dr. Norbert Péter SzabóMaster4springThe course gives knowledge and skills to plan and complete well logging measurements and interpret the acquired data. The course is essential for specialists orienteering to hydrocarbon exploration Well-logging measurements sensitive to lithology. Integral and spectral natural gamma-ray intensity logging. Spontaneous potential logging. Gamma-gamma logging based on photoelectric effect. Determination of shale volume in sediments. Well-logging measurements sensitive to porosity. Density (gamma-gamma) logging. Neutron-neutron logging. Sonic logging. Determination of Stoneley permeability. Determination of porosity using single well logs. Determination of porosity and lithology with the simultaneous use of well logs (i.e. crossplot techniques). Nuclear magnetic resonance logging. Determination of NMR porosity, pore-size distribution, and permeability. The Free Fluid Index. Determination of water saturation using modified Archie?s equations. The total shale model. The Dual Water model. Estimation of the invasion parameters by means of the inversion of resistivity data. Borehole image logging. Resistivity, acoustic image and optical measurement techniques. Borehole radar measurements. The possibilities of radar tomography. Interpretation of well logs acquired from hydrocarbon wells. Evaluation of shaly-sand reservoirs. Evaluation of unconventional reservoirs. Hydrogeophysical well-logging methods. Evaluation of petrophysical parameters of groundwater formations. The principles and applications of engineering geophysical sounding measurements. The inversion and statistical evaluation of EGS data. Interpretation of well logs acquired from mineral exploration wells. Evaluation of coals, bauxites and ores. Theoretical probe response functions. Analysis of parameter sensitivity functions. Solution of the forward problem. Simultaneous processing of well logs using local inverse modeling. Estimation of petrophysical parameters of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Introduction to GLOBAL and OPTIMA systems. Quality check of the estimated model. Interval inversion of well logs. Estimation of rock boundary coordinates and zone parameters. Multivariate statistical processing of well logs. Rock typing, estimation of petrophysical parameters using cluster analysis and factor analysis. Replacement of well logs for unmeasured intervals. Schlumberger Techlog as an interpretation (software) system used in the current oilfield practice. Attendance at lectures is regulated by the university code of education and examination. One writing test with satisfactory results, one individual assignment and one powerpoint presentation are the requirement of signature Practical exercises are solved by softwares widely used for well logging and interpretation.
Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesDEWelterben in UngarnBTMNDTORE10Viskolcz NoémiBachelor5bothhttps://tti.uni-miskolc.hu/
Faculty of EconomicsENWorld EconomicsGTVGT212MADr. Szendi, DóraMaster5autumnThe main objective is to give theoretical and methodological background to the studies and explanation of the World economic processes and effects, and to represent the determining big regions of the World economy (both traditional and emerging centres). Beside this the course gives an overview of the international factor flow (products, services, labour, capital) and its development effects.
Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and EngineeringENX-ray diffraction applications for petroleum geologyMFFAT730042Dr. Kristály FerencMaster4autumnThe course gives an overview of the theoretical and practical fundamentals and also about the state of the art of the X-ray diffraction techniques. 1. Introduction to X-ray diffraction: crystallography review, X-rays and diffraction techniques, powder diffraction 2. Sample and specimen preparation for good diffraction practice, systematic aberrations, errors in obtained data, standards and calibration 3. Relations of crystal structures and XRD results, structure refinement 4. Interpretation of obtained data, mineral identification, proper use of databases, reference materials, integration of mineralogy knowledge into X-ray data evaluation 5. Quantitative evaluation, methods and practices, possibilities and limitations, software solutions 6. Mineral identification and quantification with solid solution species, use of mixtures from reference materials 7. Clay minerals, crystallography and mineralogy, properties, importance in petroleum geology, their investigation by XRD 8. Preparation of clay mineral samples and specimens, limitations, diagnostic chemical treatments 9. Diagnostic clay mineral investigation, detailed identification, data interpretation and integration into XRD mineralogy 10. Quantitative techniques for clay mixtures 11. Other analytical methods for XRD data validation, integration of chemical and petrology results 12. Preparing and selecting essential data for petrology report, documentation solutions 13. Testing the ability to apply XRD knowledge in petrology research planning. Lectures with .ppt presentation, laboratory exercises for sample and specimen preparation, data evaluation, interpretation of results, methods for data validation and documentation. Students acquire the skills of X-ray pattern analysis and interpretation with learning by doing method